
ScaleInstrumentComponent v1


Scales all detectors in a component around the component position.

See Also

RotateInstrumentComponent, SetInstrumentParameter, MoveInstrumentComponent











The name of the workspace containing the instrument component to be scaled.




The name of the component to scale. Component names are defined in the instrument definition files. A pathname delineated by ‘/’ may be used for non-unique name.



dbl list


A 3D vector specifying the scaling factors for the component.





Scale the pixel dimensions of the detector.


This algorithm scales the detecor pixels in a component. This can effectively expand or contract the overall dimensions of the component by resizing its detector pixels, without moving its geometrical center. You can choose to scale the component without scaling the size of the detector pixels. This would allow you to expand or contract the detector positions without changing the size of the pixels.

The vector position of each detector is determined by \(Mr + (1 - M)R\) where \(M\) is a diagonal matrix with diagonal components given by parameter scalings, \(R\) is the geometrical center of the component, and \(r\) is the position of the detector.

You can specify a pathname as the name of a non-unique component (e.g. “WISH/panel03/WISHpanel03/tube005”). You can also skip parts not needed for uniqueness (e.g. “panel03/tube005”). For a unique component, you can just specify the name (e.g. “panel03”).



For both examples, this is the starting size and position of the ‘front’ and ‘back’ component.

Example 1: Scale a Component and Detector Pixels


Scaling a component and all detectors. All the pixels will be scaled with the component.

def printComponentPositions(ws, component):
  compInfo = ws.componentInfo()
  compIndex = compInfo.indexOfAny(component)
  print(f'Position of {component}: {compInfo.position(compIndex)}')
  for i in compInfo.detectorsInSubtree(compIndex):
    print(f'Detector {i} - Position: {compInfo.position(int(i))}, Pixel Scale: {compInfo.scaleFactor(int(i))}')

# Load a MUSR file
musr = Load('MUSR00015189')
# and use the first workspace in the workspace group
ws = mtd['musr_1']

# Original position of 'front' component
print("Before ScaleInstrumentComponent")
printComponentPositions(ws, 'front')

# Scale the 'front' component by vector (2,2,2)
ScaleInstrumentComponent(ws, ComponentName='front', scalings=[2.0, 2.0, 2.0])

# Check the new position of 'front' component and detectors
print("\nAfter ScaleInstrumentComponent")
printComponentPositions(ws, 'front')


Before ScaleInstrumentComponent
Position of front: [0,0,-0.145]
Detector 32 - Position: [0.0888151,-0.108221,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 33 - Position: [0.0659955,-0.123469,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 34 - Position: [0.0406399,-0.133972,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 35 - Position: [0.0137224,-0.139326,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 36 - Position: [-0.0137224,-0.139326,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 37 - Position: [-0.0406399,-0.133972,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 38 - Position: [-0.0659955,-0.123469,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 39 - Position: [-0.0888151,-0.108221,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 40 - Position: [-0.108221,-0.0888151,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 41 - Position: [-0.123469,-0.0659955,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 42 - Position: [-0.133972,-0.0406399,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 43 - Position: [-0.139326,-0.0137224,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 44 - Position: [-0.139326,0.0137224,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 45 - Position: [-0.133972,0.0406399,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 46 - Position: [-0.123469,0.0659955,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 47 - Position: [-0.108221,0.0888151,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 48 - Position: [-0.0888151,0.108221,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 49 - Position: [-0.0659955,0.123469,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 50 - Position: [-0.0406399,0.133972,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 51 - Position: [-0.0137224,0.139326,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 52 - Position: [0.0137224,0.139326,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 53 - Position: [0.0406399,0.133972,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 54 - Position: [0.0659955,0.123469,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 55 - Position: [0.0888151,0.108221,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 56 - Position: [0.108221,0.0888151,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 57 - Position: [0.123469,0.0659955,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 58 - Position: [0.133972,0.0406399,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 59 - Position: [0.139326,0.0137224,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 60 - Position: [0.139326,-0.0137224,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 61 - Position: [0.133972,-0.0406399,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 62 - Position: [0.123469,-0.0659955,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 63 - Position: [0.108221,-0.0888151,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]

After ScaleInstrumentComponent
Position of front: [0,0,-0.145]
Detector 32 - Position: [0.17763,-0.216443,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 33 - Position: [0.131991,-0.246938,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 34 - Position: [0.0812797,-0.267943,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 35 - Position: [0.0274448,-0.278652,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 36 - Position: [-0.0274448,-0.278652,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 37 - Position: [-0.0812797,-0.267943,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 38 - Position: [-0.131991,-0.246938,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 39 - Position: [-0.17763,-0.216443,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 40 - Position: [-0.216443,-0.17763,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 41 - Position: [-0.246938,-0.131991,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 42 - Position: [-0.267943,-0.0812797,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 43 - Position: [-0.278652,-0.0274448,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 44 - Position: [-0.278652,0.0274448,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 45 - Position: [-0.267943,0.0812797,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 46 - Position: [-0.246938,0.131991,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 47 - Position: [-0.216443,0.17763,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 48 - Position: [-0.17763,0.216443,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 49 - Position: [-0.131991,0.246938,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 50 - Position: [-0.0812797,0.267943,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 51 - Position: [-0.0274448,0.278652,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 52 - Position: [0.0274448,0.278652,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 53 - Position: [0.0812797,0.267943,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 54 - Position: [0.131991,0.246938,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 55 - Position: [0.17763,0.216443,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 56 - Position: [0.216443,0.17763,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 57 - Position: [0.246938,0.131991,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 58 - Position: [0.267943,0.0812797,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 59 - Position: [0.278652,0.0274448,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 60 - Position: [0.278652,-0.0274448,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 61 - Position: [0.267943,-0.0812797,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 62 - Position: [0.246938,-0.131991,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]
Detector 63 - Position: [0.216443,-0.17763,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [2,2,2]

Example 2: Scale a Component without Scaling Detector Pixels


Scale all detectors in a component without resizing pixels.

def printComponentPositions(ws, component):
  compInfo = ws.componentInfo()
  compIndex = compInfo.indexOfAny(component)
  print(f'Position of {component}: {compInfo.position(compIndex)}')
  for i in compInfo.detectorsInSubtree(compIndex):
    print(f'Detector {i} - Position: {compInfo.position(int(i))}, Pixel Scale: {compInfo.scaleFactor(int(i))}')

# Load a MUSR file
musr = Load('MUSR00015189')
# and use the first workspace in the workspace group
ws = mtd['musr_1']

# Original position of 'front' component
print("Before ScaleInstrumentComponent")
printComponentPositions(ws, 'front')

# Scale the 'front' component by vector (2,2,2)
ScaleInstrumentComponent(ws, ComponentName='front', scalings=[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], ScalePixelSizes=False)

# Check the new position of 'front' component and detectors
print("\nAfter ScaleInstrumentComponent")
printComponentPositions(ws, 'front')


Before ScaleInstrumentComponent
Position of front: [0,0,-0.145]
Detector 32 - Position: [0.0888151,-0.108221,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 33 - Position: [0.0659955,-0.123469,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 34 - Position: [0.0406399,-0.133972,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 35 - Position: [0.0137224,-0.139326,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 36 - Position: [-0.0137224,-0.139326,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 37 - Position: [-0.0406399,-0.133972,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 38 - Position: [-0.0659955,-0.123469,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 39 - Position: [-0.0888151,-0.108221,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 40 - Position: [-0.108221,-0.0888151,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 41 - Position: [-0.123469,-0.0659955,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 42 - Position: [-0.133972,-0.0406399,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 43 - Position: [-0.139326,-0.0137224,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 44 - Position: [-0.139326,0.0137224,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 45 - Position: [-0.133972,0.0406399,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 46 - Position: [-0.123469,0.0659955,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 47 - Position: [-0.108221,0.0888151,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 48 - Position: [-0.0888151,0.108221,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 49 - Position: [-0.0659955,0.123469,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 50 - Position: [-0.0406399,0.133972,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 51 - Position: [-0.0137224,0.139326,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 52 - Position: [0.0137224,0.139326,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 53 - Position: [0.0406399,0.133972,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 54 - Position: [0.0659955,0.123469,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 55 - Position: [0.0888151,0.108221,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 56 - Position: [0.108221,0.0888151,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 57 - Position: [0.123469,0.0659955,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 58 - Position: [0.133972,0.0406399,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 59 - Position: [0.139326,0.0137224,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 60 - Position: [0.139326,-0.0137224,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 61 - Position: [0.133972,-0.0406399,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 62 - Position: [0.123469,-0.0659955,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 63 - Position: [0.108221,-0.0888151,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]

After ScaleInstrumentComponent
Position of front: [0,0,-0.145]
Detector 32 - Position: [0.17763,-0.216443,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 33 - Position: [0.131991,-0.246938,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 34 - Position: [0.0812797,-0.267943,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 35 - Position: [0.0274448,-0.278652,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 36 - Position: [-0.0274448,-0.278652,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 37 - Position: [-0.0812797,-0.267943,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 38 - Position: [-0.131991,-0.246938,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 39 - Position: [-0.17763,-0.216443,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 40 - Position: [-0.216443,-0.17763,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 41 - Position: [-0.246938,-0.131991,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 42 - Position: [-0.267943,-0.0812797,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 43 - Position: [-0.278652,-0.0274448,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 44 - Position: [-0.278652,0.0274448,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 45 - Position: [-0.267943,0.0812797,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 46 - Position: [-0.246938,0.131991,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 47 - Position: [-0.216443,0.17763,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 48 - Position: [-0.17763,0.216443,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 49 - Position: [-0.131991,0.246938,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 50 - Position: [-0.0812797,0.267943,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 51 - Position: [-0.0274448,0.278652,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 52 - Position: [0.0274448,0.278652,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 53 - Position: [0.0812797,0.267943,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 54 - Position: [0.131991,0.246938,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 55 - Position: [0.17763,0.216443,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 56 - Position: [0.216443,0.17763,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 57 - Position: [0.246938,0.131991,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 58 - Position: [0.267943,0.0812797,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 59 - Position: [0.278652,0.0274448,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 60 - Position: [0.278652,-0.0274448,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 61 - Position: [0.267943,-0.0812797,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 62 - Position: [0.246938,-0.131991,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]
Detector 63 - Position: [0.216443,-0.17763,-0.145], Pixel Scale: [1,1,1]

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | DataHandling\Instrument


C++ header: ScaleInstrumentComponent.h

C++ source: ScaleInstrumentComponent.cpp