

This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::Kernel::ConfigServiceImpl.

This class is used to modify Mantid User Properties

class mantid.kernel.ConfigServiceImpl
static Instance() ConfigServiceImpl :

Returns a reference to the ConfigService

appendDataSearchDir((ConfigServiceImpl)self, (str)path) None :

Append a directory to the current list of data search paths

appendDataSearchSubDir((ConfigServiceImpl)self, (str)subdir) None :

Appends a sub-directory to each data search directory and appends the new paths back to datasearch directories

configureLogging((ConfigServiceImpl)self) None :

Configure and start the logging framework

get((ConfigServiceImpl)self, (str)key) str :

get the string value of a property; return empty string value if the property is not found in the configuration

get( (ConfigServiceImpl)arg1, (str)self, (str)key) -> str :

get the string value of a property; return a default string value if the property is not found in the configuration

getAppDataDirectory((ConfigServiceImpl)self) str :

Returns the path to Mantid’s application directory

getDataSearchDirs((ConfigServiceImpl)self) std_vector_str :

Return the current list of data search paths

getFacilities((ConfigServiceImpl)self) std_vector_facilityinfo :

Returns the default facility

getFacility((ConfigServiceImpl)self) FacilityInfo :

Returns the default facility

getFacility( (ConfigServiceImpl)self, (str)facilityName) -> FacilityInfo :

Returns the named facility. Raises an RuntimeError if it does not exist

getFacilityNames((ConfigServiceImpl)self) std_vector_str :

Returns the default facility

getInstrument((ConfigServiceImpl)self[, (object)instrumentName=None]) InstrumentInfo :

Returns the named instrument. If name = “” then the default.instrument is returned

getInstrumentDirectories((ConfigServiceImpl)self) std_vector_str :

Returns the list of directories searched for the instrument definitions

getInstrumentDirectory((ConfigServiceImpl)self) str :

Returns the directory used for the instrument definitions

getLocalFilename((ConfigServiceImpl)self) str :

Returns the path to the system wide properties file.

getLogLevel((ConfigServiceImpl)self) str :

Return the string value for the log representation

getPropertiesDir((ConfigServiceImpl)self) str :

Returns the directory containing the Mantid.properties file.

getString((ConfigServiceImpl)self, (str)key[, (bool)pathAbsolute=True]) str :

Returns the named key’s value. If use_cache = true [default] then relative paths->absolute

getUserFilename((ConfigServiceImpl)self) str :

Returns the path to the user properties file

getUserPropertiesDir((ConfigServiceImpl)self) str :

Returns the directory to use to write out Mantid information

hasProperty((ConfigServiceImpl)self, (str)rootName) bool
keys((ConfigServiceImpl)self) std_vector_str
remove((ConfigServiceImpl)self, (str)rootName) None :

Remove the indicated key.

reset((ConfigServiceImpl)self) None :

Clears all user settings and removes the user properties file

saveConfig((ConfigServiceImpl)self, (str)filename) None :

Saves the keys that have changed from their default to the given filename

setDataSearchDirs((ConfigServiceImpl)self, (object)searchDirs) None :

Set the datasearch.directories property from a list of strings or a single ‘;’ separated string.

setFacility((ConfigServiceImpl)self, (str)facilityName) None :

Sets the current facility to the given name

setLogLevel((ConfigServiceImpl)self, (int)logLevel[, (bool)quiet=False]) None :

Sets the log level priority for all the log channels, logLevel 1 = Fatal, 6 = information, 7 = Debug

setLogLevel( (ConfigServiceImpl)self, (str)logLevel [, (bool)quiet=False]) -> None :

Sets the log level priority for all the log channels. Allowed values are fatal, critical, error, warning, notice, information, debug, and trace.

setString((ConfigServiceImpl)self, (str)key, (str)value) None :

Set the given property name. If it does not exist it is added to the current configuration

updateFacilities((ConfigServiceImpl)self, (str)fileName) None :

Loads facility information from a provided file