Sample Transmission Calculator¶

The sample transmission calculator allows the calculation of the sample transmission and scattering over a given wavelength range for a particular sample material and geometry.
This UI is a front end for the CalculateSampleTransmission algorithm.
The algorithm assumes a flat plate sample which is perpendicular to the beam.
Input Wavelength¶
The wavelength range to calculate transmission over can be given either by providing a single binning range in the format of a start, width and end value or by providing a bin parameter string as used in the Rebin algorithm, which is a comma separated list of first bin boundary, width, last bin boundary. Optionally this can be followed by a comma and more widths and last boundary pairs. E.g. 0,100,20000 - from 0 rebin in constant size bins of 100 up to 20,000. Or 0,100,10000,200,20000 - from 0 rebin in steps of 100 to 10,000 then steps of 200 to 20,000.
Sample Details¶
The sample details required are the chemical formula which is to be given in the format expected by the SetSampleMaterial algorithm, number density per atom in \(atoms/\mathrm{\AA{}}^3\) and thickness in \(cm\).
The output is given in a plot of the transmission percentage over wavelength and a table of statistics for the transmission (maximum, minimum, mean, median and standard deviation) as well as the scattering percentage for all wavelengths.
Categories: Interfaces | General