
Inelastic Changes

New Features

  • Indirect/Inelastic interfaces have a new Load Workspace History option in the settings dialog.

  • The Elwin Tab of Data Processor Interface now includes access to the Slice Viewer or 3D Plot from the output plot widget of the output workspaces containing more than 1 histogram.

  • The Container Subtraction tab of the Corrections interface has new option not to delete subtracted workspaces when adding new data.


  • Algorithm BayesQuasi no longer throws an index out of range error when using a sample with a numeric axis.

  • The Elwin Tab of the Data Processor Interface no longer freezes when running the tab.

  • The Convolution of the QENS Fitting interface no longer crashes when attempting to fix all IsoDiffRot parameters from the EditLocalParameter dialog.

  • When the ADS is cleared of workspaces that are used to run fits on an open QENS Fitting interface, a warning message now pops up when clicking on the Run button.

  • Fixed a bug in the Monte Carlo error calculation on the I(Q, t) tab of the Data Processor Interface where the first bin had an error of zero.

  • The Elwin Tab of the Data Processor Interface now supports loading data unrestricted by suffix if the option is selected from Settings.

  • On Elwin interface, it is now possible to see the spectrum number 0 on the widget plot of the selected preview workspace. Changing the preview spectrum above the plot widget combo box now plots the correct spectrum for the selected index.

  • The Elwin interface now plots the correct spectrum for the selected index when changing the preview spectrum above the plot widget combo box.

  • The Moments tab of the Data Processor interface now have responsive sliders to changes in Emin and EMax properties when changed from the property browser.

  • The Inelastic Bayes fitting interface now correctly calculates EISF errors on the Quasi tab.

  • Adding new data to the Elwin data table after clearing the Analysis Data Service no longer raises a No data found warning.

  • Plotting a preview of the selected workspace on the Elwin tab no longer crashes Mantid after that workspace has been deleted from the ADS.

  • Fix a cutoff issue with Symmetric Energy Range label in the Iqt tab of the Data Processor interface.

  • The dialog window for adding data in the Elwin Tab of the Data Processor Interface no longer freezes when adding data.

  • Fixed a crash on the Quasi tab of the Inelastic Bayes Fitting interface caused by attempting to load a WorkspaceGroup rather than the expected Workspace2D.

  • Prevented a crash on the Quasi tab of the Inelastic Bayes Fitting interface caused by clicking Run before data has finished loading.

  • Available fit functions in the Function (Q) tab of the QENS Fitting interface are now updated according to the type of data (EISF, A0 or Width) loaded in the table.

  • Inelastic Bayes Fitting no longer crashes when closing the interface while it is loading data.


New features

  • Abins/Abins2D algorithms now support “high-precision” eigenvectors from GAUSSIAN. These are activated in GAUSSIAN with the freq(HPModes) parameter. In previous Mantid versions the Abins parser would fail to read the resulting files; now the high-precision values will be used.

Release 6.11.0