
Diffraction Changes

Powder Diffraction

New features

  • DiffractionFocussing now allows the user to define binning parameters for each output spectrum.

  • AlignAndFocusPowder uses the new binning parameters added to DiffractionFocussing.

  • New powder cell container type added for POWGEN. SNSPowderReduction now accommodates this container type.

  • PEARL powder has a new trans_custom focus mode. This allows the user to specify modules to include in the transverse bank focusing using the parameter trans_mod_nums. The module numbers in the range 1-9 can be specified using the same string syntax as run-numbers - e.g. trans_mod_nums="1-3,5" corresponds to focusing modules 1,2,3 and 5.

  • pystog upgraded from v0.2.7 to v0.5.0, which supports NumPy v2.

  • ISIS POLARIS powder reduction has a new mode, mode="pdf_norm", for when the chopper is off/stationary with a default van_normalisation_method="absolute". The existing mode="pdf" now has a default van_normalisation_method="relative" (was previously "absolute").

  • CrossCorrelate and GetDetectorOffsets user documentation improvements.


Engineering Diffraction


  • getSampleDetails deprecation warning resolved in the fitting tab.

  • LoadEventNexus is now able to load banks 1, 5, 6 as single banks for VULCAN.

Single Crystal Diffraction

New features

  • Updated FindGlobalBMatrix to change how reference UBs are chosen before refinement. Output of error and warning messages has also been improved.

  • Added a table view for groups of peaks workspaces, displaying group indices alongside standard peak data, with all the capabilities of a standard table view.

  • PeakShapeDetectorBin peak shape introduced to store the detector IDs and bin indices for either TOF or d-spacing units. This peak shape is stored on the Peak object after using the IntegratePeaksShoeboxTOF v1 and IntegratePeaksSkew algorithms.

  • ISIS Single Crystal Diffraction Reduction Classes usability improvements:

    • save_peak_table and save_all_peaks methods now accept keyword arguments (passed to SaveReflections).

    • save_nxs=False can now be passed as an optional key word argument to the above functions to turn off saving .nxs peak tables (default is True).

    • load_isaw_ub now checks whether the UB file path exists before attempting to run the LoadIsawUB algorithm.

    • remove_non_integrated_peaks now has the optional argument min_intens_over_sigma to set min I/Sigma (default is 0).

  • SaveReflections now has the option SeparateBatchNumbers to write a different batch number/scale factor ID for each run.

  • IntegratePeaks1DProfile now uses MultiDomainFunction to tie peak profile parameters across pixels.


  • Corrected logic in the all-face centred reflection condition that would cause an occasional crash in StatisticsOfPeaksWorkspace.

  • SaveINS now saves only the minimum required symmetry operations to file.

Release 6.12.0