
Framework Changes


New features


  • FindPeaksConvolve will no longer segfault due to a racing condition in the parallel loop.

  • RemovePromptPulse will now correctly account for the first pulse.

  • CompareWorkspaces will no longer evaluate NaN values as equal to any floating point (including inf values).

  • ConjoinWorkspaces will now throw an error if the input workspaces’ bins do not match. A new CheckMatchingBins boolean property can be set to False to disable this check.

  • Some HeliumAnalyserEfficiency v1 properties have been renamed for consistency (any scripts using the old names will need to be updated):

    • GasPressureTimesCellLength is now PxD

    • GasPressureTimesCellLengthError is now PXDError

    • StartLambda is now StartX

    • EndLambda is now EndX

  • LoadNexusProcessed now correctly determines the number of workspaces in a NeXus HDF5 file. It now counts the number of root-level NX_class: NXentry groups. Previously, it simply counted the number of root-level groups, assuming all were of NX_class: NXentry.

  • Divide will now correctly set the isDistribution flag to true when dividing two ragged workspaces.

  • ConvertUnits now supports histogram ragged workspaces. Ragged workspaces with bin centers (Point rather than BinEdges) still generate errors.

  • LoadNGEM now respects Min/MaxEventsPerFrame inputs.

  • LoadErrorEventsNexus no longer hangs when when the error bank has zero events.

Data Objects

New features

  • EnumeratedStringProperty, which uses EnumeratedString, can be used in C++ based algorithms.


  • TableWorkspace::getMemorySize() now sums memory correctly and returns a more reliable estimate of memory use.



  • CrystalStructure will now store and display deuterium as D rather than H.


New features

  • A new TableWorkspaceNotEmptyValidator.

  • PropertyWithValue types can now be used as output properties from the python API.

  • A new testing function assert_not_equal to make testing inequality between workspaces more convenient.


  • Renaming a plotted workspace, where the plot also contains a line, will no longer cause an exception.


New features


See Mantid Workbench Changes. Release 6.12.0