Indirect Geometry Changes¶
New Features¶

The new Inelastic Data Manipulation Interface¶
A new interface has been created: the Inelastic Data Manipulation Interface. The Sqw, Moments, and Symmetrise tabs have been moved from the Indirect Data Reduction interface into the new interface along with Elwin and Iqt from the Indirect Data Analysis interface.
LoadEMU now loads data from the beam monitor and adds missing environment parameters, reactor power, and scan period to the log when loading EMU event files.
Added support for sparse workspace features in the Indirect Correction Interface.
Changed the
Group by sample
option toSample changer grouped
in the ISIS Energy Transfer interface. It is only shown when an IRIS instrument is selected.
A problem when running MonteCarloAbsorption on an indirect instrument using the Sparse Instrument feature has been fixed. Detectors that are associated with an inactive analyser in the instrument definition no longer cause an error about retrieving the efixed value.