Inelastic Changes

New Features

  • The Interface Settings has a new advanced option called Developer Feature Flags. When developing a large new feature, developers will create a flag that can be used by advanced software users for purposes of rapid prototyping and allowing a faster feedback loop.

  • Moved the Corrections interface from the Indirect interface category into the Inelastic interface category.

  • Moved the Bayes fitting interface from the Indirect interface category into the Inelastic interface category.

  • Moved the Data Analysis interface from the Indirect and Direct interface categories into the Inelastic interface category.

  • An estimate for the Amplitude and Height parameters is now calculated when a fit function is selected in the Data Analysis interface ConvFit tab. The estimate is taken to be the maximum value in the corresponding spectrum.

  • An estimate for the FWHM parameter is now calculated when a fit function is selected in the Data Analysis interface ConvFit tab. The estimate is taken to be two times the difference between the peak centre and the x value at which the first half-maximum y value in a spectrum is located.

  • The Symmetrise tab in the Data Manipulation interface has been modified with better input data validation. Selection markers can now be moved to the negative region upon changing the ReflectType property, and when the central marker is fixed.

  • The Plot Contour option in the external plot options has been replaced with an option to Open Slice Viewer for the result workspace.



  • Fixed an error when loading data into the IqtFit and ConvFit tabs after selecting a fit function and changing the plotted spectrum.

  • Fixed a crash caused by clicking Run on the Apply Absorption Corrections tab in the Corrections interface when the corrections workspace is not a GroupWorkspace.

  • Fixed a bug where the Apply Absorption Corrections tab would not load a _Corrections file if it only contained a single correction component.

  • The WorkspaceIndex attribute for a Q dependent function in the Data Analysis interface is now disabled when it is unused.

  • The StartX and EndX columns of the Data Analysis interface tabs are now formatted to six decimal places, and validated.

  • The sample shape is now used in the name of workspaces generated by the Calculate Monte Carlo Absorption tab in the Corrections interface.

  • Fixed a bug where the contour plot limits in the S(Q,w) tab in the Data Manipulation Interface did not update when loading consecutive files.

  • The available fit functions in the Data Analysis FqFit tab changes depending on whether a WIDTH or EISF parameter is being analysed.

  • The full fit function names are now used in the Data Analysis ConvFit tab to avoid confusion with similarly named functions.

  • The Plot Current Preview and Sample Environment options in the Data Manipulation Elwin tab have been moved above the Run button.

  • Added a missing import line in the BayesStretch algorithm for checking installed packages on pip.

  • Fixed an issue in the Quasi algorithm where the algorithm wouldn’t accept _red files as resolution files when using the QSE option.

  • Fixed a bug in the Elwin Tab where the integration and background limits would not updated correctly using the Instrument Parameter File.

  • Fixed a bug where the Run and Output Options appeared squished on Indirect interfaces.



  • Fixed a bug in the VesuvioCalculateGammaBackground algorithm that meant the order of the output spectra was not guaranteed. This largely affected instances of Mantid on linux machines.

Release 6.9.0