Formatting Plots with the User Interface¶
Plot Type Specific Help
Plot Toolbar¶

Plots Toolbox¶

File > Settings¶

Useful Key Shortcuts¶
Mantid plots support multiple key shortcuts by default. Please note especially the shortcuts k and l, which are useful for quickly switching between linear and log axes scales.
Action |
Key shortcuts |
Toggle fullscreen |
f, ctrl+f |
Reset to homme |
h, r |
Go back to previous view |
c, backspace |
Go forward to next view |
v |
Pan |
p |
Zoom |
o |
Save |
s |
Quit figure |
q, ctrl+w, cmd+w |
Toggle major grids |
g |
Toggle minor grids |
G |
Switch x scale between log/linear |
k |
Switch y scale between log/linear |
l |
Other Plotting Documentation