LeBailFit v1¶

LeBailFit dialog.¶
Do LeBail Fit to a spectrum of powder diffraction data.
See Also¶
Name |
Direction |
Type |
Default |
Description |
InputWorkspace |
Input |
Mandatory |
Input workspace containing the data to fit by LeBail algorithm. |
OutputWorkspace |
Output |
Output workspace containing calculated pattern or calculated background. |
InputParameterWorkspace |
Input |
Mandatory |
Input table workspace containing the parameters required by LeBail fit. |
OutputParameterWorkspace |
Output |
Input table workspace containing the parameters required by LeBail fit. |
InputHKLWorkspace |
Input |
Mandatory |
Input table workspace containing the list of reflections (HKL). |
OutputPeaksWorkspace |
Output |
Optional output table workspace containing all peaks’ peak parameters. |
WorkspaceIndex |
Input |
number |
0 |
Workspace index of the spectrum to fit by LeBail. |
FitRegion |
Input |
dbl list |
Region of data (TOF) for LeBail fit. Default is whole range. |
Function |
Input |
string |
LeBailFit |
Functionality. Allowed values: [‘LeBailFit’, ‘Calculation’, ‘MonteCarlo’, ‘RefineBackground’] |
PeakType |
Input |
string |
ThermalNeutronBk2BkExpConvPVoigt |
Peak profile type. Allowed values: [‘ThermalNeutronBk2BkExpConvPVoigt’, ‘NeutronBk2BkExpConvPVoigt’] |
BackgroundType |
Input |
string |
Polynomial |
Background type. Allowed values: [‘Polynomial’, ‘Chebyshev’, ‘FullprofPolynomial’] |
BackgroundParameters |
Input |
dbl list |
Optional: enter a comma-separated list of background order parameters from order 0. |
BackgroundParametersWorkspace |
InOut |
Optional table workspace containing the fit result for background. |
PeakRadius |
Input |
number |
5 |
Range (multiplier relative to FWHM) for a full peak. |
PlotIndividualPeaks |
Input |
boolean |
False |
Option to output each individual peak in mode Calculation. |
IndicationPeakHeight |
Input |
number |
0 |
Heigh of peaks (reflections) if its calculated height is smaller than user-defined minimum. |
UseInputPeakHeights |
Input |
boolean |
True |
For ‘Calculation’ mode only, use peak heights specified in ReflectionWorkspace. Otherwise, calcualte peaks’ heights. |
Minimizer |
InOut |
string |
Levenberg-MarquardtMD |
The minimizer method applied to do the fit, default is Levenberg-Marquardt. Allowed values: [‘BFGS’, ‘Conjugate gradient (Fletcher-Reeves imp.)’, ‘Conjugate gradient (Polak-Ribiere imp.)’, ‘Damped GaussNewton’, ‘FABADA’, ‘Levenberg-Marquardt’, ‘Levenberg-MarquardtMD’, ‘Simplex’, ‘SteepestDescent’, ‘Trust Region’] |
Damping |
Input |
number |
1 |
Damping factor if minimizer is ‘Damped Gauss-Newton’ |
NumberMinimizeSteps |
Input |
number |
100 |
Number of Monte Carlo random walk steps. |
MCSetupWorkspace |
Input |
Name of table workspace containing parameters’ setup for Monte Carlo simualted annearling. |
RandomSeed |
Input |
number |
1 |
Random number seed. |
AnnealingTemperature |
Input |
number |
1 |
Temperature used Monte Carlo. Negative temperature is for simulated annealing. |
UseAnnealing |
Input |
boolean |
True |
Allow annealing temperature adjusted automatically. |
DrunkenWalk |
Input |
boolean |
False |
Flag to use drunken walk algorithm. Otherwise, random walk algorithm is used. |
MinimumPeakHeight |
Input |
number |
0.01 |
Minimum height of a peak to be counted during smoothing background by exponential smooth algorithm. |
AllowDegeneratedPeaks |
Input |
boolean |
False |
Flag to allow degenerated peaks in input .hkl file. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown if this situation occurs. |
ToleranceToImportPeak |
Input |
number |
Optional |
Tolerance in TOF to import peak from Bragg peaks list. If it specified, all peaks within Xmin-Tol and Xmax+Tol will be imported. It is used in the case that the geometry parameters are close to true values. |
This algorithm performs Le Bail fit to powder diffraction data, and also supports pattern calculation. This algorithm will refine a specified set of the powder instrumental profile parameters with a previous refined background model.
Peak profile function for fit¶
Back to back exponential convoluted with pseudo-voigt¶
Here is the list of the peak profile function supported by this algorithm.
Thermal neutron back-to-back exponential convoluted with pseudo-voigt
geometry-related parameters: Dtt1, Dtt2, Zero
back-to-back exponential parameters: Alph0, Alph1, Beta0, Beta1
pseudo-voigt parameters: Sig0, Sig1, Sig2, Gam0, Gam1, Gam2
Thermal neutron back to back exponential convoluted with pseudo-voigt¶
Here is the list of the peak profile function supported by this algorithm.
Thermal neutron back-to-back exponential convoluted with pseudo-voigt
geometry-related parameters: Dtt1, Zero, Dtt1t, Dtt2t, Width, Tcross
back-to-back exponential parameters: Alph0, Alph1, Beta0, Beta1, Alph0t, Alph1t, Beta0t, Beta1t
pseudo-voigt parameters: Sig0, Sig1, Sig2, Gam0, Gam1, Gam2
LeBailFit supports a tailored simulated annealing optimizer (using Monte Carlo random walk algorithm). In future, regular minimizes in GSL library might be supported.
Supported functionalities¶
* LeBailFit: fit profile parameters by Le bail algorithm;
* Calculation: pattern calculation by Le bail algorithm;
* MonteCarlo: fit profile parameters by Le bail algorithm with Monte Carlo random wal;
* RefineBackground: refine background parameters
Further Information¶
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Diffraction\Fitting
C++ header: LeBailFit.h
C++ source: LeBailFit.cpp