RebinToWorkspace v1¶

RebinToWorkspace dialog.¶
Rebin a selected workspace to the same binning as a different workspace
See Also¶
Name |
Direction |
Type |
Default |
Description |
WorkspaceToRebin |
Input |
Mandatory |
The workspace on which to perform the algorithm This must be a Histogram workspace, not Point data. If this is a problem try ConvertToHistogram. |
WorkspaceToMatch |
Input |
Mandatory |
The workspace to match the bin boundaries against. This must be a Histogram workspace, not Point data. If this is a problem try ConvertToHistogram. |
OutputWorkspace |
Output |
Mandatory |
The name of the workspace to be created as the output of the algorithm |
PreserveEvents |
Input |
boolean |
True |
Keep the output workspace as an EventWorkspace, if the input has events (default). If the input and output EventWorkspace names are the same, only the X bins are set, which is very quick. If false, then the workspace gets converted to a Workspace2D histogram. |
If the two input workspaces have the same number of histograms, each histogram in WorkspaceToRebin is rebinned so that its bin edges match the histogram with the same workspace index in WorkspaceToMatch.
If the two input workspaces have different numbers of histograms, each histogram in WorkspaceToRebin is rebinned to match the first histogram in WorkspaceToMatch.
The algorithm uses the same code as the Rebin v1 algorithm, to actually do the work.
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Transforms\Rebin
C++ header: RebinToWorkspace.h
C++ source: RebinToWorkspace.cpp