SANSILLIntegration v1¶

SANSILLIntegration dialog.¶
Performs SANS integration and resolution calculation based on corrected data.
See Also¶
Name |
Direction |
Type |
Default |
Description |
InputWorkspace |
Input |
Mandatory |
The input workspace. |
OutputWorkspace |
Output |
Mandatory |
The output workspace. |
OutputType |
Input |
string |
I(Q) |
Choose the output type. Allowed values: [‘I(Q)’, ‘I(Qx,Qy)’, ‘I(Phi,Q)’] |
CalculateResolution |
Input |
string |
None |
Choose to calculate the Q resolution. Allowed values: [‘MildnerCarpenter’, ‘DirectBeam’, ‘None’] |
DefaultQBinning |
Input |
string |
PixelSizeBased |
Choose how to calculate the default Q binning. Allowed values: [‘PixelSizeBased’, ‘ResolutionBased’] |
BinningFactor |
Input |
number |
1 |
Specify a multiplicative factor for default Q binning (pixel or resolution based). |
OutputBinning |
Input |
dbl list |
The manual Q binning of the output |
NPixelDivision |
Input |
number |
1 |
Number of subpixels to split the pixel (NxN) |
NumberOfWedges |
Input |
number |
0 |
Number of wedges to integrate separately. |
WedgeWorkspace |
Output |
WorkspaceGroup |
WorkspaceGroup containing I(Q) for each azimuthal wedge. |
WedgeAngle |
Input |
number |
30 |
Wedge opening angle [degrees]. |
WedgeOffset |
Input |
number |
0 |
Wedge offset angle from x+ axis. |
AsymmetricWedges |
Input |
boolean |
False |
Whether to have asymmetric wedges. |
MaxQxy |
Input |
number |
-1 |
Maximum of absolute Qx and Qy. |
DeltaQ |
Input |
number |
-1 |
The dimension of a Qx-Qy cell. |
IQxQyLogBinning |
Input |
boolean |
False |
I(Qx, Qy) log binning when binning is not specified. |
PanelOutputWorkspaces |
Output |
WorkspaceGroup |
The name of the output workspace group for detector panels. |
ShapeTable |
Input |
The name of the table workspace containing drawn shapes on which to integrate. If provided, NumberOfWedges, WedgeOffset and WedgeAngle arguments are ignored. |
WavelengthRange |
Input |
dbl list |
1,10 |
Wavelength range [Angstrom] to be used in integration (TOF only). |
This algorithms performs integration of corrected SANS data. The input workspace must be processed by SANSILLReduction as Sample. That is, it has to have instrument associated with it, and be in units of Wavelength. The output can be chosen among \(I(Q)\) (default), \(I(Phi,Q)\) or \(I(Qx,Qy)\). Separate outputs can be generated for each of the detector components, if so desired.
The resolution can be calculated either by following [Mildner-Carpenter] approach or using fitted horizontal size of the direct beam, when the property CalculateResolution is set to DirectBeam. The latter is currently supported only for D11, D11lr, and D11B.
By default, a sensible Q-binning is calculated based on the size (more precisely, the height) of the pixels in the detector. If requested, it can be calculated also such that at each \(Q\) \(dQ\) is about twice the \(Q\) resolution. The latter is calculated following [Mildner-Carpenter] approach.
Binning can also be specified manually:
One entry¶
If one entry is given, it will denote the bin width and the \(Q_min\) and \(Q_max\) will be calculated from the instrument configuration. The - can be given to request logarithmic binning.
OutputBinning=0.1 # equidistant binning of 0.1 AA, range will be computed automatically
OutputBinning=-0.1 # logarithmic binning of 10%, range will be computed automatically
Two entries¶
If two entries are given, they will be regarded as user specifed \(Q_min\) and \(Q_max\), and the default bin width will be suggested.
OutputBinning=[0.01,2.5] # default binning within 0.01 AA and 2.5 AA
Three entries¶
It three entries are given, it will signify the \(Q_min\), bin width and \(Q_max\). Again _ sign in the bin width will denote logarithmic binning.
OutputBinning=[0.01,0.1,2.5] # bins with width of 0.1 within range 0.01-2.5 AA
OutputBinning=[0.01,-0.1,2.5] # 10% logarithmic binning within range 0.01-2.5 AA
Custom binning¶
If more than three entries are given (odd number of entries), a fully custom array will be constructed as explained in Params property of Rebin.
Check the example in SANSILLReduction.
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | ILL\SANS
Python: SANSILLIntegration.py