TransposeMD v1¶

TransposeMD dialog.¶
Transpose the dimensions of a MDWorkspace to create a new output MDWorkspace
See Also¶
This algorithm is also known as: PermuteMD
Name |
Direction |
Type |
Default |
Description |
InputWorkspace |
Input |
IMDHistoWorkspace |
Mandatory |
An input workspace. |
Axes |
Input |
int list |
Permutes the axes according to the indexes given. Zero based indexing. Defaults to no transpose. |
OutputWorkspace |
Output |
IMDHistoWorkspace |
Mandatory |
An output workspace. |
Performs an axis-aligned traspose of a MDHistoWorkspace. Default Axes setting gives not transpose. It is possible to remove dimensions from the input workspace by omitting those dimension indexes from the Axes property. Axes are zero-based indexes.
Example - TransposeMD
def print_dims(ws):
for i in range(ws.getNumDims()):
print('Dimension %i is %s' % (i, ws.getDimension(i).name))
mdws = CreateMDWorkspace(Dimensions=3, Extents='-10,10,-10,10,-10,10', Names='A,B,C', Units='U,U,U')
FakeMDEventData(InputWorkspace=mdws, PeakParams='500000,0,0,0,3')
binned = BinMD(InputWorkspace=mdws, AlignedDim0='A,0,10,100', AlignedDim1='B,-10,10,100', AlignedDim2='C,-10,10,1')
print('Dimensions before {}'.format(binned.getNumDims()))
# Transpose the workspace
transposed = TransposeMD(binned, Axes=[1,0])
print('Dimensions after {}'.format(transposed.getNumDims()))
Dimensions before 3
Dimension 0 is A
Dimension 1 is B
Dimension 2 is C
Dimensions after 2
Dimension 0 is B
Dimension 1 is A
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | MDAlgorithms\Transforms
C++ header: TransposeMD.h
C++ source: TransposeMD.cpp