Framework Changes¶

The macOS bundle now requires macOS High Sierra (10.13) as a minimum.
The Ubuntu bundle requires Ubuntu 18.04.
Although this release may continue to work on Windows 7/8, this will not have been verified or tested by the development team on anything earlier than Windows 10.
SaveNexusESS to save data and nexus geometry to a single processed file.
LoadNGEM added as a loader for the .edb files generated by the nGEM detector used for diagnostics. Generates an event workspace.
CalculatePlaczekSelfScattering will calculate the Placzek correction from an incident spectrum as generated by FitIncidentSpectrum.
FitIncidentSpectrum will fit a curve to an incident spectrum returning the curve and it’s first derivative.
Instrument Definition Files¶
Mantid is now resilient to corrupted Facilities.xml files, which could sometimes happen occasionally while downloading an updated file. If Mantid finds a corrupt file it will now fall back to the originally installed file, and the corrupted one should be re-downloaded.
A definition file for the NEAT instrument at HZB as been added along with an entry in the facilities file.
The PEARL IDF has been updated with corrections to the instrument flight path and monitor distances.
Data Objects¶
New methods
which returns the out-of-plane angle for a spectrum
Whitespace is now ignored anywhere in the string when setting the Filename parameter in Load.
Added options to SaveMD to allow selection of what will be saved. For MDHistoWorkspace only.
SetGoniometer will now work on all workspaces not just Workspace2D.
Version upgrade LoadNexusProcessed to allow loading of both existing Mantid format Processed Nexus files and those produced via SaveNexusESS.
A new Poisson cost function has been added to CalculateCostFunction.
In SaveAscii it is now possible to save out also the values of the spectrum axis.
IndexPeaks now has options to enter modulation vectors and additional information required for satellite peak indexing. As a result
has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.MaskAngle has an additional option of
The valiation in SaveAscii has been improved to only accept MatrixWorkspaces.
The custom dialog for CreateSampleShape has been removed. It will now fall back to the generic one.
A bug in the conversion to Q3D and ModQ for indirect spectrometers at high Q in ConvertToMD has been fixed.
Live Data¶
Streaming of json geometry has been added to the KafkaLiveListener. User configuration is not required for this. The streamer automatically picks up the geometry as a part of the run information and constructs the in-memory geometry without the need for an IDF.
IPython widget command executor has been updated to cope with changes to IPython >= 7.1
can be configured to allow empty placeholder tokens.
Bug Fixes¶
LoadNexusMonitors bug fix for user provided top-level NXentry name.
LoadInstrument correctly handles IDF files which use all lowercase naming.
Fix LoadMD handling for when parameter map is missing