MuSR Changes¶
Muon Analysis 2 and Frequency Domain Analysis¶
New Features¶
Differences of groups/pairs can be created on the grouping tab.
Both interfaces are now able to analyse Phasequads.
Both interfaces are now able to analyse multiple runs as one run by ticking co-add.

Input validation has been added to First and Last good Data in the Phase Table tab.
When using co-add and creating a phasequad, the deadtime table will now be taken from the first file only.
If the start time of a fit is greater than the end time the interface will swap the two.
Number of Periods has now been added to the end of Run Information.
The tool tip for periods in the grouping table has been updated for more clarification.
Bug fixes¶
A bug has been fixed where ties and constraints were not being respected.
A bug has been fixed where editing constraints resulted in a crash.
A bug has been fixed where global parameter values would reset when changing the displayed dataset.
A bug has been fixed where adding the DynamicKuboToyabe function on the fitting tab of Muon Analysis resulted in a crash.
A bug has been fixed where switching to Simultaneous fitting when TF Asymmetry mode is ticked caused an error.
A bug has been fixed where switching between the Run and Group/Pair selection when TF Asymmetry mode is ticked caused an error.
A bug has been fixed that can sometimes cause the MaxEnt calculation to fail in frequency domain analysis.
A bug has been fixed when trying to do a simultaneous fit with no data loaded after pressing clear all would cause a crash.
A bug has been fixed where changing rebin wouldn’t update the plot in the GUI.
A bug has been fixed where the plot would update incorrectly when changing plot raw and plot difference.
A bug has been fixed where pressing autoscale y without any data loaded would cause a crash.
A bug has been fixed where autoscale y would not calculate the y limits correctly.
New Features¶
The data loading section has been updated for this release. See Muon ALC for more.
The alpha in the ALC interface can now be set for single period data.

An x label has been added to the plot in data loading.
Imported data will now be loaded into all three pages on the ALC interface.
Bug fixes¶
Stopped scientific notation when plotting run numbers on x axis.
A bug has been fixed where exported results were unintentionally being mixed together in their group workspaces.
A bug has been fixed where the Load button had to be pressed twice after an initial batch of runs had already been loaded.
A bug has been fixed where the log was being reset when loading runs after an initial batch of runs.
A bug has been fixed where you could move startx and endx markers past the limits of the data in baseline modelling.
Elemental Analysis¶
New Features¶
A new XrayAbsorptionCorrection algorithm has been added.
Bug fixes¶
A bug has been fixed in the Elemental Analysis GUI where minor peaks wouldn’t be added to a new detector subplot.
A new LoadElementalAnalysisData algorithm has been added for loading runs for the new Elemental Analysis GUI, enabling it to be registered by WorkspaceHistory.
A new Property
has been added to PlotAsymmetryByLogValue to set the balance parameter, default to 1.0.The algorithms RemoveExpDecay and EstimateMuonAsymmetryFromCounts have been modified to use point data instead of bin edges for removing the exponential.
LoadPSIMuonBin and LoadMuonNexusV2 can now return a table of time zeros.
MuonPreProcess has a new input
which requires a TableWorkspace of time zero values.
Fit Functions¶
The conversion factor for field in StandardSC has been fixed.