Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2024 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import json
import os.path
import uuid
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, TextIO, TYPE_CHECKING, cast

import numpy as np

from import mark_cropped
from mantidimaging.core.operation_history import const
from mantidimaging.core.parallel import utility as pu
from mantidimaging.core.utility.data_containers import ProjectionAngles, Counts, Indices
from mantidimaging.core.utility.sensible_roi import SensibleROI
from mantidimaging.core.utility.leak_tracker import leak_tracker

    from import InstrumentLog
    import numpy.typing as npt

[docs] class ImageStack: name: str _shared_array: pu.SharedArray def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray | pu.SharedArray, filenames: list[str] | None = None, indices: list[int] | Indices | None = None, metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None, sinograms: bool = False, name: str | None = None): """ :param data: a numpy array or SharedArray object containing the images of the Sample/Projection data :param filenames: All filenames that were matched for loading :param indices: Indices that were actually loaded :param metadata: Properties to copy when creating a new stack from an existing one :param sinograms: Set data ordering, if false: [t,y,x] if true: [y,t,x] :param name: A name for the stack """ if isinstance(data, pu.SharedArray): self._shared_array = data else: self._shared_array = pu.SharedArray(data, None) self.indices = indices self._id = uuid.uuid4() self._filenames = filenames self.metadata: dict[str, Any] = deepcopy(metadata) if metadata else {} self._is_sinograms = sinograms self._proj180deg: ImageStack | None = None self._log_file: InstrumentLog | None = None self._projection_angles: ProjectionAngles | None = None if name is None: if filenames is not None: = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filenames[0]))[0] else: = "untitled" else: = name tracker_msg: str = f"ImageStack {}" leak_tracker.add(self._shared_array.array, msg=tracker_msg) leak_tracker.add(self._shared_array, msg=tracker_msg) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, ImageStack): return np.array_equal(, \ and self.is_sinograms == other.is_sinograms \ and self.metadata == other.metadata \ and self.indices == other.indices elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray): return np.array_equal(, other) else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot compare against {other}") def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return not self == other def __str__(self) -> str: return f'Image Stack: data={} | properties|={len(self.metadata)}'
[docs] def count(self) -> int: return len(self._filenames) if self._filenames else 0
@property def filenames(self) -> list[str] | None: return self._filenames @filenames.setter def filenames(self, new_ones: list[str]) -> None: assert len(new_ones) ==[0], "Number of filenames and number of images must match." self._filenames = new_ones @property def id(self) -> uuid.UUID: return self._id
[docs] def load_metadata(self, f: TextIO) -> None: """ Load metadata json without overwriting existing values """ self.metadata = json.load(f) | self.metadata self._is_sinograms = self.metadata.get(const.SINOGRAMS, False)
[docs] def save_metadata(self, f: TextIO, rescale_params: dict[str, str | float] | None = None) -> None: self.metadata[const.SINOGRAMS] = self.is_sinograms if rescale_params is not None: self.metadata[const.RESCALED] = rescale_params json.dump(self.metadata, f, indent=4)
[docs] def record_operation(self, func_name: str, display_name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> None: if const.OPERATION_HISTORY not in self.metadata: self.metadata[const.OPERATION_HISTORY] = [] def accepted_type(o) -> bool: return any(isinstance(o, expected) for expected in [str, int, float, bool, tuple, list, SensibleROI]) def prepare(o) -> Any: if isinstance(o, SensibleROI): return list(o) else: return o self.metadata[const.OPERATION_HISTORY].append({ const.TIMESTAMP:, const.OPERATION_NAME: func_name, const.OPERATION_KEYWORD_ARGS: { k: prepare(v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if accepted_type(v) }, const.OPERATION_DISPLAY_NAME: display_name })
@property def is_processed(self) -> bool: """ :return: True if any of the data has been processed, False otherwise. """ return const.OPERATION_HISTORY in self.metadata
[docs] def copy(self, flip_axes: bool = False) -> ImageStack: shape = ([1],[0],[2]) if flip_axes else data_copy = pu.create_array(shape, if flip_axes: data_copy.array[:] = np.swapaxes(, 0, 1) else: data_copy.array[:] =[:] images = ImageStack(data_copy, indices=deepcopy(self.indices), metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), sinograms=not self.is_sinograms if flip_axes else self.is_sinograms) return images
[docs] def copy_roi(self, roi: SensibleROI) -> ImageStack: shape = ([0], roi.height, roi.width) data_copy = pu.create_array(shape, data_copy.array[:] =[:,, roi.left:roi.right] images = ImageStack(data_copy, indices=deepcopy(self.indices), metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), sinograms=self._is_sinograms) mark_cropped(images, roi) return images
[docs] def slice_as_image_stack(self, index: int) -> ImageStack: "A slice, either projection or sinogram depending on current ordering" return ImageStack(self.slice_as_array(index), metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata), sinograms=self.is_sinograms)
[docs] def sino_as_image_stack(self, index: int) -> ImageStack: "A single sinogram slice as an ImageStack in projection ordering" return ImageStack(np.asarray([self.sino(index)]).swapaxes(0, 1), metadata=deepcopy(self.metadata))
[docs] def slice_as_array(self, index: int) -> np.ndarray: return np.asarray([[index]])
@property def height(self) -> int: if not self._is_sinograms: return[1] else: return[0] @property def width(self) -> int: return[2] @property def h_middle(self) -> float: """ Returns the horizontal middle (middle column) of the projections """ return self.width / 2 @property def num_images(self) -> int: return[0] @property def num_projections(self) -> int: if not self._is_sinograms: return[0] else: return[1] @property def num_sinograms(self) -> int: return self.height
[docs] def sino(self, slice_idx: int) -> np.ndarray: if not self._is_sinograms: return np.swapaxes(, 0, 1)[slice_idx] else: return[slice_idx]
[docs] def projection(self, projection_idx: int) -> np.ndarray: if self._is_sinograms: return np.swapaxes(, 0, 1)[projection_idx] else: return[projection_idx]
[docs] def has_proj180deg(self) -> bool: return self._proj180deg is not None
@property def proj180deg(self) -> ImageStack | None: return self._proj180deg @proj180deg.setter def proj180deg(self, value: ImageStack) -> None: assert isinstance(value, ImageStack) self._proj180deg = value @property def projections(self) -> np.ndarray: return if not self._is_sinograms else np.swapaxes(, 0, 1) @property def sinograms(self) -> np.ndarray: return if self._is_sinograms else np.swapaxes(, 0, 1) @property def data(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._shared_array.array @data.setter def data(self, other: np.ndarray) -> None: self._shared_array.array = other @property def shared_array(self) -> pu.SharedArray: return self._shared_array @shared_array.setter def shared_array(self, shared_array: pu.SharedArray) -> None: self._shared_array = shared_array @property def uses_shared_memory(self) -> bool: return self._shared_array.has_shared_memory @property def dtype(self) -> np.dtype: return
[docs] @staticmethod def create_empty_image_stack(shape: tuple[int, ...], dtype: npt.DTypeLike, metadata: dict[str, Any]) -> ImageStack: arr = pu.create_array(shape, dtype) return ImageStack(arr, metadata=metadata)
@property def is_sinograms(self) -> bool: return self._is_sinograms @property def log_file(self) -> InstrumentLog | None: return self._log_file @log_file.setter def log_file(self, value: InstrumentLog | None) -> None: if value is not None: self.metadata[const.LOG_FILE] = str(value.source_file) elif value is None: del self.metadata[const.LOG_FILE] self._log_file = value
[docs] def set_projection_angles(self, angles: ProjectionAngles) -> None: if len(angles.value) != self.num_images: raise RuntimeError("The number of angles does not match the number of images. " f"Num angles {len(angles.value)} and num images {self.num_images}") self._projection_angles = angles
[docs] def real_projection_angles(self) -> ProjectionAngles | None: """ Return only the projection angles that are from a log file or have been manually loaded. :return: Real projection angles if they were found, None otherwise. """ if self._projection_angles is not None: return self._projection_angles if self._log_file is not None and self._log_file.has_projection_angles(): return self._log_file.projection_angles() return None
[docs] def projection_angles(self, max_angle: float = 360.0) -> ProjectionAngles: """ Return projection angles, in priority order: - From a log - From the manually loaded file with a list of angles - Automatically generated with equidistant step :param max_angle: The maximum angle up to which the angles will be generated. Only used when the angles are generated, if they are provided via a log or a file the argument will be ignored. """ projection_angles = self.real_projection_angles() if projection_angles is not None: return projection_angles else: return ProjectionAngles(np.linspace(0, np.deg2rad(max_angle), self.num_projections))
[docs] def counts(self) -> Counts | None: if self._log_file is not None: return self._log_file.counts() else: return None
@property def pixel_size(self) -> float: pixel_size = cast(float, self.metadata.get(const.PIXEL_SIZE, 0)) return pixel_size @pixel_size.setter def pixel_size(self, value: float) -> None: self.metadata[const.PIXEL_SIZE] = value
[docs] def clear_proj180deg(self) -> None: self._proj180deg = None
[docs] def make_name_unique(self, existing_names: list[str]) -> None: name = num = 1 while in existing_names: num += 1 = f"{name}_{num}" if num > 1000: raise ValueError(f"Could not make unique name for: {name}")