Source code for mantidimaging.core.operations.rotate_stack.rotate_stack

# Copyright (C) 2024 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import annotations

from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from skimage.transform import rotate
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QComboBox

from mantidimaging import helper as h
from mantidimaging.core.operations.base_filter import BaseFilter
from mantidimaging.core.parallel import shared as ps
from mantidimaging.core.utility.progress_reporting import Progress
from mantidimaging.core.parallel import utility as pu
from mantidimaging.gui.utility.qt_helpers import Type

import numpy as np

    from import ImageStack

[docs] class RotateFilter(BaseFilter): """Rotates the image data by an arbitrary degree counter-clockwise. Intended to be used on: Projections When: 90 or 270 degree rotation for rotation axis to be vertical for some camera types. Caution: Rotations of images others than multiples of 90 degrees could introduce additional artifacts in the reconstructed volume. Such rotations are usually not required as small tilts can be taken into account at the reconstruction stage. """ filter_name = "Rotate Stack" link_histograms = True
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_func(data: ImageStack, angle=None, progress=None): """ Rotates images by an arbitrary degree. param data: stack of sample images param angle: The rotation to be performed, in degrees return: The rotated images """ h.check_data_stack(data) if angle is None: raise ValueError('Value must be provided for angle parameter') progress = Progress.ensure_instance(progress, task_name='Rotate Stack') _do_rotation(data, round(angle, 3), progress) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def register_gui(form, on_change, view): from mantidimaging.gui.utility import add_property_to_form dropdown = QComboBox() dropdown.addItems(['90', '180', '270', 'Custom']) _, dropdown = add_property_to_form('Angle presets (degrees)', Type.CHOICE, 0, ('0', '90', '180', '270', "Custom"), form=form, on_change=on_change, tooltip="How much degrees to rotate counter-clockwise") _, angle = add_property_to_form('Custom Angle of rotation\ncounter clockwise (degrees)', Type.FLOAT, 0, (-359, 359), form=form, on_change=on_change, tooltip="How much degrees to rotate counter-clockwise") angle.setDecimals(3) angle.setEnabled(False) dropdown.currentTextChanged.connect(lambda text: RotateFilter._update_angle(angle, dropdown)) return {"angle": angle}
[docs] @staticmethod def execute_wrapper(angle=None): return partial(RotateFilter.filter_func, angle=angle.value())
@staticmethod def _update_angle(angle, dropdown): """ Handle Dropdown change event to set value is angle is not custom :param angle: angle widget :param dropdown: dropdown widget """ if dropdown.currentText() == 'Custom': angle.setEnabled(True) else: angle.setValue(float(dropdown.currentText())) angle.setEnabled(False)
def _get_cardinal_angle(general_angle) -> int: """ Calculates the cardinal angle based on the general input angle by rounding to the nearest 90 degree and then mod 360. Ths is used to determine if the angle is a cardinal angle or not and also return a cardinal angle for in-place rotations. param: value: general angle of rotation return: angle: cardinal angle of rotation """ return (round(general_angle / 90) * 90) % 360 def _do_rotation(data, angle, progress) -> np.ndarray: """ Handle rotation of image slice by angle. This includes rotation of aspect ratio and in place rotation depending on angle. param array_index: index of array in array_list param data: current image data array param angle: angle of rotation return: new_data: rotated image data array """ angle = angle % 360 if angle == _get_cardinal_angle(angle): data.shared_array = _cardinal_rotation_per_slice(data, angle, progress) else: data.shared_array = _cardinal_rotation_per_slice(data, _get_cardinal_angle(angle), progress) data.shared_array = _inplace_rotation([0], data, angle - _get_cardinal_angle(angle), progress) return data def _cardinal_rotation_per_slice(data: ImageStack, angle: float, progress) -> pu.SharedArray: """ Perform a cardinal rotation of the image stack by angle if angle is cardinal and additionally in-place rotation if general angle. param: data: current image data array param: angle: angle of rotation param: progress: progress bar return: new_data: rotated image data array """ z_axis, y_axis, x_axis = rotated_shape: tuple = (z_axis, x_axis, y_axis) if angle == 0 or angle == 180: new_data = _inplace_rotation(z_axis, data, angle, progress) else: new_data = pu.create_array(rotated_shape, ps.run_compute_func(_compute_cardinal_rotation_per_slice, z_axis, [data.shared_array, new_data], {"angle": angle}, progress) return new_data def _inplace_rotation(number_of_slices: int, data, angle: float, progress) -> pu.SharedArray: """ In-place rotation of image slices by angle. param: number_of_slices: array slices param: data: current image data array param: angle: angle of rotation param: progress: progress bar return: new_data: rotated image data array """ ps.run_compute_func(_compute_rotation_per_slice_inplace, number_of_slices, data.shared_array, {"angle": angle}, progress) return data.shared_array def _compute_cardinal_rotation_per_slice(array_index, array_list, angle): """ Rotate array in increments of 90 degrees. param: array_index: index of array in array_list param: array_list: list of arrays - [old_array, new_array] param: angle: angle of rotation """ cardinal_rotation = {0: 0, 90: 1, 180: 2, 270: 3} array_list[1][array_index] = np.rot90(array_list[0][array_index], k=cardinal_rotation[angle["angle"]]) def _compute_rotation_per_slice_inplace(array_index, array_list, angle): """ Rotate array in-place so that aspect ratio is not changed param: array_list: list of arrays - [array] param: angle: angle of rotation """ array_list[array_index] = rotate(array_list[array_index], angle["angle"])