Source code for mantidimaging.core.utility.imat_log_file_parser

# Copyright (C) 2024 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import annotations

import csv
import re
from enum import Enum, auto
from itertools import zip_longest
from logging import getLogger
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy
import numpy as np

from mantidimaging.core.utility.data_containers import Counts, ProjectionAngles

    from pathlib import Path

LOG = getLogger(__name__)

def _get_projection_number(s: str) -> int:
    return int(re.sub(r"\D", "", s.split(":")[1]))

def _get_angle(s: str) -> str:
    return s[s.rfind(":") + 1:].strip()

[docs] class IMATLogColumn(Enum): TIMESTAMP = auto() # currently these 2 are the same column because # the log file formatting is inconsistent IMAGE_TYPE_IMAGE_COUNTER = auto() PROJECTION_NUMBER = auto() PROJECTION_ANGLE = auto() COUNTS_BEFORE = auto() COUNTS_AFTER = auto()
[docs] class TextLogParser: EXPECTED_HEADER_FOR_IMAT_TEXT_LOG_FILE = \ ' TIME STAMP IMAGE TYPE IMAGE COUNTER COUNTS BM3 before image COUNTS BM3 after image\n' def __init__(self, data: list[str]) -> None: = [line.strip().split(" ") for line in data]
[docs] def parse(self) -> dict[IMATLogColumn, list]: parsed_log: dict[IMATLogColumn, list] = { IMATLogColumn.TIMESTAMP: [], IMATLogColumn.PROJECTION_NUMBER: [], IMATLogColumn.PROJECTION_ANGLE: [], IMATLogColumn.COUNTS_BEFORE: [], IMATLogColumn.COUNTS_AFTER: [] } # ignores the headers (index 0) as they're not the same as the data anyway # and index 1 is an empty line try: for line in[2:]: parsed_log[IMATLogColumn.TIMESTAMP].append(line[0]) parsed_log[IMATLogColumn.PROJECTION_NUMBER].append(_get_projection_number(line[1])) parsed_log[IMATLogColumn.PROJECTION_ANGLE].append(float(_get_angle(line[1]))) parsed_log[IMATLogColumn.COUNTS_BEFORE].append(int(_get_angle(line[2]))) parsed_log[IMATLogColumn.COUNTS_AFTER].append(int(_get_angle(line[3]))) return parsed_log except ValueError as value_error: raise ValueError( f"Unable to parse value from log file to correct type for row: {line} {value_error}") from value_error except IndexError as index_error: raise IndexError( f"Unable to parse value from log file to correct type for row: {line} {index_error}") from index_error
[docs] @staticmethod def try_insert_header(file_contents: list[str]) -> list[str]: """ Attempt to normalise data where no header is present by inserting one. @param file_contents: The file contents to be reformatted @return: The reformatted file contents """ first_row = file_contents[0].rstrip() if TextLogParser.EXPECTED_HEADER_FOR_IMAT_TEXT_LOG_FILE != first_row + "\n": if len(first_row.split(" ")) < 4: LOG.warning(f"\nInvalid log file header:\n{file_contents[0]}" + f"Replacing with:\n{TextLogParser.EXPECTED_HEADER_FOR_IMAT_TEXT_LOG_FILE}") file_contents.remove(file_contents[0]) file_contents.insert(0, TextLogParser.EXPECTED_HEADER_FOR_IMAT_TEXT_LOG_FILE) file_contents.insert(1, " ") return file_contents
[docs] @staticmethod def try_remove_invalid_lines(file_contents: list[str]) -> list[str]: """ Attempt to normalise data where invalid lines are the incorrect number of columns are present. @param file_contents: The file contents to be reformatted @return: The reformatted file contents """ cleaned = file_contents[:2] # parser expect second like to be blank cleaned += [row for row in file_contents[2:] if len(row.rstrip().split(" ")) >= 4] return cleaned
[docs] class CSVLogParser: EXPECTED_HEADER_FOR_IMAT_CSV_LOG_FILE = \ "TIME STAMP,IMAGE TYPE,IMAGE COUNTER,COUNTS BM3 before image,COUNTS BM3 after image\n" def __init__(self, data: list[str]) -> None: = data
[docs] def parse(self) -> dict[IMATLogColumn, list]: parsed_log: dict[IMATLogColumn, list] = { IMATLogColumn.TIMESTAMP: [], IMATLogColumn.PROJECTION_NUMBER: [], IMATLogColumn.PROJECTION_ANGLE: [], IMATLogColumn.COUNTS_BEFORE: [], IMATLogColumn.COUNTS_AFTER: [] } reader = csv.reader( # skip headings next(reader) try: for row in reader: parsed_log[IMATLogColumn.TIMESTAMP].append(row[0]) parsed_log[IMATLogColumn.PROJECTION_NUMBER].append(int(row[2])) angle_raw = row[3] parsed_log[IMATLogColumn.PROJECTION_ANGLE].append(float(_get_angle(angle_raw))) counts_before_raw = row[4] parsed_log[IMATLogColumn.COUNTS_BEFORE].append(int(_get_angle(counts_before_raw))) counts_after_raw = row[5] parsed_log[IMATLogColumn.COUNTS_AFTER].append(int(_get_angle(counts_after_raw))) return parsed_log except ValueError as value_error: raise ValueError( f"Unable to parse value from log file to correct type for row: {row} {value_error}") from value_error
[docs] @staticmethod def try_insert_header(file_contents: list[str]) -> list[str]: """ Attempt to normalise data where no header is present by inserting one. @param file_contents: The file contents to be reformatted @return: The reformatted file contents """ if CSVLogParser.EXPECTED_HEADER_FOR_IMAT_CSV_LOG_FILE != file_contents[0]: file_contents.insert(0, CSVLogParser.EXPECTED_HEADER_FOR_IMAT_CSV_LOG_FILE) return file_contents
[docs] @staticmethod def try_remove_invalid_lines(file_contents: list[str]) -> list[str]: """ Attempt to normalise data where invalid lines are the incorrect number of columns are present. @param file_contents: The file contents to be reformatted @return: The reformatted file contents """ cleaned = [row for row in file_contents if len(row.split(",")) >= 5] return cleaned
[docs] class IMATLogFile: def __init__(self, data: list[str], source_file: Path): self._source_file = source_file self.parser = self.find_parser(data) self._data = self.parser.parse()
[docs] @staticmethod def find_parser(data: list[str]): """ Try and determine the format of the log file by checking the first row. for the type of seperator used and then attempting to normalise the data if needed before selecting the appropriate parser. """ if IMATLogFile.get_seperator(data[0]): data = TextLogParser.try_insert_header(data) data = TextLogParser.try_remove_invalid_lines(data) return TextLogParser(data) elif not IMATLogFile.get_seperator(data[0]): data = CSVLogParser.try_insert_header(data) data = CSVLogParser.try_remove_invalid_lines(data) return CSVLogParser(data)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_seperator(first_row: str) -> bool: """ Try and determine the seperator used in the log file. If neither a tab or comma is found, then return a RuntimeError as the format is not recognised. @param data: The file contents to be checked @return: The seperator used in the file Exception: RuntimeError if the format is not recognised """ if " " in first_row: return True elif "," in first_row: return False else: raise RuntimeError("The format of the log file is not recognised.")
@property def source_file(self) -> Path: return self._source_file
[docs] def projection_numbers(self) -> np.ndarray: proj_nums = numpy.zeros(len(self._data[IMATLogColumn.PROJECTION_NUMBER]), dtype=numpy.uint32) proj_nums[:] = self._data[IMATLogColumn.PROJECTION_NUMBER] return proj_nums
[docs] def projection_angles(self) -> ProjectionAngles: angles = numpy.zeros(len(self._data[IMATLogColumn.PROJECTION_ANGLE])) angles[:] = self._data[IMATLogColumn.PROJECTION_ANGLE] return ProjectionAngles(numpy.deg2rad(angles))
[docs] def counts(self) -> Counts: counts = numpy.zeros(len(self._data[IMATLogColumn.COUNTS_BEFORE])) for i, [before, after] in enumerate( zip(self._data[IMATLogColumn.COUNTS_BEFORE], self._data[IMATLogColumn.COUNTS_AFTER], strict=True)): # clips the string before the count number counts[i] = float(after) - float(before) return Counts(counts)
[docs] def raise_if_angle_missing(self, image_filenames: list[str] | None) -> None: if image_filenames is None: return proj_numbers = self.projection_numbers() image_numbers = [ifile[ifile.rfind("_") + 1:] for ifile in image_filenames] if len(proj_numbers) < len(image_numbers): msg = "Missing projection from log. " elif len(proj_numbers) > len(image_numbers): msg = "Missing image file from sample data. " else: msg = "" msg += f"Found {len(proj_numbers)} angles, but {len(image_numbers)} images" for projection_num, image_num in zip_longest(proj_numbers, image_numbers): # is None happens if exactly the last projection/angle is missing if projection_num is None or image_num is None or str(projection_num) not in image_num: raise RuntimeError(f"{msg}\n\nMismatching angle for projection {projection_num} " f"was going to be used for image file {image_num}")