Source code for mantidimaging.gui.widgets.line_profile_plot.view

# Copyright (C) 2021 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from PyQt5.QtCore import QRect, QPoint
from pyqtgraph import GraphicsLayout, LineSegmentROI

from mantidimaging.core.utility.close_enough_point import CloseEnoughPoint
from mantidimaging.gui.utility import BlockQtSignals

    from mantidimaging.gui.widgets.mi_mini_image_view.view import MIMiniImageView
    from mantidimaging.gui.widgets.mi_image_view.view import MIImageView
    import numpy as np

[docs] class LineProfilePlot(GraphicsLayout): def __init__(self, image_view: MIMiniImageView | MIImageView) -> None: super().__init__() self._plot = self.addPlot() self._line_profile = self._plot.plot() self._info_label = self.addLabel(row=1, col=0) self._roi_line = ImageViewLineROI(image_view, reset_menu_name="Reset Profile Line") self._roi_line.sigRegionChanged.connect(self.update)
[docs] def cleanup(self): self._roi_line.cleanup()
[docs] def update(self) -> None: region = self._roi_line.get_image_region() if region is None: self.clear_plot() else: image_region, coords = region self._line_profile.setData(image_region) start = CloseEnoughPoint([coords[0][0], coords[1][0]]) end = CloseEnoughPoint([coords[0][-1], coords[1][-1]]) self._info_label.setText( f'start x={start.x}, y={start.y} | end x={end.x}, y={end.y} | length={image_region.size}')
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: if self._roi_line.reset_is_needed(): self._roi_line.reset() else: # Even if we don't need to move the ROI line, we may have new image data to plot self.update()
[docs] def clear_plot(self) -> None: # Calling self._line_profile.clear() seems to be very slow, so we use this approach instead self._plot.clear() self._line_profile = self._plot.plot() self._info_label.setText(' ')
[docs] class ImageViewLineROI(LineSegmentROI): def __init__(self, image_view: MIMiniImageView | MIImageView, reset_menu_name: str | None = None): super().__init__(positions=[(0, 0), (0, 0)], pen='r') self._image_view = image_view self._add_reset_menu_option(reset_menu_name) self._initial_state = self.saveState() self._roi_line_is_visible = False self._checkpoint_bounds: QRect | None = None # We can't add the ROI line until we have some image data dimensions to position it if self._image_data_exists(): self._add_roi_to_image()
[docs] def cleanup(self): del self._image_view
[docs] def checkPointMove(self, _handle, pos: QPoint, _modifiers) -> bool: if self._checkpoint_bounds is None: return True new_point = self.getViewBox().mapSceneToView(pos) return self._checkpoint_bounds.contains(new_point.toPoint())
[docs] def get_image_region(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] | None: if not self._image_data_exists(): return None if not self._roi_line_is_visible: self._add_roi_to_image() return self.getArrayRegion(self._image_view.image_data, self._image_view.image_item, axes=(1, 0), returnMappedCoords=True) # type: ignore
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: if self._image_data_exists() and self._roi_line_is_visible: self._set_initial_state() self._image_view.viewbox.autoRange() self.sigRegionChanged.emit(self)
[docs] def reset_is_needed(self) -> bool: if not self._image_data_exists() or not self._roi_line_is_visible: return False image_width = self._image_view.image_item.width() image_height = self._image_view.image_item.height() return self.maxBounds.width() != image_width or self.maxBounds.height() != image_height
def _image_data_exists(self) -> bool: return self._image_view.image_data is not None def _set_initial_state(self) -> None: # Prevent emitting a RegionChanged signal from setting the state programmatically with BlockQtSignals(self): initial_pos_x = 0 initial_pos_y = self._image_view.image_item.height() // 2 # type: ignore image_width = self._image_view.image_item.width() image_height = self._image_view.image_item.height() self._initial_state['points'] = [(initial_pos_x, initial_pos_y), (image_width, initial_pos_y)] self.setState(self._initial_state) # maxBounds seem to work relative to the initial position of the ROI line rather than defining # a fixed location, so we need to define a second set of bounds that uses a fixed location for the # ROI line handles self.maxBounds = QRect(0 - initial_pos_x, 0 - initial_pos_y, image_width, image_height) self._checkpoint_bounds = QRect(0, 0, image_width, image_height) def _add_roi_to_image(self) -> None: self._set_initial_state() self._image_view.viewbox.addItem(self) # Calling autoRange on the viewbox seems to change the effect of the ROI bounds when you drag the line to the # very right (before autoRange is called it causes the image to zoom out, but after it's called the right hand # side of the line just disappears off the preview). # We call autoRange here as soon as the line is added so that the behaviour is always consistent. self._image_view.viewbox.autoRange() self._roi_line_is_visible = True def _add_reset_menu_option(self, reset_menu_name: str | None = None) -> None: menu_name = reset_menu_name if reset_menu_name is not None else "Reset ROI line" self._reset_option = self._reset_option.triggered.connect(self.reset)