Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2021 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import annotations

from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
from import Callable

from mantidimaging.core.operations.base_filter import FilterGroup
from mantidimaging.core.operations.loader import load_filter_packages
from mantidimaging.gui.dialogs.async_task import start_async_task_view
from mantidimaging.gui.mvp_base import BaseMainWindowView

    from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFormLayout  # noqa: F401  # pragma: no cover
    from import FiltersWindowPresenter  # pragma: no cover
    from import ImageStack
    from mantidimaging.core.operations.loader import BaseFilterClass

[docs] class FiltersWindowModel: filters: list[BaseFilterClass] selected_filter: BaseFilterClass filter_widget_kwargs: dict[str, Any] def __init__(self, presenter: FiltersWindowPresenter): super().__init__() self.presenter = presenter # Update the local filter registry self.filters = load_filter_packages() # Sort by name for PyInstaller def _name(ops): return ops.filter_name.lower() self.filters.sort(key=_name) self._format_filters() self.preview_image_idx = 0 # Execution info for current filter self._stack = None self.selected_filter = self.filters[0] self.filter_widget_kwargs = {} def _format_filters(self): def value_from_enum(enum): if enum == FilterGroup.Basic: return 0 elif enum == FilterGroup.Advanced: return 2 else: return 1 self.filters.sort(key=lambda filter__: value_from_enum(filter__.group_name())) @property def filter_names(self): filter_names = [] no_group_divider_added = False no_advanced_added = False for filter_ in self.filters: if filter_.group_name() == FilterGroup.NoGroup and not no_group_divider_added: filter_names.append(self.presenter.divider) no_group_divider_added = True elif filter_.group_name() == FilterGroup.Advanced and not no_advanced_added: filter_names.append(self.presenter.divider) no_advanced_added = True filter_names.append(filter_.filter_name) return filter_names
[docs] def filter_registration_func( self, filter_name: str) -> Callable[[QFormLayout, Callable, BaseMainWindowView], dict[str, Any]]: """ Gets the function used to register the GUI of a given filter. :param filter_name: Name of the filter in the registry """ filter_idx = self._find_filter_index_from_filter_name(filter_name) return self.filters[filter_idx].register_gui
[docs] def show_negative_overlay(self) -> bool: return self.selected_filter.show_negative_overlay
@property def params_needed_from_stack(self): return self.selected_filter.sv_params() def _find_filter_index_from_filter_name(self, filter_name): for index, filter_ in enumerate(self.filters): if filter_.filter_name == filter_name: return index return 0
[docs] def setup_filter(self, filter_name, filter_widget_kwargs): filter_idx = self._find_filter_index_from_filter_name(filter_name) self.selected_filter = self.filters[filter_idx] self.filter_widget_kwargs = filter_widget_kwargs
[docs] def apply_to_stacks(self, stacks: list[ImageStack], progress=None): """ Applies the selected filter to a given image stack. It gets the image reference out of the StackVisualiserView and forwards it to the function that actually processes the images. """ for stack in stacks: self.apply_to_images(stack, progress=progress)
[docs] def apply_to_images(self, images: ImageStack, progress=None) -> None: input_kwarg_widgets = self.filter_widget_kwargs.copy() # Validate required kwargs are supplied so pre-processing does not happen unnecessarily if not self.selected_filter.validate_execute_kwargs(input_kwarg_widgets): raise ValueError("Not all required parameters specified") # Run filter exec_func = self.selected_filter.execute_wrapper(**input_kwarg_widgets) exec_func.keywords["progress"] = progress exec_func(images) # store the executed filter in history if it executed successfully images.record_operation( self.selected_filter.__name__, # type: ignore self.selected_filter.filter_name, *exec_func.args, **exec_func.keywords)
[docs] def do_apply_filter(self, stacks: list[ImageStack], post_filter: Callable[[Any], None]): """ Applies the selected filter to the selected stack. """ if len(stacks) == 0: raise ValueError('No stack selected') # Get auto parameters # Generate sub-stack and run filter apply_func = partial(self.apply_to_stacks, stacks) start_async_task_view(self.presenter.view, apply_func, post_filter)
[docs] def do_apply_filter_sync(self, stacks: list[ImageStack], post_filter: Callable[[Any], None]): """ Applies the selected filter to the selected stack in a synchronous manner """ if len(stacks) == 0: raise ValueError('No stack selected') # Get auto parameters # Generate sub-stack and run filter self.apply_to_stacks(stacks)
[docs] def get_filter_module_name(self, filter_idx): """ Returns the class name of the filter index passed to it """ return self.filters[filter_idx].__module__