Getting Started --------------- You will need conda/mamba and CUDA installed, see the :ref:`Installation` instructions. If you are a Linux user, you will also need to complete step 6 of the installation instructions. *Note that the Python commands given below are for Linux only. To run the commands on Windows, replace* :code:`python3` *with* :code:`python`. First download the Mantid Imaging source code using Git:: git clone If you have a github account you can use ssh access (See `Github docs `_ for details):: git clone To set up a developer environment, from with in the cloned directory run:: python3 ./ create_dev_env This will create a conda environment containing all the packages needed to run and develop Mantid Imaging. The activate command will activate the environment. Afterwards the environment can be activated by running:: mamba activate mantidimaging-dev To check that the set up was successful, try running the tests from the source directory:: python3 -m pytest Mantid Imaging can be run directly from the checked-out git directory:: python3 -m mantidimaging or to run with additional diagnostics:: python3 -X faulthandler -m mantidimaging --log-level DEBUG .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: documentation developer_conventions debugging conda_packaging_and_docker_image release testing