Mantid Imaging next release#
This contains changes for the next not yet released Mantid Imaging versions.
New Features#
#2273: Display the modified image timestamp within the live viewer to allow for easier determination of what scan is being displayed within the live viewer.
#2351: Option in live view menu to load current images as dataset
#2361: Multiple Live Viewers can now be opened and pointed to different directories simultaneously
#2375: Add Convergence Plot in AsyncTaskDialog Displayed During Reconstruction
#2430: Add Residual Plot in AsyncTaskDialog Displayed During Reconstruction
2222: Monitor normalisation: RuntimeError: No logfile available for this stack.
#2229: Refactor Codebase by Removing Obsolete Functionality due to Introducing Efficient Compute Functions
#2281 : TestGuiSystemReconstruction test_correlate should check COR and tilt
#2285: Resolve operations windows crop co-ordinates ROI size from being larger than stack bounds. Additionally resolve ROI crop co-ordinate dialog window persistence if parent window closed.
#2309: Fix SpectrumWidgetTest warnings
#2315: Fix adding or replacing a stack within a dataset
#2376: Fix spectrum visibility for ROIs where visibility is set to false are still displayed
#2404: Fix nexus saving and make tests more robust
2410: Added fits file to choose file path
2432: Ensure Flight Path and Time Delay Display Three Decimal Places
Developer Changes#
#2267: Show attribute names in leak tracker
#2267: Python has been upgraded to use version 3.12
#2268: various python packages have been updated including astropy, scipy, nu,py, algotom, cudatoolkit, cupy, and jenkspy
#2269: Pyinstaller and h5py packages have been upgraded to 6.9.* and 3.7.* respectively
#2277: System tests for spectum viewer
#2289: updated packages to deal with numpy deprecation warnings leading towards 2.0
#2296: Migrated from the Centos7 Docker image to Rocky8 to match IDaas
#2300: Pyinstaller add libcurl libraries
#2307: Try to find ShutterCount and Spectra log files within a selected dataset in the loading dialog menu
#2313: Docker images are pruned after being built and pushed to free up storage space
2320: Enhance System Tests for Spectrum Viewer
#2324: Use branch feature on applitools
#2330: The PySide6 module is now excluded when building via PyInstaller due to hook clashes
#2348: Pyright dependancy to project, configure pyright basic rulest and resolve issues raised by pyright in basic configuration
#2370: Add a cancel button to AsyncTaskDialog progress window
#2380: Rename Spectrum Viewer tofPropertiesGroupBox to experimentSetupGroupBox and place into a custom widget.
#2417: Reduce memory use in tests