Command Line Interface ====================== Generating scripts ------------------ Each MSlice plot window has an option in the ``File`` menu to generate a script that would reproduce the plot. This will include the full history of the workspace which provides the data for the plot, and additionally any graphical changes to the plot above the default (e.g. if the axes titles or limits have been changed or additional information such as recoil or Bragg lines added). The script can either be written to a file or copied to the clipboard. .. image:: images/cli/generate_script_menu.png Generated scripts may be run from the MantidWorkbench script window. Alternatively, when written to a file the script can also be run from the IPython console in the MSlice GUI using the ``import`` directive and the ``reload`` (``importlib.reload`` in Python 3) function. For example, the first time the script is run, do: .. code:: python import script_name for a script file named ```` which is on the Python path. Subsequently, if you change the script file and want to re-run it, you can do: .. code:: python reload(script_name) Plotting using Matplotlib interface ----------------------------------- Whilst MSlice uses Matplotlib to render all the plots, it has its own type of figure windows in order to accommodate additional features such as the keep / make current functionality and interactive plots. The MSlice specific figures *do not* support multiple plots per figure (subplots) and will not work in a Jupyter notebook. However, MSlice is also able to plot to a generic Matplotlib figure. To plot a 1D cut using the MSlice figures use: .. code:: python import mslice.cli as mc import mslice.plotting.pyplot as plt ws = mc.Load('data.nxspe') cut_ws = mc.Cut(ws, '|Q|', 'DeltaE, -1, 1') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='mslice') ax.errorbar(cut_ws, fmt='ok') ax.set_ylim(0., 0.1) mc.Show() To plot the same cut using a plain Matplotlib figure use: .. code:: python import mslice.cli as mc import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ws = mc.Load('data.nxspe') cut_ws = mc.Cut(ws, '|Q|', 'DeltaE, -1, 1') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='mslice') ax.errorbar(cut_ws, fmt='ok') ax.set_ylim(0., 0.1) E.g. the only difference is that you must use the ``matplotlib.pyplot`` package instead of the ``mslice.plotting.pyplot`` package and call ```` at the end instead of ``mc.Show()``. In both cases, all the standard object-oriented Matplotlib functions (such as ``set_title``, ``set_xlabel``, ``set_xlim`` etc.) are accepted. Note that also in both cases you must specify the ``projection='mslice'`` keyword argument to ``add_subplot``, because this lets the Matplotlib ``errorbar`` function recognise an MSlice workspace. Finally, please also that the MSlice override of ``pyplot`` *does not* support the ``fig, ax = plt.subplots()`` syntax. You must also use ``errorbar`` to plot a 1D cut, and ``pcolormesh`` to plot a 2D slice. No other Matplotlib plotting function are aware of MSlice workspaces (even with the ``projection='mslice'`` argument). An example of plotting a slice: .. code:: python import mslice.cli as mc import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ws = mc.Load('data.nxspe') slice_ws = mc.Slice(ws, '|Q|, 0, 10, 0.01', 'DeltaE, -5, 55, 0.5') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='mslice') mesh = ax.pcolormesh(slice_ws, cmap='coolwarm') mesh.set_clim(0, 1) cb = plt.colorbar(mesh, ax=ax) Plotting using MSlice specific commands --------------------------------------- In addition to using the Matplotlib-style object-oriented interface (defining a ``figure`` and then ``add_subplot``), there are also MSlice functions which will wrap these commands and plot to an MSlice figure (e.g. does not work in Jupyter, does not support multiple subplots, but has all the GUI tools (overplot recoil lines / Bragg peaks, interactive cuts, etc.). These commands, whilst shorter, are not as flexible as the Matplotlib object-oriented interface, however. To plot a cut and then a slice: .. code:: python import mslice.cli as mc ws = mc.Load('data.nxspe') wsq = mc.Cut(ws, '|Q|', 'DeltaE, -1, 1') mc.PlotCut(wsq) ws2d = mc.Slice(ws, '|Q|, 0, 10, 0.01', 'DeltaE, -5, 55, 0.5') mc.PlotSlice(ws2d) Algebraic Manipulation of Workspaces ------------------------------------ The MSlice workspaces support standard algebraic manipulations in a similar way to normal Mantid workspaces. Loaded `nxs` or ``nxspe`` files are created as a ``Workspace``. For **PSD** (one-to-one mapped) files, these are first converted into a ``PixelWorkspace`` using a "Calculate Projection" step before they can be plotted. The slices and cuts produced either directly from the loaded ``Workspace`` (if in **non-PSD** mode, e.g. for a rings-mapped file) or from the ``PixelWorkspace`` are ``HistogramWorkspace``\s. Operations performed on ``Workspaces``\s and ``HistogramWorkspaces``\s are done per bin, so only operations with a matching sized workspace, or with a scalar is allowed. For ``PixelWorkspace`` (which are based on Mantid's ``MDEventWorkspace`` which does not allow many algebraic manipulations), a fine grained slice is first created (generating an internal ``HistogramWorkspace``) and then the algebraic operation is applied to this fine grained slice. Thus it is recommended to perform any algebraic manipulation on the loaded ``Workspace`` prior to conversion (using ``MakeProjection``) to a ``PixelWorkspace`` for cutting / slicing and plotting. For example: .. code:: python import mslice.cli as mc ws1 = mc.Load('data.nxspe') ws2 = mc.Load('background.nxspe') ws = ws1 - 0.8 * ws2 mc.PlotSlice(mc.Slice(ws)) Examples -------- Loading and Cutting / Slicing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To load and plot a slice in :math:`|Q|` and energy transfer, and a cut along :math:`|Q|`, integrating over :math:`-1\leq E\leq 1`: .. code:: python import mslice.cli as mc ws = mc.Load('data.nxspe') wsq = mc.Cut(ws, '|Q|', 'DeltaE, -1, 1') mc.PlotCut(wsq) ws2d = mc.Slice(ws, '|Q|, 0, 10, 0.01', 'DeltaE, -5, 55, 0.5') mc.PlotSlice(ws2d) In the above ``Slice`` function rebins the data between :math:`0\leq |Q|\leq 10` in steps of 0.01 :math:`\mathrm{\AA}^{-1}` and between :math:`-5\leq E\leq 55` in steps of 0.5 meV. Plotting a series of cuts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: python import mslice.cli as m # Plot a series of energy cuts at different Q (similar to putting something in the width box in GUI). ws = mc.Load('data.nxspe') for qq in np.linspace(0.5, 2, 4): mc.PlotCut(mc.Cut(ws, 'DeltaE', '|Q|, %f, %f' % (qq-0.5, qq+0.5)), PlotOver=True) # Loads a series of datasets at different temperatures and plots the energy cuts at low energy runs = range(103154, 103158) wss = [] for rr in runs: wss.append(mc.Load('SEQ_%06d_powder.nxspe' % (rr))) mc.PlotCut(mc.Cut(wss[-1], 'DeltaE', '|Q|, 0, 2'), PlotOver=True)