:orphan: Linux Packages ============== Red Hat/CentOS 7 ---------------- Setup ##### Enable the `Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) `_ repositories. Activate the yum repository for the version of Mantid you require by downloading the appropriate repository configuration file and saving it to ``/etc/yum.repos.d``: - `stable release <_static/isis-rhel.repo>`__ - `nightly build <_static/isis-rhel-testing.repo>`__ Installation ############ Install the version of Mantid you require with: - stable release: ``yum install mantid``. Installs to ``/opt/Mantid`` - nightly build: ``yum install mantidnightly``. Installs to ``/opt/mantidnightly`` Run ### To run MantidWorkbench: - stable release: ``/opt/Mantid/bin/mantidworkbench`` - nightly build: ``/opt/mantidnightly/bin/mantidworkbench`` Ubuntu ------ Setup ##### Enable the ``mantid`` prerequisites PPA: .. code-block:: sh sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mantid/mantid Add the ``mantid`` signing key to your key chain: .. code-block:: sh wget -O - http://apt.isis.rl.ac.uk/2E10C193726B7213.asc | sudo apt-key add - Activate the apt repository for the version of Mantid you require by running: - stable release: ``sudo apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] http://apt.isis.rl.ac.uk $(lsb_release -c | cut -f 2) main"`` - nightly build: ``sudo apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] http://apt.isis.rl.ac.uk $(lsb_release -c | cut -f 2)-testing main"`` and force an apt update: .. code-block:: sh sudo apt-get update Installation ############ Install the version of Mantid you require with: - stable release: ``apt install mantid``. Installs to ``/opt/Mantid`` - nightly build: ``apt install mantidnightly``. Installs to ``/opt/mantidnightly`` Run ### To run MantidWorkbench: - stable release: ``/opt/Mantid/bin/mantidworkbench`` - nightly build: ``/opt/mantidnightly/bin/mantidworkbench``