
Here you can find instructions on how to install Mantid on various platforms. We currently offer:

Please see the relevant sections for installation instructions.


Our packages are available through our mantid channel on The available packages are:

  • mantid: Python library accessing algorithms and workspaces.

  • mantidqt Python library providing custom Qt widgets such as instrument viewer, slice viewer for use in other applications.

  • mantidworkbench: General-purpose graphical-user-interface for plotting, writing scripts etc.

It is worth noting that versions of Mantid after v6.7 (including the nightly) use Python 3.10. Mantid v6.7 and before use Python 3.8.

Latest Release#

It is recommended to use Mambaforge to create and manage a Conda environment for Mantid. Using mamba is preferable over conda as it’s faster and better at resolving dependencies.

To install Mantid into a new Conda environment use these options:

  • -n to specify the name of your new environment

  • -c to add the ‘mantid’ Conda channel

These options should be followed by the name of the package you want to install. This will probably be any library from the mantid python library

Further installation details are provided below. Please check our troubleshooting page if you run into difficulties.

Installing using mambaforge#

To install mambaforge please follow this documentation

mamba create -n mantid_env -c mantid mantid

or the mantidworkbench package containing the graphical-user-interface

mamba create -n mantid_env -c mantid mantidworkbench

For macOS we currently only provide x86 packages. These can still be used by those with Apple silicon devices (M1, M2). You will need to have Rosetta installed and precede the setup commands with ‘CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64’. For example if you want to install mantidworkbench use the following command:

CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 mamba create -n mantid_env -c mantid mantidworkbench

Nightly Build#


Nightly version NOT recommended for production use. These packages have passed all automated checks but have only had minimal manual testing. Use with caution.

If you wish to use a nightly build then add the nightly label to the channel:

mamba create -n mantid_env -c mantid/label/nightly mantidworkbench

How to Open Mantid Workbench (Conda)#

To open the Mantid Workbench provided in the mantidworkbench Conda package, you must first activate your Conda environment:

mamba activate mantid_env

Then you can open Mantid with the following command:


Full Installers#

Latest Release#

Version: v6.12.0

Release Date: 26 February 2025


  • Windows

  • macOS

  • Linux: Starting with version 6.4 the above .tar.xz file for Linux can simply be extracted and run on any modern Linux (>2010) system. Prior and up to versions 6.4, rpm and deb versions are available for Red Hat/CentOS 7 and various versions of Ubuntu: 18.04, 16.04, 14.04.

Nightly Build#

Go to our releases page on Github, find the latest nightly and download the relevant package.


Nightly version NOT recommended for production use. These packages have passed all automated checks but have only had minimal manual testing. Use with caution.

Sample Data#

Below we provide links to various sets of sample data for use with Mantid: