
Inelastic Changes

New Features

  • Dialogs for selecting and opening workspaces no longer crash when setting spectra limits using a string with the format SpectraStart-SpectraEnd, where Spectra Start is larger than Spectra End.

  • IqtFit tab of the Inelastic QENS Fitting interface now supports new TeixeiraWaterIqt fitting function, to fit linewidth and molecular residence time in intermediate scattering functions with Teixeira’s model for water.

  • IqtFit tab of Inelastic QENS Fitting now has a Fit Type box for selecting a Stretched Exponential function. This allows further fit functions to be added in the future.

  • Tabs where Open SliceViewer is available now support option to plot data as a 3D Surface.

  • Elwin Tab of Data Processor Interface now has new workspace dialog widget with the capacity to select and open multiple compatible workspaces at once.

  • Inelastic Data Processor now has checkbox EnforceNormalization. This option is set to True by default (no change to the current algorithms/workflow occurs). When it is set to False, the LHSWorkspace from the output from ExtractFFTSpectrum is used in both branches to perform the final workspace division and the two intermediate workspace divisions are skipped.

  • A deprecation warning has been added to the Calculate Paalman Pings tab of Inelastic Corrections interface. This tab will be removed in two minor releases time if we are not informed otherwise.

  • Algorithm ElasticWindowMultiple will add the integration range to the output workspaces sample logs, calling it either from script or from the Elwin Tab of Data Processor Interface.

  • The Inelastic Data Manipulation interface has been renamed to the Inelastic Data Processor interface. The new name provides a better description of what it does.


  • Elwin Tab of Inelastic Data Processor no longer crashing when all items of the table are selected with the keyboard and Remove Selected button is clicked.

  • Add Select All push button on Elwin Tab to select all rows when clicked.

  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to use a custom fit function on the IqtFit tab of Inelastic QENS Fitting.

  • Disable Add button and change the button text to Loading from workspace dialogs to prevent warnings or crashes if Add button is pressed but files are still loading.

  • Calling Open Slice Viewer from Indirect/Inelastic interfaces when there are less than two histograms in the workspace no longer crashes Mantid.

  • Fit Property Browser of QENS Fitting interface no longer crashes Mantid when trying to set a fit function with a parameter having a tie to itself.

  • Loading data into the F(Q)Fit tab in the QENS Fitting interface is now 30% faster.

  • Full Function Browser and Template Function Browser no longer go out of sync on the QENS Fitting interface.

  • Elwin Tab no longer occasionally ignores properties Background Subtraction and Normalise to Lowest Temp.


New features

  • Algorithm TransformToIqt v1 and CalculateIqt v1 has checkbox with title EnforceNormalization. This option is set to True by default (no change to the current algorithms/workflow occurs). When it is set to False, the LHSWorkspace from the output from ExtractFFTSpectrum is used in both branches to perform the final workspace division and the two intermediate workspace divisions are skipped.

Release 6.10.0