
Mantid Workbench Changes


  • Selecting or deselecting plot curves in plot settings no longer causes an error.

  • Overplotting workspaces onto a regular Matplotlib plot no longer causes an error.

  • Dragging a table workspace onto a plot no longer causes a crash.

  • Loading files from disk no longer causes a memory leak.

  • Previously hidden plots are no longer unhidden from some plot scripts.

  • Plot scripts in documentation now use fig.show() instead of plt.show() to avoid hanging Workbench.

  • Fit property browser no longer crashes when removing a function from a nested composite function.

  • Renaming a plot in the plots widget no longer redraws the plot title regardless of the Show Title workbench setting.

  • Opening a file to edit where that file/directory had been deleted no longer causes a crash.

  • Corrupted recovery files no longer stop workbench from opening.

  • Changing scale on a 3D plot no longer causes a crash.

  • Plot settings axes widget no longer throws an error when setting an invalid axes limit and switching tabs.

  • Algorithm alias no longer gets the highest version of the parent algorithm, and instead gets the specific version it was assigned to.

  • Workspace scaling is no longer incorrect when operating on the same workspace on both sides.

  • Using the full 3D view no longer causes a crash with certain instruments on some versions of Linux.

  • Toolbar of Matplotlib plots (non-mantid axes) and plots of 1D MDHistoWorkspace (for which the data have no workspace index) no longer display Fit and Superplot buttons:



New features

  • Python API of Instrument Viewer now has a method to set maintain aspect ratio option: myiv.set_maintain_aspect_ratio(False). See documentation of Instrument Viewer Widget.


  • InstrumentView window title now updates upon renaming the workspace.

  • InstrumentView now avoids rendering issue on Linux when OpenGl is disabled.


New features

  • SliceViewer main window now has controls for the x and y limits:

  • In non-orthogonal view the signal will now be hidden (previously was -).

Release 6.10.0