
Framework Changes


New features

  • Divide now has an optional argument, IsDistribution, to force the output distribution type.

  • CreateDetectorTable now has an optional argument, IncludeDetectorPosition, which, if True, will add a column, Position, to the end of the DetectorTable. This column has the detector position as a V3D type object for each spectrum in the table.

  • New algorithm DebyeWallerFactorCorrectionMD v1 to scale the MDEvents by the inverse of Debye-Waller form factor.


  • InstrumentArrayConverter and PeakData utility classes used in peak integration algorithms have been moved into a common module located at plugins.algorithms.peakdata_utils.py. Import paths related to those classes need to be updated from from plugins.algorithms.IntegratePeaksSkew import InstrumentArrayConverter, PeakData into from plugins.algorithms.peakdata_utils import InstrumentArrayConverter, PeakData.

  • In the script generated by GeneratePythonFitScript titles for the subplots were replaced by meaningful legends so that labels of output subplots do not overlap.



  • The Transpose3D algorithm (also known as SINQTranspose3D) was deprecated in Release 3.9.0 and has now been removed. Use TransposeMD v1 instead.

  • Removed the obsolete algorithm LoadLLB.

  • Removed the obsolete algorithm SaveISISNexus. It is being removed before the normal comment period rather than undergoing extensive changes to accommodate the consolidation of nexus APIs in mantid.

Fit Functions

New features




Data Objects

New features



New features


  • ConfigService.setDataSearchDirs will no longer crash when comma separated paths are used in the datasearch.directories setting of the mantid.user.properties file.

  • Fixed a bug where the method mantid.api.Run.addProperty() was ignoring the name and units parameters if the value was of type mantid.kernel.Property. Now only if the name and units are empty will the existing values on the Property be used.


New features


Build Tools


  • CMake now successfully builds with -DUSE_SANITIZER=address. For more details see RunningSanitizers.


See Mantid Workbench Changes.

Release 6.13.0