Indirect Geometry Changes¶
New Features¶
A new set of scripts has been produced to provide a method for processing OSIRIS data. ISIS Powder Diffraction Scripts - OSIRIS.
Three new fitting functions: FickDiffusionSQE, ChudleyElliotSQE, and HallRossSQE have been made and added to ConvFit.

The I(q,t) tab in Indirect Data Analysis can now be ran with direct data.
Updated SimpleShapeDiscusInelastic workflow algorithm to add support for containers in line with the enhancements made to DiscusMultipleScatteringCorrection.
Fixed a bug where clicking ‘Run’ on the Apply Absorption Corrections Tab in the Corrections GUI with no Sample or Corrections would close mantid.
Fixed a bug where if the Corrections Workspace name entered on the Apply Absorption Corrections Tab does not match an existing workspace, Mantid would close.
Fixed a bug in Indirect Data Reduction where the spectra in the detector table started at 0. The spectra now start at 1.
Fixed a bug in the Indirect Data Analysis F(Q) fit tab where, when loading a file in the workspace selector, if the parameter type was changed before the workspace was finished loading it would crash Mantid.
Fixed a bug in the Indirect Data Analysis F(Q) fit tab where, when adding data to the interface, if the parameter type was changed when no data was selected it would crash Mantid.
Prevent a crash when loading a file in the S(Q,w) tab without first selecting an instrument.