Mantid Workbench Changes¶
Log-scaling has been fixed in waterfall plots.
Opening multiple instances of Mantid in quick succession will no longer cause errors in the shared settings.
A large number of crashes, caused by opening an Algorithm Dialog and populating it with a WorkspaceGroup, have been fixed.
It is no longer possible to crash mantid when opening an interface’s help documentation for the second time.
The ISIS logos have been updated to match the UKRI rebrand.

Fixed a change in behaviour after upgrading Qt, where floating point numbers in the matrix data view were not displayed unless the column was wide enough to show all digits.
The instrument view startup time has been improved by avoid checking for masking if it is not present.
Fix crash when overlaying peaks in side-by-side view of instrument viewer which is not supported.
Fix for the colorbar bug where using log scale causes slice viewer to throw exception with all masked slice.
The colorbar now remains autoscaled when switching between the different normalisation options.
SliceViewer will now support
log for nonorthogonal axes with MDHistoWorkspaces. This prevents a bug related where basis vectors are used to calculate the projection.Fixes a bug in the SliceViewer where a workspace is replaced by an algorithm with more than one output workspace.
For 3d+ datasets, SliceViewer will now automatically open to the zero-slice if present.
Ensure that all nan/inf and zero slices work while using log-scaling.
Fix a bug where the axes limits of 1D cut viewer plot were not autoscaling on cut update after the user had zoomed or panned.
Added a check on toggling non-orthogonal view off that ensures the non-axis cutting tool is not enabled if the workspace does not support non-axis cuts (e.g. is 4D).