Mantid Workbench Changes¶
New Features¶
In an algorithm’s Algorithm Dialogue, if an input workspace is named
, this workspace name will be used when auto-filling theOutputWorkspace
Avoided a bug when attempting to drag and drop a single binned workspace onto an open plot. This action is now rejected and a warning logged.
Fixed a bug which was causing the plot script generator button to not be shown on tiled plots with a non-square number of plots.
Fix bug that left a tab open with the old file name in the script editor when using ‘Save Script as’
Catch unhandled exception when attempting to generate a plot script from an unsupported plot.
Fix bug that would open a duplicate tab if a file was already open. Now it will select the existing tab with the file.
Small bug fixes and usability improvements to the Sample Transmission Calculator. Axes are now labelled and error feedback is improved.
Improved right-click behaviour in the table view (e.g. “Show Data”) when right-clicking on a row/column header.
Fix bug in the Sample Logs Viewer that causes crash when the selected workspace is modified or deleted.
An implicit conversion warning which sometimes appears when opening Sample logs has been fixed.
Fix some minor usability bugs and improve the layout of the Time of Flight Converter window. It can now take an input value from any single valued workspace. It no longer requires a scattering angle to convert between momentum transfer and d-spacing.

Fix bug in instrument viewer that caused a crash if you tried to delete a peak after having selected that peak and dragged the peak workspace onto the viewer.
An exception caused when the colorbar on the “Render” tab is resized to a negative value has been fixed.
New features¶
Entering an invalid value into either colour bar limit text box will cause the outline to change to red.
Integer ticks/grid lines are now used if possible for hkl-axes.
Autoscaling types are now added to slice viewer to help quickly rescale color limits based on statistical variation in the data.
Min/Max (minimum, maximum as before)
3-Sigma (mean ± 3 x standard deviation)
1.5-Interquartile Range (25th, 75th-quartile ± 1.5 x interquartile range)
1.5-Median Absolute Deviation (median ± 1.5 x median absolute deviation)

Entering particular values (i.e 0,111) into the colour bar limit text boxes, will no longer cause an error.
Resolved issue with projection matrix calclulation using basis vectors with non-q dimensions.