# Copyright (C) 2021 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import annotations
from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
from algotom.prep.removal import remove_large_stripe
from mantidimaging.core.operations.base_filter import BaseFilter, FilterGroup
from mantidimaging.core.parallel import shared as ps
from mantidimaging.gui.utility.qt_helpers import Type
from mantidimaging.core.data.imagestack import ImageStack
from numpy import ndarray
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QSpinBox, QDoubleSpinBox
class RemoveLargeStripesFilter(BaseFilter):
"""Stripe and ring artifact removal: Algorithm 5 in Vo et al., Optics Express 28396 (2018).
Remove large stripes by: locating stripes, normalizing them to remove full stripes, using
the sorting technique to remove partial stripes.
Source: https://github.com/algotom/algotom
Intended to be used on: Sinograms
When: If stripes artifacts are present that have not been
removed with outliers + flat-fielding the projections
Caution: Horizontal stripes caused by changes in image intensity (pixel values)
should be fixed by ROI Normalisation instead!
filter_name = "Remove large stripes"
link_histograms = True
operate_on_sinograms = True
def filter_func(images: ImageStack, snr=3, la_size=61, progress=None):
:param snr: The ratio value.
:param size: The window size of the median filter to remove large stripes.
:return: The ImageStack object with large stripes removed.
params = {"snr": snr, "size": la_size}
if images.is_sinograms:
compute_func = RemoveLargeStripesFilter.compute_function_sino
compute_func = RemoveLargeStripesFilter.compute_function
ps.run_compute_func(compute_func, images.num_sinograms, images.shared_array, params, progress)
return images
def compute_function_sino(index: int, array: ndarray, params: dict[str, Any]):
array[index] = remove_large_stripe(array[index], **params)
def compute_function(index: int, array: ndarray, params: dict[str, Any]):
array[:, index, :] = remove_large_stripe(array[:, index, :], **params)
def register_gui(form, on_change, view):
from mantidimaging.gui.utility import add_property_to_form
label, _ = add_property_to_form(BaseFilter.SINOGRAM_FILTER_INFO, Type.LABEL, form=form, on_change=on_change)
# defaults taken from TomoPy integration
# https://tomopy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/tomopy.prep.stripe.html#tomopy.prep.stripe.remove_all_stripe
_, snr = add_property_to_form('Stripe ratio',
tooltip="Ratio used to segment between useful information and noise"
". Greater is less sensitive.")
_, la_size = add_property_to_form('Large stripe kernel',
valid_values=(1, 100),
tooltip="Window size of the median filter to remove large stripes.")
return {'snr': snr, 'la_size': la_size}
def execute_wrapper(snr: QDoubleSpinBox, la_size: QSpinBox): # type: ignore
return partial(RemoveLargeStripesFilter.filter_func, snr=snr.value(), la_size=la_size.value())
def group_name() -> FilterGroup:
return FilterGroup.Advanced