mantidimaging.gui.widgets.mi_image_view.view module#

class mantidimaging.gui.widgets.mi_image_view.view.MIImageView(parent=None, name='ImageView', view=None, imageItem=None, levelMode='mono', detailsSpanAllCols=False, *args)[source]#

Bases: ImageView, BadDataOverlay, AutoColorMenu

property angles: ProjectionAngles | None#
close() None[source]#

Closes the widget nicely, making sure to clear the graphics scene and release memory.

default_roi() None | list[int][source]#
details: QLabel#
extend_roi_plot_mouse_press_handler() None[source]#
get_roi() tuple[CloseEnoughPoint, CloseEnoughPoint][source]#
property histogram: HistogramLUTItem#
imageItem: ImageItem#
property image_data: np.ndarray#
image_hover_event(event: HoverEvent) None[source]#
property image_item: ImageItem#
roiChanged() None[source]#

Re-implements the roiChanged function to expect only 3D data, and uses a faster mean calculation on the ROI view of the data, instead of the full sized data.

roiClicked() None[source]#
roiString = None#
roi_changed_callback: Callable[[SensibleROI], None] | None = None#
setImage(image: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Set the image to be displayed in the widget.



The image to be displayed. See ImageItem.setImage() and notes below.


Whether to scale/pan the view to fit the image.


Whether to update the white/black levels to fit the image.


(min, max) white and black level values to use.


Dictionary indicating the interpretation for each axis. This is only needed to override the default guess. Format is:

{'t':0, 'x':1, 'y':2, 'c':3};

1D array of values corresponding to the first axis in a 3D image. For video, this array should contain the time of each frame.


Change the position of the displayed image


Change the scale of the displayed image


Set the transform of the displayed image. This option overrides pos and scale.


If True, the histogram y-range is automatically scaled to fit the image data.


If specified, this sets the user interaction mode for setting image levels. Options are ‘mono’, which provides a single level control for all image channels, and ‘rgb’ or ‘rgba’, which provide individual controls for each channel.


For backward compatibility, image data is assumed to be in column-major order (column, row). However, most image data is stored in row-major order (row, column) and will need to be transposed before calling setImage():


This requirement can be changed by the imageAxisOrder global configuration option.

set_log_scale() None[source]#
set_roi(coords: list[int] | None) None[source]#
set_selected_image(image_index: int) None[source]#
set_timeline_to_tick_nearest(x_pos_clicked) None[source]#
toggle_jumping_frame(images_to_jump_by=None) None[source]#
property viewbox: ViewBox#
class mantidimaging.gui.widgets.mi_image_view.view.UnrotateablePlotROI[source]#

Bases: ROI

Like PlotROI but does not add a rotation handle.

mantidimaging.gui.widgets.mi_image_view.view.clip(value, lower, upper)[source]#