- class QWidget)[source]#
- allPushButton: QStackedWidget#
- buttonBox: QDialogButtonBox#
- chooseFileButton: QPushButton#
- choose_nexus_file() None [source]#
Select a NeXus file and attempt to load it. If a file is chosen, clear the information/widgets from the QTreeWidget and enable the OK button.
- clear_widgets() None [source]#
Remove text and checkbox widgets from the QTreeWidget when a new file has been selected.
- filePathLineEdit: QLineEdit#
- pixelDepthComboBox: QComboBox#
- pixelSizeSpinBox: QDoubleSpinBox#
- presenter: NexusLoadPresenter#
- previewPushButton: QStackedWidget#
- set_data_found(position: int, found: bool, path: str, shape: tuple[int, ...]) None [source]#
Indicate on the QTreeWidget if the image key and data fields have been found or not. :param position: The row position for the data. :param found: Whether or not the data has been found. :param path: The data path in the NeXus file. :param shape: The shape of the data/image key array.
- static set_found_status(tree_widget_item: QTreeWidgetItem, found: bool) None [source]#
Adds a tick or cross to the found column in the QTreeWidget to indicate if certain data could be found in the NeXus file. :param tree_widget_item: The QTreeWidgetItem that contains a found column. :param found: Whether or not the data was found.
- set_images_found(position: int, found: bool, shape: tuple[int, int, int]) None [source]#
Indicate on the QTreeWidget if the projections and dark/flat before/after images were found in the data array. :param position: The row position for the image type. :param found: Whether or not the images were found. :param shape: The shape of the images array.
- set_projections_increment(n_proj: int) None [source]#
Set the properties of the indices spin boxes. :param n_proj: The number of projections that have been found in the NeXus file.
- show_data_error(msg: str) None [source]#
Show an error about missing required data or an unreadable file. :param msg: The error message.
- show_exception(msg: str, traceback) None [source]#
Show an error about an exception. :param msg: The error message. :param traceback: The traceback.
- stackedWidget: QStackedWidget#
- tree: QTreeWidget#