Source code for mantidimaging.core.gpu.utility

# Copyright (C) 2022 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

import os
import numpy as np

from logging import getLogger


    import cupy as cp
    mempool = cp.get_default_memory_pool()
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    # cupy not installed
except ImportError:
    # cupy installed, but unable to load CUDA


    "reflect": "symmetric",
    "constant": "constant",
    "nearest": "edge",
    "mirror": "reflect",
    "wrap": "wrap",

def _cupy_on_system():
    :return: True if cupy is installed on the system, False otherwise.
    return not CUPY_NOT_IMPORTED

def _cupy_installed_correctly():
    :return: True if cupy is able to run on the system, False otherwise.
        # Check that cupy was installed properly. If it is properly installed, then basic array multiplication will
        # work without getting an exception.
        a = cp.array([1])
        b = cp.array([1])
        cp.add(a, b)

        # Initialise the memory pool if the above works
        with cp.cuda.Device(0):

        # Delete arrays. Cupy should then clear the space.
        del a
        del b

        return True

    except cp.cuda.compiler.CompileException:
        return False

[docs] def gpu_available(): """ :return: True if cupy is installed AND working, False otherwise. """ return _cupy_on_system() and _cupy_installed_correctly()
def _load_cuda_kernel(dtype): """ Loads the CUDA kernel so that cupy can act as a mediator. Replaces instances of 'float' with 'double' if the dtype is float64. :param dtype: The data type of the array that is going to be processed. :return: The CUDA kernel in string format. """ cuda_kernel = "" with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), KERNEL_FILENAME), "r") as f: cuda_kernel += if "float64" in str(dtype): return cuda_kernel.replace("float", "double") return cuda_kernel def _free_memory_pool(arrays=[]): """ Delete any given GPU arrays and instruct the memory pool to free unused blocks. """ if arrays: arrays.clear() mempool.free_all_blocks() def _create_pinned_memory(cpu_array): """ Use pinned memory in order to store a numpy array on the GPU. :param cpu_array: The numpy array to be transferred to the GPU. :return: src """ mem = cp.cuda.alloc_pinned_memory(cpu_array.nbytes) src = np.frombuffer(mem, cpu_array.dtype, cpu_array.size).reshape(cpu_array.shape) src[...] = cpu_array return src def _send_single_array_to_gpu(cpu_array, stream): """ Sends a single array to the GPU using pinned memory and a stream. :param cpu_array: The numpy array to be transferred to the GPU. :param stream: The stream used to mediate the transfer. :return: A GPU array. """ pinned_memory = _create_pinned_memory(cpu_array.copy()) gpu_array = cp.empty(pinned_memory.shape, dtype=cpu_array.dtype) gpu_array.set(pinned_memory, stream=stream) return gpu_array def _send_arrays_to_gpu_with_pinned_memory(cpu_arrays, streams): """ Transfer the arrays to the GPU using pinned memory. Raises an error if the GPU runs out of memory. :param cpu_arrays: A list of numpy arrays to be transferred to the GPU. :param streams: A list of streams used to mediate the transfers. Needs to have the same length as the cpu_arrays list. :return: A list of GPU arrays. """ gpu_arrays = [] try: for i in range(len(cpu_arrays)): gpu_arrays.append(_send_single_array_to_gpu(cpu_arrays[i], streams[i])) # Synchronise to ensure that the upload has completed streams[i].synchronize() return gpu_arrays except cp.cuda.memory.OutOfMemoryError: getLogger(__name__).error("Unable to send arrays to GPU. Median filter not performed.") _free_memory_pool(gpu_arrays) return [] def _create_block_and_grid_args(data): """ Create the block and grid arguments that are passed to the cupy. These determine how the array is broken up. :param data: The array that will be processed using the GPU. :return: block_size and grid_size that are passed to the CUDA kernel. """ N = 10 block_size = tuple(N for _ in range(data.ndim)) grid_size = tuple((shape // N) + 1 if shape % N != 0 else (shape // N) for shape in data.shape) return block_size, grid_size def _create_padded_array(data, filter_size, scipy_mode): """ Creates the padded array on the CPU for the median filter. :param data: The data array to be padded. :param filter_size: The size of the filter that will be applied to the data array. :param scipy_mode: The desired mode for the scipy median filter. :return: An padded version of the data array. """ # Use the 'mode' argument that is ordinarily given to 'scipy' and determine its numpy.pad equivalent. pad_size = _get_padding_value(filter_size) return np.pad(data, pad_width=((pad_size, pad_size), (pad_size, pad_size)), mode=EQUIVALENT_PAD_MODE[scipy_mode]) def _replace_gpu_array_contents(gpu_array, cpu_array, stream): """ Overwrites the contents of an existing GPU array with a given CPU array. :param gpu_array: The GPU array to be overwritten. :param cpu_array: The CPU array that should be used to overwrite the GPU array. :param stream: The stream to mediate the transfer. """ gpu_array.set(cpu_array, stream) def _get_padding_value(filter_size): """ Determine the padding value by using the filter size. :param filter_size: The filter size. :return: The size of padding needed for the padded array. """ return filter_size // 2
[docs] class CudaExecuter: def __init__(self, dtype): # Load the CUDA kernel through cupy loaded_from_source = _load_cuda_kernel(dtype) median_filter_module = cp.RawModule(code=loaded_from_source) self.single_image_median_filter = median_filter_module.get_function("two_dimensional_median_filter") # Warm up the CUDA functions self._warm_up(dtype) def _warm_up(self, dtype): """ Runs the median filter on a small test array in order to allow it to compile then deleted the GPU arrays. :param dtype: The data type of the input array. """ filter_size = 3 test_array_size = 10 padded_array_size = test_array_size + _get_padding_value(filter_size) test_data = cp.random.uniform(low=0, high=5, size=(test_array_size, test_array_size)).astype(dtype) test_padding = cp.random.uniform(low=0, high=5, size=(padded_array_size, padded_array_size)).astype(dtype) block_size, grid_size = _create_block_and_grid_args(test_data[0]) self._cuda_single_image_median_filter(test_data, test_padding, filter_size, grid_size, block_size) # Clear the test arrays _free_memory_pool([test_data, test_padding]) def _cuda_single_image_median_filter(self, input_data, padded_data, filter_size, grid_size, block_size): """ Run the median filter on a single 2D image using CUDA. :param input_data: A 2D GPU data array. :param padded_data: The corresponding padded GPU array. :param filter_size: The size of the filter. """ self.single_image_median_filter( grid_size, block_size, ( input_data, padded_data, input_data.shape[0], input_data.shape[1], filter_size, ), )
[docs] def median_filter(self, data, filter_size, mode, progress): """ Runs the median filter on a stack of 2D images asynchronously. The data array with the median filter applied to it provided the GPU didn't run out of space, otherwise it returns the unaltered input array. :param data: The CPU data array containing a stack of 2D images. :param filter_size: The filter size. :param mode: The mode for the filter. Determines how the edge value are managed. :param progress: An object for displaying the filter progress. :return: Data with median filter applied on success, else unaltered input array """ # Try to free memory _free_memory_pool() n_images = data.shape[0] # Set the maximum number of images that will be on the GPU at a time if n_images > MAX_GPU_SLICES: slice_limit = MAX_GPU_SLICES else: # If the number of images is smaller than the slice limit, use that instead slice_limit = n_images cpu_padded_images = [_create_padded_array(data_slice, filter_size, mode) for data_slice in data] streams = [cp.cuda.Stream(non_blocking=True) for _ in range(slice_limit)] # Send the data arrays and padded arrays to the GPU in slices gpu_data_slices = _send_arrays_to_gpu_with_pinned_memory(data[:slice_limit], streams) gpu_padded_data = _send_arrays_to_gpu_with_pinned_memory(cpu_padded_images[:slice_limit], streams) # Return if the data transfer was not successful if not gpu_data_slices or not gpu_padded_data: return data block_size, grid_size = _create_block_and_grid_args(gpu_data_slices[0]) for i in range(n_images): # Use the current stream streams[i % slice_limit].use() # Overwrite the contents of the GPU arrays if i >= slice_limit: _replace_gpu_array_contents(gpu_data_slices[i % slice_limit], data[i], streams[i % slice_limit]) _replace_gpu_array_contents( gpu_padded_data[i % slice_limit], cpu_padded_images[i], streams[i % slice_limit], ) # Synchronise the current stream to ensure that the overwriting is complete streams[i % slice_limit].synchronize() # Apply the median filter on the individual image self._cuda_single_image_median_filter(gpu_data_slices[i % slice_limit], gpu_padded_data[i % slice_limit], filter_size, grid_size, block_size) # Synchronise to ensure that the GPU median filter has completed streams[i % slice_limit].synchronize() # Transfer the GPU result to a CPU array data[i][:] = gpu_data_slices[i % slice_limit].get(streams[i % slice_limit]) progress.update() progress.mark_complete() # Free memory once the operation is complete _free_memory_pool(gpu_data_slices + gpu_padded_data) return data