Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2022 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
This module handles the loading of FIT, FITS, TIF, TIFF
import os
from typing import Tuple, Optional, List, Callable, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from import StrictDataset

    import numpy.typing as npt

from import Images
from import get_file_names, get_prefix
from mantidimaging.core.parallel import utility as pu
from mantidimaging.core.utility.progress_reporting import Progress
from . import stack_loader
from ...utility.data_containers import Indices

[docs] def execute(load_func: Callable[[str], np.ndarray], sample_path: List[str], flat_before_path: Optional[str], flat_after_path: Optional[str], dark_before_path: Optional[str], dark_after_path: Optional[str], img_format: str, dtype: 'npt.DTypeLike', indices: Union[List[int], Indices, None], progress: Optional[Progress] = None) -> StrictDataset: """ Reads a stack of images into memory, assuming dark and flat images are in separate directories. If several files are found in the same directory (for example you give image0001.fits and there's also image0002.fits, image0003.fits) these will also be loaded as the usual convention in ImageJ and related imaging tools, using the last digits to sort the images in the stack. Usual type in fits is 16-bit pixel depth, data type is denoted with: '>i2' - uint16 '>f2' - float16 '>f4' - float32 :returns: Images object """ if not sample_path: raise RuntimeError("No filenames were provided.") # The following codes assume that all images have the same size and properties as the first. # This is always true in the case of raw data first_sample_img = load_func(sample_path[0]) # select the files loaded based on the indices, if any are provided chosen_input_filenames = sample_path[indices[0]:indices[1]:indices[2]] if indices else sample_path # get the shape of all images img_shape = first_sample_img.shape # forward all arguments to internal class for easy re-usage il = ImageLoader(load_func, img_format, img_shape, dtype, indices, progress) # we load the flat and dark first, because if they fail we don't want to # fail after we've loaded a big stack into memory flat_before_data, flat_before_filenames = il.load_data(flat_before_path) flat_after_data, flat_after_filenames = il.load_data(flat_after_path) dark_before_data, dark_before_filenames = il.load_data(dark_before_path) dark_after_data, dark_after_filenames = il.load_data(dark_after_path) sample_data = il.load_sample_data(chosen_input_filenames) if isinstance(sample_data, np.ndarray): sample_images = Images(sample_data, chosen_input_filenames, indices) else: sample_images = sample_data return StrictDataset( sample_images, flat_before=Images(flat_before_data, flat_before_filenames) if flat_before_data is not None else None, flat_after=Images(flat_after_data, flat_after_filenames) if flat_after_data is not None else None, dark_before=Images(dark_before_data, dark_before_filenames) if dark_before_data is not None else None, dark_after=Images(dark_after_data, dark_after_filenames) if dark_after_data is not None else None)
[docs] class ImageLoader(object): def __init__(self, load_func: Callable[[str], np.ndarray], img_format: str, img_shape: Tuple[int, ...], data_dtype: 'npt.DTypeLike', indices: Union[List[int], Indices, None], progress: Optional[Progress] = None): self.load_func = load_func self.img_format = img_format self.img_shape = img_shape self.data_dtype = data_dtype self.indices = indices self.progress = progress
[docs] def load_sample_data(self, input_file_names: List[str]) -> Union[np.ndarray, Images]: # determine what the loaded data was if len(self.img_shape) == 2: # the loaded file was a single image return self.load_files(input_file_names) elif len(self.img_shape) == 3: # the loaded file was a file containing a stack of images return stack_loader.execute(self.load_func, input_file_names[0], self.data_dtype, "Sample", self.indices, progress=self.progress) else: raise ValueError("Data loaded has invalid shape: {0}", self.img_shape)
[docs] def load_data(self, file_path: Optional[str]) -> Tuple[Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[List[str]]]: if file_path: file_names = get_file_names(os.path.dirname(file_path), self.img_format, get_prefix(file_path)) return self.load_files(file_names), file_names return None, None
def _do_files_load_seq(self, data: np.ndarray, files: List[str]) -> np.ndarray: progress = Progress.ensure_instance(self.progress, num_steps=len(files), task_name='Loading') with progress: for idx, in_file in enumerate(files): try: data[idx, :] = self.load_func(in_file) progress.update(msg='Image') except ValueError as exc: raise ValueError("An image has different width and/or height " "dimensions! All images must have the same " "dimensions. Expected dimensions: {0} Error " "message: {1}".format(self.img_shape, exc)) except IOError as exc: raise RuntimeError("Could not load file {0}. Error details: " "{1}".format(in_file, exc)) return data
[docs] def load_files(self, files: List[str]) -> np.ndarray: # Zeroing here to make sure that we can allocate the memory. # If it's not possible better crash here than later. num_images = len(files) shape = (num_images, self.img_shape[0], self.img_shape[1]) data = pu.create_array(shape, self.data_dtype) return self._do_files_load_seq(data, files)