Source code for mantidimaging.core.rotation.polyfit_correlation

# Copyright (C) 2022 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

from logging import getLogger
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np

from import Images
from mantidimaging.core.parallel import utility as pu, shared as ps
from mantidimaging.core.utility.data_containers import Degrees, ScalarCoR
from mantidimaging.core.utility.progress_reporting import Progress

LOG = getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def do_calculate_correlation_err(store: np.ndarray, search_index: int, p0_and_180: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], image_width: int): """ Calculates squared sum error in the difference between the projection at 0 degrees, and the one at 180 degrees """ store[:] = np.square(np.roll(p0_and_180[0], search_index, axis=1) - p0_and_180[1]).sum(axis=1) / image_width
[docs] def find_center(images: Images, progress: Progress) -> Tuple[ScalarCoR, Degrees]: # assume the ROI is the full image, i.e. the slices are ALL rows of the image slices = np.arange(images.height) shift = pu.create_array((images.height, )) search_range = get_search_range(images.width) min_correlation_error = pu.create_array((len(search_range), images.height)) shared_search_range = pu.create_array((len(search_range), ), dtype=np.int32) shared_search_range[:] = np.asarray(search_range, dtype=np.int32) _calculate_correlation_error(images, shared_search_range, min_correlation_error, progress) # Originally the output of do_search is stored in dimensions # corresponding to (search_range, square sum). This is awkward to navigate # we transpose store to make the array hold (square sum, search range) # so that each store[row] accesses the information for the row's square sum across all search ranges _find_shift(images, search_range, min_correlation_error, shift) par = np.polyfit(slices, shift, deg=1) m = par[0] q = par[1] LOG.debug(f"m={m}, q={q}") theta = Degrees(np.rad2deg(np.arctan(0.5 * m))) offset = np.round(m * images.height * 0.5 + q) * 0.5"found offset: {-offset} and tilt {theta}") return ScalarCoR(images.h_middle + -offset), theta
def _calculate_correlation_error(images, shared_search_range, min_correlation_error, progress): # if the projections are passed in the partial they are copied to every process on every iteration # this makes the multiprocessing significantly slower # so they are copied into a shared array to avoid that copying shared_projections = pu.create_array((2, images.height, images.width)) shared_projections[0][:] = images.projection(0) shared_projections[1][:] = np.fliplr([0]) do_search_partial = ps.create_partial(do_calculate_correlation_err, ps.inplace3, image_width=images.width) ps.shared_list = [min_correlation_error, shared_search_range, shared_projections] ps.execute(do_search_partial, num_operations=min_correlation_error.shape[0], progress=progress, msg="Finding correlation on row") def _find_shift(images: Images, search_range: range, min_correlation_error: np.ndarray, shift: np.ndarray): min_correlation_error = np.transpose(min_correlation_error) for row in range(images.height): # then we just find the index of the minimum one (minimum error) min_arg_positions = min_correlation_error[row].argmin() # argmin returns a list of where the minimum argument is found # just in case that happens - get the first minimum one, should be close enough min_arg = min_arg_positions if isinstance(min_arg_positions, np.int64) else min_arg_positions[0] # and we get which search range is at that index # that is the number that we then pass into polyfit shift[row] = search_range[min_arg]
[docs] def get_search_range(width): tmin = -width // 2 tmax = width - width // 2 search_range = range(tmin, tmax + 1) return search_range