Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2022 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

[docs] def do_importing(tool, alg='fbp'): """ The main importing function. Does the decision on which tool to import based on the input. :param tool: The name of the tool to be imported :param alg: The algorithm that will be used. This is only done the ensure that it is actually supported. If no algorithm is provided, the default is 'fbp', because it's supported by all tools. :return: the tool reference """ if not isinstance(tool, str): raise TypeError("The name of a reconstruction tool is required as a string. " "Got: {0}".format(tool)) if 'tomopy' == tool: from import TomoPyTool TomoPyTool.check_algorithm_compatibility(alg) imported_tool = TomoPyTool() else: raise ValueError("Tried to import unknown tool: {0}".format(tool)) return imported_tool