Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2022 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

from logging import getLogger

import numpy as np

from mantidimaging import helper as h
from import AbstractTool
from mantidimaging.core.utility.progress_reporting import Progress
from mantidimaging.core.utility import projection_angles

[docs] def run_reconstruct(sample, config, proj_angles=None, **kwargs): """ Module function for running a reconstruction. It will create the tomopy tool object at runtime. :param sample: The sample image data as a 3D numpy.ndarray :param config: A ReconstructionConfig with all the necessary parameters to run a reconstruction. The Centers of Rotation must be interpolated independently! :param proj_angles: The projection angle for each slice. If not provided equidistant angles will be generated :param kwargs: Any keyword arguments will be forwarded to the TomoPy reconstruction function :return: The reconstructed volume """ tool = TomoPyTool() return tool.run_reconstruct(sample, config, proj_angles, **kwargs)
[docs] class TomoPyTool(AbstractTool):
[docs] @staticmethod def tool_supported_methods(): return [ 'art', 'bart', 'fbp', 'gridrec', 'mlem', 'osem', 'ospml_hybrid', 'ospml_quad', 'pml_hybrid', 'pml_quad', 'sirt' ]
[docs] @staticmethod def check_algorithm_compatibility(algorithm): if algorithm not in TomoPyTool.tool_supported_methods(): raise ValueError("The selected algorithm {0} is not supported by TomoPy.".format(algorithm))
def __init__(self): AbstractTool.__init__(self) self._tomopy = self.import_self() import tomopy.prep import tomopy.recon import tomopy.misc # pretend we have the functions self.find_center = self._tomopy.find_center self.find_center_vo = self._tomopy.find_center_vo self.circ_mask = self._tomopy.circ_mask # make all tomopy methods available self.misc = tomopy.misc self.prep = tomopy.prep self.recon = tomopy.recon
[docs] def import_self(self): try: import tomopy import tomopy.prep import tomopy.recon import tomopy.misc except ImportError as exc: raise ImportError("Could not import the tomopy package and its subpackages. " "Details: {0}".format(exc)) return tomopy
[docs] def run_reconstruct(self, sample, config, proj_angles=None, progress=None, **kwargs): """ Run a reconstruction with TomoPy, using the CPU algorithms they provide. Information for each reconstruction method is available at :param sample: The sample image data as a 3D numpy.ndarray :param config: A ReconstructionConfig with all the necessary parameters to run a reconstruction. The Centers of Rotation must be interpolated independently! :param proj_angles: The projection angle for each slice. If not provided equidistant angles will be generated :param kwargs: Any keyword arguments will be forwarded to the TomoPy reconstruction function :return: The reconstructed volume """ progress = Progress.ensure_instance(progress, task_name='TomoPy') log = getLogger(__name__) h.check_data_stack(sample) if proj_angles is None: num_radiograms = sample.shape[1] proj_angles = projection_angles.generate(config.func.max_angle, num_radiograms).value alg = config.func.algorithm num_iter = config.func.num_iter cores = config.func.cores cors = config.func.cors assert len(cors) == sample.shape[0],\ "The provided number of CORs does not match the slice number! \ A Center of rotation must be provided for each slice. Usually \ that is done via core.utility.cor_interpolate" iterative_algorithm = False if alg in ['gridrec', 'fbp'] else True with progress: if iterative_algorithm: # run the iterative algorithms progress.update(msg="Iterative method with TomoPy")"Avg Center of Rotation: {0}, Algorithm: {1}, number " "of iterations: {2}...".format(np.mean(cors), alg, num_iter)) kwargs = dict(kwargs, num_iter=num_iter) else: # run the non-iterative algorithms progress.update(msg="Non-iterative method with TomoPy")"Mean COR: {0}, Number of CORs provided {1}, " "Algorithm: {2}...".format(np.mean(cors), len(cors), alg)) # TODO need to expose the operations to CLI # filter_name='parzen', # filter_par=[5.], recon = self._tomopy.recon(tomo=sample, theta=proj_angles, center=cors, ncore=cores, algorithm=alg, sinogram_order=True, **kwargs)"Reconstructed 3D volume. Shape: {0}, and pixel data type: " "{1}.".format(recon.shape, recon.dtype)) return recon