Source code for mantidimaging.gui.widgets.mi_image_view.view

# Copyright (C) 2022 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

from time import sleep
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple

from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QHBoxLayout, QLabel, QPushButton, QSizePolicy, QAction
from pyqtgraph import ROI, ImageItem, ImageView, ViewBox
from pyqtgraph.GraphicsScene.mouseEvents import HoverEvent

from mantidimaging.core.utility.close_enough_point import CloseEnoughPoint
from mantidimaging.core.utility.histogram import set_histogram_log_scale
from mantidimaging.core.utility.sensible_roi import SensibleROI
from mantidimaging.gui.widgets.mi_image_view.presenter import MIImagePresenter
from mantidimaging.gui.widgets.palette_changer.view import PaletteChangerView
from mantidimaging.gui.widgets.bad_data_overlay.bad_data_overlay import BadDataOverlay

[docs] class UnrotateablePlotROI(ROI): """ Like PlotROI but does not add a rotation handle. """ def __init__(self, size): ROI.__init__(self, pos=[0, 0], size=size) self.addScaleHandle([1, 1], [0, 0])
# ImageView objects cannot always be safely garbage collected. To prevent this # we need keep a reference to the dead objects. graveyard = []
[docs] class MIImageView(ImageView, BadDataOverlay): details: QLabel roiString = None imageItem: ImageItem roi_changed_callback: Optional[Callable[[SensibleROI], None]] = None def __init__(self, parent=None, name="ImageView", view=None, imageItem=None, levelMode='mono', detailsSpanAllCols=False, *args): super().__init__(parent, name, view, imageItem, levelMode, *args) graveyard.append(self) self.presenter = MIImagePresenter() self.details = QLabel("", self.ui.layoutWidget) self.details.setStyleSheet("QLabel { color : white; background-color: black}") if detailsSpanAllCols: self.ui.gridLayout.addWidget(self.details, 1, 0, 1, 3) self.ui.gridLayout.setColumnStretch(0, 8) self.ui.gridLayout.setColumnStretch(1, 1) self.ui.gridLayout.setColumnStretch(2, 1) else: self.ui.gridLayout.addWidget(self.details, 1, 0, 1, 1) # Hide the norm button as it allows for manual data changes and we don't want users to do that unrecorded. self.ui.menuBtn.hide() # Construct and add the left and right buttons for the stack self.shifting_through_images = False self.button_stack_left = QPushButton() self.button_stack_left.setText("<") self.button_stack_left.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.button_stack_left.setMaximumSize(40, 40) self.button_stack_left.pressed.connect(lambda: self.toggle_jumping_frame(-1)) self.button_stack_left.released.connect(lambda: self.toggle_jumping_frame()) self.button_stack_right = QPushButton() self.button_stack_right.setText(">") self.button_stack_right.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.button_stack_right.setMaximumSize(40, 40) self.button_stack_right.pressed.connect(lambda: self.toggle_jumping_frame(1)) self.button_stack_right.released.connect(lambda: self.toggle_jumping_frame()) self.vertical_layout = QHBoxLayout() self.vertical_layout.addWidget(self.button_stack_left) self.vertical_layout.addWidget(self.button_stack_right) self.ui.gridLayout.addLayout(self.vertical_layout, 1, 2, 1, 1) self.imageItem.hoverEvent = self.image_hover_event # disconnect the ROI recalculation on every move self.roi.sigRegionChanged.disconnect(self.roiChanged) self.view.removeItem(self.roi) self.roi = UnrotateablePlotROI(300) self.roi.setZValue(30) # make ROI red self.roi.setPen((255, 0, 0)) self.view.addItem(self.roi) self.roi.hide() self.roi.sigRegionChangeFinished.connect(self.roiChanged) self.extend_roi_plot_mouse_press_handler() self.imageItem.setAutoDownsample(False) self._last_mouse_hover_location = CloseEnoughPoint([0, 0]) self.imageItem.sigImageChanged.connect(self._refresh_message) self.imageItem.sigImageChanged.connect(self.set_log_scale) self.auto_colour_action = QAction("Auto") self.auto_colour_action.triggered.connect(self.on_colour_change_palette) action =[12], self.auto_colour_action) # Work around for self.scene.contextMenu = [item for item in self.scene.contextMenu if "export" not in item.text().lower()] @property def image_item(self) -> ImageItem: return self.imageItem @property def viewbox(self) -> ViewBox: return self.view
[docs] def setImage(self, *args, **kwargs): if args[0].ndim == 3: # For a 3 dimensional image, we need to specify which axes we are providing and their indices in the # array's shape attribute # If we don't do this then it is interpreted incorrectly for very small images by ImageView.setImage # Note that, for our purposes, the t axis corresponds to angle data kwargs['axes'] = kwargs.get('axes', {'t': 0, 'x': 2, 'y': 1, 'c': None}) ImageView.setImage(self, *args, **kwargs) self.check_for_bad_data()
[docs] def toggle_jumping_frame(self, images_to_jump_by=None): if not self.shifting_through_images and images_to_jump_by is not None: self.shifting_through_images = True else: self.shifting_through_images = False while self.shifting_through_images: self.jumpFrames(images_to_jump_by) sleep(0.02) QApplication.processEvents()
def _refresh_message(self): # updates the ROI average value self._update_roi_region_avg() try: self._update_message(self._last_mouse_hover_location) except IndexError: # this happens after the image is cropped, and the last location # is outside of the new bounds. To prevent this happening again just reset back to 0, 0 self._last_mouse_hover_location = CloseEnoughPoint([0, 0])
[docs] def roiChanged(self): """ Re-implements the roiChanged function to expect only 3D data, and uses a faster mean calculation on the ROI view of the data, instead of the full sized data. """ # if the data isn't 3D the following code can't handle it correctly # so defer back to the original implementation which can handle 2D (any maybe ND) # more sensibly, albeit slower if self.image.ndim != 3: return super().roiChanged() roi = self._update_roi_region_avg() if self.roi_changed_callback and roi is not None: self.roi_changed_callback(roi)
[docs] def timeLineChanged(self): """ Re-implements timeLineChanged function, and the only change is that now self.updateImage will NOT auto range the histogram """ if not self.ignorePlaying: (ind, time) = self.timeIndex(self.timeLine) if ind != self.currentIndex: self.currentIndex = ind self.updateImage(autoHistogramRange=False) self.sigTimeChanged.emit(ind, time)
def _update_roi_region_avg(self) -> Optional[SensibleROI]: if self.image.ndim != 3: return None roi_pos, roi_size = self.get_roi() # image indices are in order [Z, X, Y] left, right = roi_pos.x, roi_pos.x + roi_size.x top, bottom = roi_pos.y, roi_pos.y + roi_size.y data = self.image[:, top:bottom, left:right] if data is not None: while data.ndim > 1: data = data.mean(axis=1) if len(self.roiCurves) == 0: self.roiCurves.append(self.ui.roiPlot.plot()) self.roiCurves[0].setData(y=data, x=self.tVals) self.roiString = f"({left}, {top}, {right}, {bottom}) | " \ f"region avg={data[int(self.timeLine.value())].mean():.6f}" return SensibleROI(left, top, right, bottom)
[docs] def extend_roi_plot_mouse_press_handler(self): original_handler = self.ui.roiPlot.mousePressEvent def extended_handler(ev): if ev.button() == Qt.MouseButton.LeftButton: self.set_timeline_to_tick_nearest(ev.x()) original_handler(ev) self.ui.roiPlot.mousePressEvent = lambda ev: extended_handler(ev)
[docs] def get_roi(self) -> Tuple[CloseEnoughPoint, CloseEnoughPoint]: return self.presenter.get_roi(self.image, roi_pos=CloseEnoughPoint(self.roi.pos()), roi_size=CloseEnoughPoint(self.roi.size()))
[docs] def image_hover_event(self, event: HoverEvent): if event.exit: return pt = CloseEnoughPoint(event.pos()) self._last_mouse_hover_location = pt self._update_message(pt)
def _update_message(self, pt): # event holds the coordinates in column-major coordinate # while the data is in row-major coordinate, hence why # the data access below is [y, x] msg = f"x={pt.y}, y={pt.x}, " if self.image.ndim == 3: msg += f"z={self.currentIndex}, value={self.image[self.currentIndex, pt.y, pt.x]:.6f}" else: msg += f"value={self.image[pt.y, pt.x]}" if self.roiString is not None: msg += f" | roi = {self.roiString}" self.details.setText(msg)
[docs] def set_timeline_to_tick_nearest(self, x_pos_clicked): x_axis = self.getRoiPlot().getAxis('bottom') view_range = self.getRoiPlot().viewRange()[0] nearest = self.presenter.get_nearest_timeline_tick(x_pos_clicked, x_axis, view_range) self.timeLine.setValue(nearest)
[docs] def set_selected_image(self, image_index: int): self.timeLine.setValue(image_index)
[docs] def set_log_scale(self): set_histogram_log_scale(self.getHistogramWidget().item)
[docs] def on_colour_change_palette(self): """ Opens the Palette Changer window when the "Auto" option has been clicked. """ change_colour_palette = PaletteChangerView(parent=self, main_hist=self.ui.histogram.item, image=self.image)