Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2022 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import numpy as np
import os
from typing import Optional, List, Union, Tuple

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTreeWidgetItem, QWidget, QSpinBox, QTreeWidget, QHBoxLayout, QLabel, QCheckBox

from mantidimaging.core.utility import size_calculator
from mantidimaging.core.utility.data_containers import Indices

[docs] class Field: _widget: QTreeWidgetItem _use: QCheckBox _spinbox_widget: Optional[QWidget] = None _start_spinbox: Optional[QSpinBox] = None _stop_spinbox: Optional[QSpinBox] = None _increment_spinbox: Optional[QSpinBox] = None _shape_widget: Optional[QTreeWidgetItem] = None def __init__(self, parent, tree: QTreeWidget, widget: QTreeWidgetItem, use: QCheckBox): self._parent = parent self._tree = tree self._widget = widget self._use = use self._path = None
[docs] def set_images(self, image_files: List[str]): if len(image_files) > 0: self.path = image_files[0] self.update_shape(len(image_files))
@property def widget(self) -> QTreeWidgetItem: """ Returns the top-level widget of the section. All other fields are nested under it :return: """ return self._widget @property def use(self) -> QCheckBox: return self._use @use.setter def use(self, value: bool): self._use.setChecked(value) @property def path(self): if self._path is None: self._path = QTreeWidgetItem(self._widget) self._path.setText(0, "Path") return self._path @path.setter def path(self, value: str): assert isinstance(value, str), f"The object passed as path for this field is not a string. " \ f"Instead got {type(value)}" if value != "": self.path.setText(1, value) self.widget.setText(1, self.file()) self.use.setChecked(True)
[docs] def file(self) -> str: """ :return: The file that the use has selected """ return os.path.basename(self.path_text())
[docs] def directory(self) -> str: """ :return: The directory of the path as a Python string """ return os.path.dirname(self.path_text())
[docs] def path_text(self) -> str: """ :return: The directory of the path as a Python string """ return str(self.path.text(1))
def _init_indices(self): indices_item = QTreeWidgetItem(self._widget) indices_item.setText(0, "File indices") _spinbox_layout = QHBoxLayout() self._start_spinbox = QSpinBox(self._tree.parent()) _spinbox_layout.addWidget(QLabel("Start", self._tree.parent())) _spinbox_layout.addWidget(self._start_spinbox) self._stop_spinbox = QSpinBox(self._tree.parent()) _spinbox_layout.addWidget(QLabel("Stop", self._tree.parent())) _spinbox_layout.addWidget(self._stop_spinbox) self._increment_spinbox = QSpinBox(self._tree.parent()) self._increment_spinbox.setMinimum(1) _spinbox_layout.addWidget(QLabel("Increment", self._tree.parent())) _spinbox_layout.addWidget(self._increment_spinbox) self._spinbox_widget = QWidget(self._tree.parent()) self._spinbox_widget.setLayout(_spinbox_layout) self._tree.setItemWidget(indices_item, 1, self._spinbox_widget) @property def _start(self) -> QSpinBox: if self._spinbox_widget is None: self._init_indices() # assert to clear up mypy error for wrong type assert self._start_spinbox is not None return self._start_spinbox @_start.setter def _start(self, value: int): self._start.setValue(value) @property def _stop(self) -> QSpinBox: if self._spinbox_widget is None: self._init_indices() # assert to clear up mypy error for wrong type assert self._stop_spinbox is not None return self._stop_spinbox @_stop.setter def _stop(self, value: int): self._stop.setValue(value) @property def _increment(self) -> QSpinBox: if self._spinbox_widget is None: self._init_indices() # assert to clear up mypy error for wrong type assert self._increment_spinbox is not None return self._increment_spinbox @_increment.setter def _increment(self, value: int): self._increment.setValue(value) @property def _shape(self) -> QTreeWidgetItem: if self._shape_widget is None: self._shape_widget = QTreeWidgetItem(self._widget) self._shape_widget.setText(0, "") return self._shape_widget @_shape.setter def _shape(self, value: str): self._shape.setText(1, value) @property def indices(self) -> Indices: return Indices(self._start.value(), self._stop.value(), self._increment.value())
[docs] def update_indices(self, number_of_images): """ :param number_of_images: Number of images that will be loaded in from the current selection """ # Cap the end value FIRST, otherwise setValue might fail if the # previous max val is smaller self._stop.setMaximum(number_of_images) self._stop.setValue(number_of_images) # Cap the start value to be end - 1 (ensure no negative value can be # set in case of loading failure) self._start.setMaximum(max(number_of_images - 1, 0)) # Enforce the maximum step (ensure a minimum of 1) self._increment.setMaximum(max(number_of_images, 1))
[docs] def set_step(self, value: int): if self._increment_spinbox is not None: self._increment_spinbox.setValue(value)
def _update_expected_mem_usage(self, shape: Tuple[int, int]): num_images = size_calculator.number_of_images_from_indices(self._start.value(), self._stop.value(), self._increment.value()) single_mem = size_calculator.full_size_MB(shape, dtype=np.float32) exp_mem = round(single_mem * num_images, 2) return num_images, shape, exp_mem
[docs] def update_shape(self, shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]): if isinstance(shape, int): self._shape = f"{str(shape)} images" # type: ignore else: num_images, shape, exp_mem = self._update_expected_mem_usage(shape) self._shape = f"{num_images} images x {shape[0]} x {shape[1]}, {exp_mem}MB" # type: ignore