Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2022 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import uuid
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Dict, Optional, List, Union, NoReturn, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from import Images
from import StrictDataset, MixedDataset
from import loader, saver
from mantidimaging.core.utility.data_containers import LoadingParameters, ProjectionAngles

    from mantidimaging.core.utility.progress_reporting import Progress

logger = getLogger(__name__)

def _matching_dataset_attribute(dataset_attribute: Optional[Images], images_id: uuid.UUID) -> bool:
    return isinstance(dataset_attribute, Images) and == images_id

[docs] class MainWindowModel(object): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.datasets: Dict[uuid.UUID, Union[MixedDataset, StrictDataset]] = {}
[docs] def get_images_by_uuid(self, images_uuid: uuid.UUID) -> Optional[Images]: for dataset in self.datasets.values(): for image in dataset.all: if images_uuid == return image return None
[docs] def do_load_dataset(self, parameters: LoadingParameters, progress) -> StrictDataset: sample = loader.load_p(parameters.sample, parameters.dtype, progress) ds = StrictDataset(sample) sample._is_sinograms = parameters.sinograms sample.pixel_size = parameters.pixel_size if parameters.sample.log_file: ds.sample.log_file = loader.load_log(parameters.sample.log_file) if parameters.flat_before: flat_before = loader.load_p(parameters.flat_before, parameters.dtype, progress) ds.flat_before = flat_before if parameters.flat_before.log_file: flat_before.log_file = loader.load_log(parameters.flat_before.log_file) if parameters.flat_after: flat_after = loader.load_p(parameters.flat_after, parameters.dtype, progress) ds.flat_after = flat_after if parameters.flat_after.log_file: flat_after.log_file = loader.load_log(parameters.flat_after.log_file) if parameters.dark_before: dark_before = loader.load_p(parameters.dark_before, parameters.dtype, progress) ds.dark_before = dark_before if parameters.dark_after: dark_after = loader.load_p(parameters.dark_after, parameters.dtype, progress) ds.dark_after = dark_after if parameters.proj_180deg: sample.proj180deg = loader.load_p(parameters.proj_180deg, parameters.dtype, progress) self.datasets[] = ds return ds
[docs] def load_images(self, file_path: str, progress: 'Progress') -> MixedDataset: images = loader.load_stack(file_path, progress) sd = MixedDataset([images], self.datasets[] = sd return sd
[docs] def do_images_saving(self, images_id, output_dir, name_prefix, image_format, overwrite, pixel_depth, progress): images = self.get_images_by_uuid(images_id) if images is None: self.raise_error_when_images_not_found(images_id) filenames =, output_dir=output_dir, name_prefix=name_prefix, overwrite_all=overwrite, out_format=image_format, pixel_depth=pixel_depth, progress=progress) images.filenames = filenames return True
[docs] def set_image_data_by_uuid(self, images_id: uuid.UUID, new_data: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Updates the data of an existing dataset/images object. :param images_id: The id of the image to update. :param new_data: The new image data. """ for dataset in self.datasets.values(): if images_id in dataset: dataset.replace(images_id, new_data) return self.raise_error_when_images_not_found(images_id)
[docs] def get_existing_180_id(self, dataset_id: uuid.UUID) -> Optional[uuid.UUID]: """ Gets the ID of the 180 projection object in a Dataset. :param dataset_id: The Dataset ID. :return: The 180 ID if found, None otherwise. """ if dataset_id in self.datasets and isinstance(self.datasets[dataset_id], StrictDataset): dataset = self.datasets[dataset_id] else: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to get StrictDataset with ID {dataset_id}") if isinstance(dataset.proj180deg, Images): # type: ignore return # type: ignore return None
[docs] def add_180_deg_to_dataset(self, dataset_id: uuid.UUID, _180_deg_file: str) -> Images: """ Loads to 180 projection and adds this to a given Images ID. :param dataset_id: The ID of the Dataset. :param _180_deg_file: The location of the 180 projection. :return: The loaded 180 Image object. """ if dataset_id in self.datasets: dataset = self.datasets[dataset_id] else: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to get Dataset with ID {dataset_id}") if not isinstance(dataset, StrictDataset): raise RuntimeError(f"Wrong dataset type passed to add 180 method: {dataset_id}") _180_deg = loader.load(file_names=[_180_deg_file]).sample dataset.proj180deg = _180_deg return _180_deg
[docs] def add_projection_angles_to_sample(self, images_id: uuid.UUID, proj_angles: ProjectionAngles): images = self.get_images_by_uuid(images_id) if images is None: self.raise_error_when_images_not_found(images_id) images.set_projection_angles(proj_angles)
[docs] def raise_error_when_images_not_found(self, images_id: uuid.UUID) -> NoReturn: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to get Images with ID {images_id}")
[docs] def raise_error_when_parent_dataset_not_found(self, images_id: uuid.UUID) -> NoReturn: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to find dataset containing Images with ID {images_id}")
[docs] def raise_error_when_parent_strict_dataset_not_found(self, images_id: uuid.UUID) -> NoReturn: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to find strict dataset containing Images with ID {images_id}")
[docs] def add_log_to_sample(self, images_id: uuid.UUID, log_file: str): images = self.get_images_by_uuid(images_id) if images is None: raise RuntimeError log = loader.load_log(log_file) log.raise_if_angle_missing(images.filenames) images.log_file = log
def _remove_dataset(self, dataset_id: uuid.UUID): """ Removes a dataset and the image stacks it contains from the model. :param dataset_id: The dataset ID. """ del self.datasets[dataset_id]
[docs] def remove_container(self, container_id: uuid.UUID) -> List[uuid.UUID]: """ Removes a container from the model. :param container_id: The ID of the dataset or image stack. :return: A list of the IDs of all the image stacks that were deleted from the model if a match was found, None otherwise. """ if container_id in self.datasets: stacks_in_dataset = self.datasets[container_id].all_image_ids self._remove_dataset(container_id) return stacks_in_dataset else: for dataset in self.datasets.values(): if container_id in dataset: dataset.delete_stack(container_id) return [container_id] if container_id == ids_to_remove = dataset.recons.ids dataset.delete_recons() return ids_to_remove self.raise_error_when_images_not_found(container_id)
[docs] def add_dataset_to_model(self, dataset: Union[StrictDataset, MixedDataset]) -> None: self.datasets[] = dataset
@property def image_ids(self) -> List[uuid.UUID]: images = [] for dataset in self.datasets.values(): images += dataset.all return [ for image in images if image is not None] @property def images(self) -> List[Images]: images = [] for dataset in self.datasets.values(): images += dataset.all return images @property def proj180s(self) -> List[Images]: proj180s = [] for dataset in self.datasets.values(): if isinstance(dataset, StrictDataset) and dataset.proj180deg is not None: proj180s.append(dataset.proj180deg) return proj180s
[docs] def get_parent_dataset(self, member_id: uuid.UUID) -> uuid.UUID: """ Takes the ID of an image stack and returns the ID of its parent strict dataset. :param member_id: The ID of the image stack. :return: The ID of the parent dataset if found. """ for dataset in self.datasets.values(): if member_id in dataset: return self.raise_error_when_parent_dataset_not_found(member_id)
[docs] def add_recon_to_dataset(self, recon_data: Images, stack_id: uuid.UUID) -> uuid.UUID: """ Adds a recon to a dataset using recon data and an ID from one of the stacks in the dataset. :param recon_data: The recon data. :param stack_id: The ID of one of the member stacks. :return: The ID of the parent dataset if found. """ for dataset in self.datasets.values(): if stack_id in dataset: dataset.recons.append(recon_data) return self.raise_error_when_parent_strict_dataset_not_found(stack_id)
@property def recon_list_ids(self): return [ for dataset in self.datasets.values()]
[docs] def get_recon_list_id(self, parent_id: uuid.UUID) -> uuid.UUID: return self.datasets[parent_id]