Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2022 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import traceback
import uuid
from enum import Enum, auto
from functools import partial
from itertools import groupby
from logging import getLogger
from time import sleep
from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Tuple, Union
from uuid import UUID

import numpy as np
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLineEdit
from pyqtgraph import ImageItem

from import Images
from mantidimaging.core.operation_history.const import OPERATION_HISTORY, OPERATION_DISPLAY_NAME
from mantidimaging.gui.mvp_base import BasePresenter
from mantidimaging.gui.utility import BlockQtSignals
from mantidimaging.gui.utility.common import operation_in_progress
from import StackChoicePresenter
from mantidimaging.gui.widgets.dataset_selector import DatasetSelectorWidgetView

from .model import FiltersWindowModel

APPLY_TO_180_MSG = "Operations applied to the sample are also automatically applied to the " \
      "180 degree projection. Please avoid applying an operation unless you're" \
      " absolutely certain you need to.\nAre you sure you want to apply to 180" \
      " degree projection?"

FLAT_FIELDING = "Flat-fielding"

    from import MainWindowView  # pragma: no cover
    from import FiltersWindowView  # pragma: no cover

REPEAT_FLAT_FIELDING_MSG = "Do you want to run flat-fielding again? This could cause you to lose data."

[docs] class Notification(Enum): REGISTER_ACTIVE_FILTER = auto() APPLY_FILTER = auto() APPLY_FILTER_TO_ALL = auto() UPDATE_PREVIEWS = auto() SCROLL_PREVIEW_UP = auto() SCROLL_PREVIEW_DOWN = auto()
def _find_nan_change(before_image, filtered_image_data): """ Returns a bool array of all the placed where a NaN has been removed. :param before_image: The before image. :param filtered_image_data: The filter result. :return: The indexes of the pixels with removed NaNs. """ before_nan = np.isnan(before_image) after_nan = np.isnan(filtered_image_data) nan_change = np.logical_and(before_nan, ~after_nan) return nan_change
[docs] def sub(x: Tuple[int, int]) -> int: """ Subtracts two tuples. Helper method for generating the negative slice list. :param x: The int tuple. :return: The first value subtracted from the second value. """ return x[1] - x[0]
def _group_consecutive_values(slices: List[int]) -> List[str]: """ Creates a list of slices with negative indices in a readable format. :param slices: The list of indices of the slices that contain negative values. :return: A list of strings for the index ranges e.g. 1-5, 7-20, etc """ ranges = [] for k, iterable in groupby(enumerate(slices), sub): rng = list(iterable) if len(rng) == 1: s = str(rng[0][1]) else: s = "{}-{}".format(rng[0][1], rng[-1][1]) ranges.append(s) return ranges
[docs] class FiltersWindowPresenter(BasePresenter): view: 'FiltersWindowView' stack: Optional[Images] = None divider = "------------------------------------" def __init__(self, view: 'FiltersWindowView', main_window: 'MainWindowView'): super().__init__(view) self.model = FiltersWindowModel(self) self._main_window = main_window self.original_images_stack: Union[List[Tuple[Images, UUID]]] = [] self.applying_to_all = False self.filter_is_running = False self.prev_apply_single_state = True self.prev_apply_all_state = True @property def main_window(self) -> 'MainWindowView': return self._main_window
[docs] def notify(self, signal): try: if signal == Notification.REGISTER_ACTIVE_FILTER: self.do_register_active_filter() elif signal == Notification.APPLY_FILTER: self.do_apply_filter() elif signal == Notification.APPLY_FILTER_TO_ALL: self.do_apply_filter_to_all() elif signal == Notification.UPDATE_PREVIEWS: self.do_update_previews() elif signal == Notification.SCROLL_PREVIEW_UP: self.do_scroll_preview(1) elif signal == Notification.SCROLL_PREVIEW_DOWN: self.do_scroll_preview(-1) except Exception as e: self.show_error(e, traceback.format_exc()) getLogger(__name__).exception("Notification handler failed")
@property def max_preview_image_idx(self): num_images = self.stack.num_images if self.stack is not None else 0 return max(num_images - 1, 0)
[docs] def set_stack_uuid(self, uuid: Optional[uuid.UUID]): if uuid is not None: self.set_stack(self.main_window.get_stack(uuid)) else: self.set_stack(None)
[docs] def set_stack(self, stack: Optional[Images]): self.stack = stack # Update the preview image index with BlockQtSignals([self.view]): self.set_preview_image_index(0) self.view.previewImageIndex.setMaximum(self.max_preview_image_idx) for row_id in range(self.view.filterPropertiesLayout.count()): widget = self.view.filterPropertiesLayout.itemAt(row_id).widget() if isinstance(widget, DatasetSelectorWidgetView): widget._handle_loaded_datasets_changed() self.do_update_previews()
[docs] def set_preview_image_index(self, image_idx): """ Sets the current preview image index. """ self.model.preview_image_idx = image_idx # Set preview index spin box to new index preview_idx_spin = self.view.previewImageIndex with BlockQtSignals([preview_idx_spin]): preview_idx_spin.setValue(self.model.preview_image_idx) # Trigger preview updating self.view.auto_update_triggered.emit()
[docs] def do_register_active_filter(self): filter_name = self.view.filterSelector.currentText() # Get registration function for new filter register_func = self.model.filter_registration_func(filter_name) # Register new filter (adding it's property widgets to the properties layout) filter_widget_kwargs = register_func(self.view.filterPropertiesLayout, self.view.auto_update_triggered.emit, self.view) if filter_name == "Crop Coordinates": self.init_crop_coords(filter_widget_kwargs["roi_field"]) self.model.setup_filter(filter_name, filter_widget_kwargs) self.view.clear_notification_dialog() self.view.previews.link_before_after_histogram_scales(self.model.link_histograms()) if self.model.show_negative_overlay(): self.view.previews.add_negative_overlay() else: self.view.previews.hide_negative_overlay()
[docs] def filter_uses_parameter(self, parameter): return parameter in self.model.params_needed_from_stack.values() if \ self.model.params_needed_from_stack is not None else False
[docs] def do_apply_filter(self): if self._already_run_flat_fielding(): if not self.view.ask_confirmation(REPEAT_FLAT_FIELDING_MSG): return if self.view.safeApply.isChecked(): with operation_in_progress("Safe Apply: Copying Data", "-------------------------------------", self.view): self.original_images_stack = self.stack.copy() # if is a 180degree stack and a user says no, cancel apply filter. if self.is_a_proj180deg(self.stack) and not self.view.ask_confirmation(APPLY_TO_180_MSG): return apply_to = [self.stack] self._do_apply_filter(apply_to)
[docs] def do_apply_filter_to_all(self): confirmed = self.view.ask_confirmation("Are you sure you want to apply this filter to \n\nALL OPEN STACKS?") if not confirmed: return stacks = self.main_window.get_all_stacks() if self.view.safeApply.isChecked(): with operation_in_progress("Safe Apply: Copying Data", "-------------------------------------", self.view): self.original_images_stack = [] for stack in stacks: self.original_images_stack.append((stack.copy(), if len(stacks) > 0: self.applying_to_all = True self._do_apply_filter(stacks)
def _wait_for_stack_choice(self, new_stack: Images, stack_uuid: UUID): stack_choice = StackChoicePresenter(self.original_images_stack, new_stack, self, stack_uuid) if self.model.show_negative_overlay(): stack_choice.enable_nonpositive_check() while not stack_choice.done: QApplication.processEvents() QApplication.sendPostedEvents() sleep(0.05) return stack_choice.use_new_data
[docs] def is_a_proj180deg(self, stack_to_check: Images): return stack_to_check in self.main_window.get_all_180_projections()
def _post_filter(self, updated_stacks: List[Images], task): try: use_new_data = True attempt_repair = task.error is not None negative_stacks = [] for stack in updated_stacks: # If the operation encountered an error during processing, # try to restore the original data else continue processing as usual if attempt_repair: self.main_window.presenter.set_images_in_stack(, stack) # Ensure there is no error if we are to continue with safe apply and 180 degree. elif task.error is None: # otherwise check with user which one to keep if self.view.safeApply.isChecked(): use_new_data = self._wait_for_stack_choice(stack, # if the stack that was kept happened to have a proj180 stack - then apply the filter to that too if stack.has_proj180deg() and use_new_data and not self.applying_to_all: self.view.clear_previews() # Apply to proj180 synchronously - this function is already running async # and running another async instance causes a race condition in the parallel module # where the shared data can be removed in the middle of the operation of another operation self._do_apply_filter_sync([stack.proj180deg]) self.view.main_window.update_stack_with_images(stack.proj180deg) # type: ignore self.view.main_window.update_stack_with_images(stack) if np.any( < 0): negative_stacks.append(stack) if self.view.roi_view is not None: self.view.roi_view.close() self.view.roi_view = None self.applying_to_all = False self.do_update_previews() if task.error is not None: # task failed, show why self.view.show_error_dialog(f"Operation failed: {task.error}") elif use_new_data: # Feedback to user self.view.clear_notification_dialog() self.view.show_operation_completed(self.model.selected_filter.filter_name) else: self.view.clear_notification_dialog() self.view.show_operation_cancelled(self.model.selected_filter.filter_name) if use_new_data and self.view.filterSelector.currentText() == FLAT_FIELDING and negative_stacks: self._show_negative_values_error(negative_stacks) finally: self.view.filter_applied.emit() self._set_apply_buttons_enabled(self.prev_apply_single_state, self.prev_apply_all_state) self.filter_is_running = False def _do_apply_filter(self, apply_to: List[Images]): self.filter_is_running = True # Record the previous button states self.prev_apply_single_state = self.view.applyButton.isEnabled() self.prev_apply_all_state = self.view.applyToAllButton.isEnabled() # Disable the apply buttons self._set_apply_buttons_enabled(False, False) self.model.do_apply_filter(apply_to, partial(self._post_filter, apply_to)) def _do_apply_filter_sync(self, apply_to): self.model.do_apply_filter_sync(apply_to, partial(self._post_filter, apply_to))
[docs] def do_update_previews(self): self.view.clear_previews(clear_before=False) if self.stack is not None: lock_scale = self.view.lockScaleCheckBox.isChecked() if lock_scale: self.view.previews.record_histogram_regions() subset: Images = self.stack.index_as_images(self.model.preview_image_idx) before_image = np.copy([0]) try: if self.model.filter_widget_kwargs: self.model.apply_to_images(subset) except Exception as e: msg = f"Error applying filter for preview: {e}" self.show_error(msg, traceback.format_exc()) # Can't continue be need the before image drawn self._update_preview_image(before_image, self.view.preview_image_before) return # Update image after first in order to prevent wrong histogram ranges being shared filtered_image_data =[0] if np.any(filtered_image_data < 0): self._show_preview_negative_values_error(self.model.preview_image_idx) self._update_preview_image(filtered_image_data, self.view.preview_image_after) # Update image before self._update_preview_image(before_image, self.view.preview_image_before) self.view.previews.update_histogram_data() if filtered_image_data.shape == before_image.shape: diff = np.subtract(filtered_image_data, before_image) if self.view.overlayDifference.isChecked(): nan_change = _find_nan_change(before_image, filtered_image_data) self.view.previews.add_difference_overlay(diff, nan_change) else: self.view.previews.hide_difference_overlay() if self.view.invertDifference.isChecked(): diff = np.negative(diff, out=diff) self._update_preview_image(diff, self.view.preview_image_difference) # Ensure all of it is visible if the lock zoom isn't checked if not self.view.lockZoomCheckBox.isChecked(): self.view.previews.auto_range() if lock_scale: self.view.previews.restore_histogram_regions() self.view.previews.set_histogram_log_scale()
@staticmethod def _update_preview_image(image_data: Optional[np.ndarray], image: ImageItem): image.clear() image.setImage(image_data)
[docs] def do_scroll_preview(self, offset): idx = self.model.preview_image_idx + offset idx = max(min(idx, self.max_preview_image_idx), 0) self.set_preview_image_index(idx)
[docs] def get_filter_module_name(self, filter_idx): return self.model.get_filter_module_name(filter_idx)
[docs] def set_filter_by_name(self, filter_menu_name: str): self.view.filterSelector.setCurrentText(filter_menu_name)
def _already_run_flat_fielding(self): """ :return: True if this is not the first time flat-fielding is being run, False otherwise. """ if self.view.filterSelector.currentText() != FLAT_FIELDING: return False if OPERATION_HISTORY not in self.stack.metadata: return False return any(operation[OPERATION_DISPLAY_NAME] == FLAT_FIELDING for operation in self.stack.metadata[OPERATION_HISTORY]) def _set_apply_buttons_enabled(self, apply_single_enabled: bool, apply_all_enabled: bool): """ Changes the state of the apply buttons before/after an operation is run. :param apply_single_enabled: The desired state for the apply button. :param apply_all_enabled: The desired state for the apply to all button. """ self.view.applyButton.setEnabled(apply_single_enabled) self.view.applyToAllButton.setEnabled(apply_all_enabled)
[docs] def init_crop_coords(self, roi_field: QLineEdit): """ Sets the initial value of the crop coordinates line edit widget so that it doesn't contain values that are larger than the image. :param roi_field: The ROI field line edit widget. """ if self.stack is None: return larger = np.greater([0].shape, (200, 200)) if all(larger): return x = min([0].shape[0], 200) y = min([0].shape[1], 200) crop_string = ", ".join(["0", "0", str(y), str(x)]) roi_field.setText(crop_string)
def _show_negative_values_error(self, negative_stacks: List[Images]): """ Shows information on the view and in the log about negative values in the output. :param negative_stacks: A list of stacks with negative values in the data. """ operation_name = self.model.selected_filter.filter_name gui_error = [f"{operation_name} completed."] for stack in negative_stacks: negative_slices = [] for i in range(len( if np.any([i] < 0): negative_slices.append(i) stack_msg = f'Slices containing negative values in {}: ' if len(negative_slices) == len( slices_msg = stack_msg + "all slices." gui_error.append(slices_msg) else: ranges = _group_consecutive_values(negative_slices) slices_msg = stack_msg + f'{", ".join(ranges)}.' if len(negative_slices) <= 12: gui_error.append(slices_msg) else: gui_error.append(f'{stack_msg}{", ".join(ranges[:10])} ... {ranges[-1]}.') getLogger(__name__).error(slices_msg) self.view.show_error_dialog(" ".join(gui_error)) def _show_preview_negative_values_error(self, slice_idx: int): """ Shows a message that the operation preview contains negative values. :param slice_idx: The index of the preview slice. """ self.view.show_error_dialog(f"Negative values found in result preview for slice {slice_idx}.")