Conda Packaging and Docker images

The preferred method of packaging the package is as a Conda package.

This is most likely to be the simplest way to distribute the package; Anaconda Cloud is the simplest way to obtain dependencies (for instance, TomoPy).



  1. make build-conda-package. This will automatically try to install the build requirements by calling the make target install-build-requirements


  1. conda install -c file:///tmp/mantidimaging-conda/linux-64 -c conda-forge  mantidimaging

Building the package

This can now be done in a Github Action as a more convenient way. This still works as well.

Before you go any further make sure you have the build requirements installed. This can be done via make install-build-requirements.

The metadata is in conda/meta.yaml. This generates a package based on the environment and an installation using

Note that you may have issues if the Conda root directory is on an encrypted volume, in this case you may use the --croot option to set a root directory that is on a “normal” volume.

The command to build the package is (and the specific command can be found in the Makefile):

  1. make build-conda-package

Installing the package

Before installing the Conda package, these commands will set the channels in the correct priority order:

  1. conda config --prepend channels conda-forge

  2. conda config --prepend channels anaconda

  3. conda config --prepend channels defaults

This makes the priority in order of defaults > anaconda > conda-forge, and is necessary due to packages having different versions in the different repositories. This only has to be done once per machine.

The package can be installed from a local build using: conda install -c file:///tmp/mantidimaging-conda/linux-64 mantidimaging (assuming the package is still in the directory it was built).

Here you are essentially using a directory as a channel.

Caution: installing directly from the archive as it will not resolve dependencies!

Uploading the package

After it is built, the package can be uploaded to the upstream repository. This is done automatically if the conda automatic upload is yes, set via conda config --set anaconda_upload yes.

Two environment variables are necessary: the $UPLOAD_USER, and the $ANACONDA_API_TOKEN. You can specify your own username and API key to build the conda package in your own conda repository. If you want to push a package to the original repository please contact the Mantid development team for more information.

Building the Docker image

The Docker image is currently used as a setup for the test environment. The configuration is stored in the docker/Dockerfile, and a make helper command is provided for building it:

  1. cd docker && make

The default tags used are centos7, ubuntu18 and latest, where $UPLOAD_USER is the environment variable. You can provide a custom one to build it to your Docker hub repository, or contact the Mantid development team if you need to push to the official one.

Pushing the Docker image

The command to push the Docker image to Docker hub does not have a make shortcut provided, and is as follows:

  1. cd docker && make push

This assumes the Makefile command was used to create the image, and the $UPLOAD_USER is still present in the environment. You can replace $UPLOAD_USER/mantidimaging:travis-ci-2019.10 with anything, including your own Docker hub account.