Source code for mantidimaging.core.reconstruct.cil_recon

# Copyright (C) 2023 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import annotations

import time
from logging import getLogger, DEBUG
from math import sqrt, ceil
from threading import Lock
from typing import List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from cil.framework import AcquisitionData, AcquisitionGeometry, DataOrder, ImageGeometry, BlockGeometry
from cil.optimisation.algorithms import PDHG, SPDHG
from cil.optimisation.operators import GradientOperator, BlockOperator
from cil.optimisation.functions import MixedL21Norm, L2NormSquared, BlockFunction, ZeroFunction, IndicatorBox, Function
from cil.plugins.astra.operators import ProjectionOperator

from import ImageStack
from mantidimaging.core.reconstruct.base_recon import BaseRecon
from mantidimaging.core.utility.optional_imports import safe_import
from mantidimaging.core.utility.progress_reporting import Progress
from mantidimaging.core.utility.size_calculator import full_size_KB
from mantidimaging.core.utility.memory_usage import system_free_memory

    from mantidimaging.core.utility.data_containers import ProjectionAngles, ReconstructionParameters, ScalarCoR

LOG = getLogger(__name__)
tomopy = safe_import('tomopy')
cil_mutex = Lock()

[docs] class CILRecon(BaseRecon):
[docs] @staticmethod def set_up_TV_regularisation( image_geometry: ImageGeometry, acquisition_data: AcquisitionData, recon_params: ReconstructionParameters) -> tuple[BlockOperator, BlockFunction, Function]: # Forward operator A2d = ProjectionOperator(image_geometry, acquisition_data.geometry, 'gpu') if recon_params.stochastic: for partition_geometry, partition_operator in zip(acquisition_data.geometry, A2d, strict=True): CILRecon.set_approx_norm(partition_operator, partition_geometry, image_geometry) else: CILRecon.set_approx_norm(A2d, acquisition_data.geometry, image_geometry) # Define Gradient Operator and BlockOperator alpha = recon_params.alpha Grad = GradientOperator(image_geometry) if recon_params.stochastic: # now, A2d is a BlockOperator as acquisition_data is a BlockDataContainer fs = [] for i, _ in enumerate(acquisition_data.geometry): fs.append(L2NormSquared(b=acquisition_data.get_item(i))) fs.append(MixedL21Norm()) F = BlockFunction(*fs) # needs to unrol the A2d BlockOperator and put it in another, followed by # the gradient operator, as in the deterministic case K = BlockOperator(*A2d.get_as_list(), alpha * Grad) else: # Define BlockFunction F using the MixedL21Norm() and the L2NormSquared() f1 = MixedL21Norm() f2 = L2NormSquared(b=acquisition_data) F = BlockFunction(f1, f2) # define the BlockOperator K = BlockOperator(alpha * Grad, A2d) if recon_params.non_negative: G = IndicatorBox(lower=0) else: # Define Function G simply as zero G = ZeroFunction() return (K, F, G)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_approx_norm(A2d: BlockOperator, acquisition_data: AcquisitionGeometry, image_geometry: ImageGeometry) -> None: """ Use an analytic approximation of the norm of the operator Otherwise this is slow to calculate, this approximation is good to with in 5% When running in debug mode, check the approximation and raise an error if it is bad """ assert all(s == 1.0 for s in image_geometry.spacing), "Norm approximations assume voxel size == 1" approx_a2d_norm = sqrt(image_geometry.voxel_num_x * acquisition_data.num_projections) if LOG.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): num_a2d_norm = A2d.PowerMethod(A2d, max_iteration=100) diff = abs(approx_a2d_norm - num_a2d_norm) / max(approx_a2d_norm, num_a2d_norm) LOG.debug(f"ProjectionOperator approx norm: {diff=} {approx_a2d_norm=} {num_a2d_norm=}") if diff > 0.05: raise RuntimeError(f"Bad ProjectionOperator norm: {diff=} {approx_a2d_norm=} {num_a2d_norm=}\n") A2d.set_norm(approx_a2d_norm)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_data(sino: np.ndarray, ag: AcquisitionGeometry, recon_params: ReconstructionParameters, num_subsets: int) -> AcquisitionData: data = AcquisitionData(sino, deep_copy=False, geometry=ag, suppress_warning=True) if recon_params.stochastic: # split the data and put it in a BlockDataContainer # unfortunately now the data will be duplicated in memory data = data.partition(num_subsets, 'staggered') geo = [] for i in range(len(data)): data.get_item(i).reorder('astra') geo.append(data.get_item(i).geometry) # COMPAT - workaround for data.geometry = BlockGeometry(*geo) else: data.reorder('astra') return data
[docs] @staticmethod def find_cor(images: ImageStack, slice_idx: int, start_cor: float, recon_params: ReconstructionParameters) -> float: return tomopy.find_center(images.sinograms, images.projection_angles(recon_params.max_projection_angle).value, ind=slice_idx, init=start_cor, sinogram_order=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def single_sino(sino: np.ndarray, cor: ScalarCoR, proj_angles: ProjectionAngles, recon_params: ReconstructionParameters, progress: Optional[Progress] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Reconstruct a single slice from a single sinogram. Used for the preview and the single slice button. Should return a numpy array, """ num_iter = recon_params.num_iter num_subsets = ceil(sino.shape[0] / recon_params.projections_per_subset) if recon_params.stochastic: # The UI will pass the number of epochs in this case num_iter *= num_subsets if progress: progress.add_estimated_steps(num_iter + 1) progress.update(steps=1, msg='CIL: Setting up reconstruction', force_continue=False) if cil_mutex.locked(): LOG.warning("CIL recon already in progress") with cil_mutex: t0 = time.perf_counter() sino = BaseRecon.prepare_sinogram(sino, recon_params) pixel_num_h = sino.shape[1] pixel_size = 1. rot_pos_x = (cor.value - pixel_num_h / 2) * pixel_size ag = AcquisitionGeometry.create_Parallel2D(rotation_axis_position=[rot_pos_x, 0]) ag.set_panel(pixel_num_h, pixel_size=pixel_size) ag.set_labels(DataOrder.ASTRA_AG_LABELS) ag.set_angles(angles=proj_angles.value, angle_unit='radian') # let's create a CIL AcquisitionData or BlockDataContainer data = CILRecon.get_data(sino, ag, recon_params, num_subsets) ig = ag.get_ImageGeometry() K, F, G = CILRecon.set_up_TV_regularisation(ig, data, recon_params) max_iteration = 100000 # this should set to a sensible number as evaluating the objective is costly update_objective_interval = 10 if recon_params.stochastic: reg_percent = recon_params.regularisation_percent probs = [(1 - reg_percent / 100) / num_subsets] * num_subsets + [reg_percent / 100] algo = SPDHG(f=F, g=G, operator=K, prob=probs, max_iteration=max_iteration, update_objective_interval=update_objective_interval) else: normK = K.norm() sigma = 1 tau = 1 / (sigma * normK**2) algo = PDHG(f=F, g=G, operator=K, tau=tau, sigma=sigma, max_iteration=max_iteration, update_objective_interval=update_objective_interval) try: # this may be confusing for the user in case of SPDHG, because they will # input num_iter and they will run num_iter * num_subsets for iter in range(num_iter): if progress: progress.update(steps=1, msg=f'CIL: Iteration {iter + 1} of {num_iter}' f': Objective {algo.get_last_objective():.2f}', force_continue=False) finally: if progress: progress.mark_complete() t1 = time.perf_counter()"single_sino time: {t1-t0}s for shape {sino.shape}") return algo.solution.as_array()
[docs] @staticmethod def full(images: ImageStack, cors: List[ScalarCoR], recon_params: ReconstructionParameters, progress: Optional[Progress] = None) -> ImageStack: """ Performs a volume reconstruction using sample data provided as sinograms. :param images: Array of sinogram images :param cors: Array of centre of rotation values :param proj_angles: Array of projection angles in radians :param recon_params: Reconstruction Parameters :param progress: Optional progress reporter :return: 3D image data for reconstructed volume """ num_iter = recon_params.num_iter num_subsets = ceil(images.num_projections / recon_params.projections_per_subset) if recon_params.stochastic: # The UI will pass the number of epochs in this case num_iter *= num_subsets progress = Progress.ensure_instance(progress, task_name='CIL reconstruction', num_steps=num_iter + 1) shape = if images.is_sinograms: data_order = DataOrder.ASTRA_AG_LABELS pixel_num_h, pixel_num_v = shape[2], shape[0] else: data_order = DataOrder.TIGRE_AG_LABELS pixel_num_h, pixel_num_v = shape[2], shape[1] projection_size = full_size_KB(, images.dtype) recon_volume_shape = pixel_num_h, pixel_num_h, pixel_num_v recon_volume_size = full_size_KB(recon_volume_shape, images.dtype) if recon_params.stochastic: estimated_mem_required = 3 * projection_size + 14 * recon_volume_size else: estimated_mem_required = 5 * projection_size + 13 * recon_volume_size free_mem = system_free_memory().kb() if (estimated_mem_required > free_mem): estimate_gb = estimated_mem_required / 1024 / 1024 raise RuntimeError( "The machine does not have enough physical memory available to allocate space for this data." f" Estimated RAM needed is {estimate_gb:.2f} GB") if cil_mutex.locked(): LOG.warning("CIL recon already in progress") with cil_mutex: t0 = time.perf_counter()"Starting 3D PDHG-TV reconstruction: input shape {}" f"output shape {recon_volume_shape}\n" f"Num iter {recon_params.num_iter}, alpha {recon_params.alpha}, " f"Non-negative {recon_params.non_negative}," f"Stochastic {recon_params.stochastic}, subsets {num_subsets}") progress.update(steps=1, msg='CIL: Setting up reconstruction', force_continue=False) angles = images.projection_angles(recon_params.max_projection_angle).value pixel_size = 1. if recon_params.tilt is None: raise ValueError("recon_params.tilt is not set") rot_pos = [(cors[pixel_num_v // 2].value - pixel_num_h / 2) * pixel_size, 0, 0] slope = -np.tan(np.deg2rad(recon_params.tilt.value)) rot_angle = [slope, 0, 1] ag = AcquisitionGeometry.create_Parallel3D(rotation_axis_position=rot_pos, rotation_axis_direction=rot_angle) ag.set_panel([pixel_num_h, pixel_num_v], pixel_size=(pixel_size, pixel_size)) ag.set_angles(angles=angles, angle_unit='radian') ag.set_labels(data_order) data = CILRecon.get_data(BaseRecon.prepare_sinogram(, recon_params), ag, recon_params, num_subsets) ig = ag.get_ImageGeometry() K, F, G = CILRecon.set_up_TV_regularisation(ig, data, recon_params) max_iteration = 100000 # this should set to a sensible number as evaluating the objective is costly update_objective_interval = 10 if recon_params.stochastic: reg_percent = recon_params.regularisation_percent probs = [(1 - reg_percent / 100) / num_subsets] * num_subsets + [reg_percent / 100] algo = SPDHG(f=F, g=G, operator=K, prob=probs, max_iteration=max_iteration, update_objective_interval=update_objective_interval) else: normK = K.norm() sigma = 1 tau = 1 / (sigma * normK**2) algo = PDHG(f=F, g=G, operator=K, tau=tau, sigma=sigma, max_iteration=max_iteration, update_objective_interval=update_objective_interval) with progress: # this may be confusing for the user in case of SPDHG, because they will # input num_iter and they will run num_iter * num_subsets for iter in range(num_iter): if progress: progress.update(steps=1, msg=f'CIL: Iteration {iter + 1} of {num_iter}' f': Objective {algo.get_last_objective():.2f}', force_continue=False) volume = algo.solution.as_array()'Reconstructed 3D volume with shape: {0}'.format(volume.shape)) t1 = time.perf_counter()"full reconstruction time: {t1-t0}s for shape {}") return ImageStack(volume)
[docs] def allowed_recon_kwargs() -> dict[str, list[str]]: return { 'CIL: PDHG-TV': ['alpha', 'num_iter', 'non_negative', 'stochastic', 'projections_per_subset', 'regularisation_percent'] }