Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2024 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import annotations

import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from pathlib import Path
from logging import getLogger
from PyQt5.QtCore import QFileSystemWatcher, QObject, pyqtSignal

    from os import stat_result
    from import LiveViewerWindowPresenter

LOG = getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Image_Data: """ Image Data Class to store represent image data. ... Attributes ---------- image_path : Path path to image file image_name : str name of image file image_size : int size of image file image_modified_time : float last modified time of image file """ def __init__(self, image_path: Path): """ Constructor for Image_Data class. Parameters ---------- image_path : str path to image file """ self.image_path = image_path self.image_name = self._stat = image_path.stat() @property def stat(self) -> stat_result: return self._stat @property def image_modified_time(self) -> float: """Return the image modified time""" return self._stat.st_mtime
[docs] class SubDirectory: def __init__(self, path: Path) -> None: self.path = path self._stat = path.stat() self.mtime = self._stat.st_mtime @property def modification_time(self) -> float: return self.mtime
[docs] class LiveViewerWindowModel: """ The model for the spectrum viewer window. ... Attributes ---------- presenter : LiveViewerWindowPresenter presenter for the spectrum viewer window path : Path path to dataset images : list list of images in directory """ def __init__(self, presenter: 'LiveViewerWindowPresenter'): """ Constructor for LiveViewerWindowModel class. Parameters ---------- presenter : LiveViewerWindowPresenter presenter for the spectrum viewer window """ self.presenter = presenter self._dataset_path: Path | None = None self.image_watcher: ImageWatcher | None = None self.images: list[Image_Data] = [] @property def path(self) -> Path | None: return self._dataset_path @path.setter def path(self, path: Path) -> None: self._dataset_path = path self.image_watcher = ImageWatcher(path) self.image_watcher.image_changed.connect(self._handle_image_changed_in_list) self.image_watcher.recent_image_changed.connect(self.handle_image_modified) self.image_watcher._handle_directory_change(str(path)) def _handle_image_changed_in_list(self, image_files: list[Image_Data]) -> None: """ Handle an image changed event. Update the image in the view. This method is called when the image_watcher detects a change which could be a new image, edited image or deleted image. :param image_files: list of image files """ self.images = image_files self.presenter.update_image_list(image_files)
[docs] def handle_image_modified(self, image_path: Path): self.presenter.update_image_modified(image_path)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close the model.""" if self.image_watcher: self.image_watcher.remove_path() self.image_watcher = None self.presenter = None # type: ignore # Model instance to be destroyed -type can be inconsistent
[docs] class ImageWatcher(QObject): """ A class to watch a directory for new images. ... Attributes ---------- directory : Path path to directory to watch watcher : QFileSystemWatcher file system watcher to watch directory image_changed : pyqtSignal signal emitted when an image is added or removed Methods ------- find_images() Find all the images in the directory sort_images_by_modified_time(images) Sort the images by modified time. """ image_changed = pyqtSignal(list) # Signal emitted when an image is added or removed recent_image_changed = pyqtSignal(Path) def __init__(self, directory: Path): """ Constructor for ImageWatcher class which inherits from QObject. Parameters ---------- directory : Path path to directory to watch """ super().__init__() = directory self.watcher = QFileSystemWatcher() self.watcher.directoryChanged.connect(self._handle_directory_change) self.recent_file_watcher = QFileSystemWatcher() self.recent_file_watcher.fileChanged.connect(self.handle_image_modified) self.sub_directories: dict[Path, SubDirectory] = {} self.add_sub_directory(SubDirectory(
[docs] def find_images(self, directory: Path) -> list[Image_Data]: """ Find all the images in the directory. """ image_files = [] for file_path in directory.iterdir(): if self._is_image_file( try: image_obj = Image_Data(file_path) image_files.append(image_obj) except FileNotFoundError: continue return image_files
[docs] def find_sub_directories(self, directory: Path) -> None: # COMPAT python < 3.12 - Can replace with Path.walk() try: for filename in directory.glob("**/*"): if filename.is_dir(): self.add_sub_directory(SubDirectory(filename)) except FileNotFoundError: pass
[docs] def sort_sub_directory_by_modified_time(self) -> None: self.sub_directories = dict( sorted(self.sub_directories.items(), key=lambda p: p[1].modification_time, reverse=True))
[docs] @staticmethod def sort_images_by_modified_time(images: list[Image_Data]) -> list[Image_Data]: """ Sort the images by modified time. :param images: list of image objects to sort by modified time :return: sorted list of images """ return sorted(images, key=lambda x: x.image_modified_time)
def _handle_directory_change(self, directory: str) -> None: """ Handle a directory change event. Update the list of images to reflect directory changes and emit the image_changed signal with the sorted image list. :param directory: directory that has changed """ directory_path = Path(directory) # Force the modification time of signal directory, because file changes may not update # parent dir mtime if directory_path.exists(): this_dir = SubDirectory(directory_path) this_dir.mtime = time.time() self.add_sub_directory(this_dir) self.clear_deleted_sub_directories(directory_path) self.find_sub_directories(directory_path) self.sort_sub_directory_by_modified_time() for newest_directory in self.sub_directories.values(): try: images = self.find_images(newest_directory.path) except FileNotFoundError: images = [] if len(images) > 0: break images = self.sort_images_by_modified_time(images) self.update_recent_watcher(images[-1:]) self.image_changed.emit(images) @staticmethod def _is_image_file(file_name: str) -> bool: """ Check if a file is an tiff or tif image file. :param file_name: name of file :return: True if file is an image file """ image_extensions = ('tif', 'tiff', 'fits') return file_name.rpartition(".")[2].lower() in image_extensions
[docs] def remove_path(self): """ Remove the currently set path """ self.watcher.removePaths([str(path) for path in self.sub_directories.keys()]) self.recent_file_watcher.removePaths(self.recent_file_watcher.files()) assert len(self.watcher.files()) == 0 assert len(self.watcher.directories()) == 0 assert len(self.recent_file_watcher.files()) == 0 assert len(self.recent_file_watcher.directories()) == 0
[docs] def update_recent_watcher(self, images: list[Image_Data]) -> None: self.recent_file_watcher.removePaths(self.recent_file_watcher.files()) self.recent_file_watcher.addPaths([str(image.image_path) for image in images])
[docs] def handle_image_modified(self, file_path): self.recent_image_changed.emit(Path(file_path))
[docs] def add_sub_directory(self, sub_dir: SubDirectory): if sub_dir.path not in self.sub_directories: self.watcher.addPath(str(sub_dir.path)) self.sub_directories[sub_dir.path] = sub_dir
[docs] def remove_sub_directory(self, sub_dir: Path): if sub_dir in self.sub_directories: self.watcher.removePath(str(sub_dir)) del self.sub_directories[sub_dir]
[docs] def clear_deleted_sub_directories(self, directory: Path): for sub_dir in list(self.sub_directories): if sub_dir.is_relative_to(directory) and not sub_dir.exists(): self.remove_sub_directory(sub_dir)