
class CorTiltPointQtModel)[source]

Bases: object

auto_find_correlation(progress: Progress) Tuple[ScalarCoR, Degrees][source]
auto_find_minimisation_sqsum(slices: List[int], recon_params: ReconstructionParameters, initial_cor: List[float], progress: Progress) List[float][source]
  • slices – Slice indices to be reconstructed

  • recon_params – Reconstruction parameters

  • initial_cor – Initial COR for the slices. Will be used as the start for the minimisation. If a float is passed it will be used for all slices. If a list is passed, the COR will be retrieved for each slice.

  • progress – Progress reporter

property cors: ndarray
do_fit() bool[source]
find_initial_cor() Tuple[int, ScalarCoR][source]
static get_allowed_filters(alg_name: str) list[source]
get_cor_for_slice_from_regression() ScalarCoR[source]
get_me_a_cor(cor: ScalarCoR | None = None) ScalarCoR[source]
get_results() Tuple[ScalarCoR, Degrees, Slope][source]
get_slice_indices(num_cors: int) Tuple[int, ndarray | Tuple[ndarray, float | None]][source]
property has_results: bool
property images
initial_select_data(images: ImageStack | None)[source]
is_current_stack(uuid: uuid.UUID) bool[source]
property last_cor: ScalarCoR
static load_allowed_recon_kwargs() dict[str, Any][source]
property num_points: int
property preview_projection_idx: int
property preview_slice_idx: int
static proj_180_degree_shape_matches_images(images)[source]
reset_cor_model() None[source]
reset_selected_row() None[source]
run_full_recon(recon_params: ReconstructionParameters, progress: Progress) ImageStack | None[source]
run_preview_recon(slice_idx: int, cor: ScalarCoR, recon_params: ReconstructionParameters, progress: Progress | None = None) ImageStack | None[source]
property selected_row: int
set_precalculated(cor: ScalarCoR, tilt: Degrees) None[source]
property slices: ndarray
stack_contains_nans() bool[source]
stack_contains_negative_values() bool[source]
stack_contains_zeroes() bool[source]
property stack_id
property tilt_angle: Degrees | None