Getting Started#

You will need conda/mamba and CUDA installed, see the Installation instructions. If you are a Linux user, you will also need to complete step 6 of the installation instructions.

Note that the Python commands given below are for Linux only. To run the commands on Windows, replace python3 with python.

First download the Mantid Imaging source code using Git:

git clone

If you have a github account you can use ssh access (See Github docs for details):

git clone

To set up a developer environment, from with in the cloned directory run:

python3 ./ create_dev_env

This will create a conda environment containing all the packages needed to run and develop Mantid Imaging. The activate command will activate the environment.

Afterwards the environment can be activated by running:

mamba activate mantidimaging-dev

To check that the set up was successful, try running the tests from the source directory:

python3 -m pytest

Mantid Imaging can be run directly from the checked-out git directory:

python3 -m mantidimaging

or to run with additional diagnostics:

python3 -X faulthandler -m mantidimaging --log-level DEBUG