Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2022 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from typing import Tuple

from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QEventLoop
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QPushButton, QFileDialog, QLineEdit, QTreeWidget, QTreeWidgetItem, \
    QHeaderView, QCheckBox, QDialogButtonBox, QComboBox, QDoubleSpinBox, \
    QStackedWidget, QApplication, QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QLabel, QSpinBox

from mantidimaging.gui.utility import compile_ui
from import NexusLoadPresenter, Notification

NEXUS_FILTER = "NeXus (*.nxs *.hd5)"

FOUND_TEXT = {True: "✓", False: "✕"}


[docs] class NexusLoadDialog(QDialog): tree: QTreeWidget chooseFileButton: QPushButton filePathLineEdit: QLineEdit buttonBox: QDialogButtonBox pixelDepthComboBox: QComboBox pixelSizeSpinBox: QDoubleSpinBox stackedWidget: QStackedWidget previewPushButton: QStackedWidget allPushButton: QStackedWidget presenter: NexusLoadPresenter def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) compile_ui("gui/ui/nexus_load_dialog.ui", self) self.parent_view = parent self.presenter = NexusLoadPresenter(self) self.tree.expandItem(self.tree.topLevelItem(1)) self.checkboxes = dict() self.tree.header().setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.tree.header().setSectionResizeMode(2, QHeaderView.Stretch) self.chooseFileButton.clicked.connect(self.choose_nexus_file) self.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setEnabled(False) self.start_widget = QSpinBox() self.stop_widget = QSpinBox() self.step_widget = QSpinBox() self.start_widget.setMinimum(0) self.stop_widget.setMinimum(1) self.step_widget.setMinimum(1) self.increment_widget = QWidget() h_layout = QHBoxLayout() h_layout.addWidget(QLabel("Start")) h_layout.addWidget(self.start_widget) h_layout.addWidget(QLabel("Stop")) h_layout.addWidget(self.stop_widget) h_layout.addWidget(QLabel("Increment")) h_layout.addWidget(self.step_widget) self.increment_widget.setLayout(h_layout) self.increment_widget.setEnabled(False) section: QTreeWidgetItem = self.tree.topLevelItem(2) child = section.child(0).child(0) self.tree.setItemWidget(child, 2, self.increment_widget) self.tree.setItemWidget(child, 0, QLabel("Indices")) self.accepted.connect(self.parent_view.execute_nexus_load) self.previewPushButton.clicked.connect(self._set_preview_step) self.allPushButton.clicked.connect(self._set_all_step) self.n_proj = 0
[docs] def choose_nexus_file(self): """ Select a NeXus file and attempt to load it. If a file is chosen, clear the information/widgets from the QTreeWidget and enable the OK button. """ selected_file, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption=NEXUS_CAPTION, filter=f"{NEXUS_FILTER};;All (*.*)", initialFilter=NEXUS_FILTER) if selected_file: self.stackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(1) QApplication.instance().processEvents(QEventLoop.ProcessEventsFlag.AllEvents, 1) self.checkboxes.clear() self.clear_widgets() self.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setEnabled(True) self.filePathLineEdit.setText(selected_file) self.presenter.notify(Notification.NEXUS_FILE_SELECTED) self.stackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(0)
[docs] def clear_widgets(self): """ Remove text and checkbox widgets from the QTreeWidget when a new file has been selected. """ for position in range(2): section: QTreeWidgetItem = self.tree.topLevelItem(position) for column in TEXT_COLUMNS: section.setText(column, "") data_section: QTreeWidgetItem = self.tree.topLevelItem(2) for position in range(5): child = data_section.child(position) for column in TEXT_COLUMNS: child.setText(column, "") self.tree.removeItemWidget(child, CHECKBOX_COLUMN)
[docs] def set_data_found(self, position: int, found: bool, path: str, shape: Tuple[int, ...]): """ Indicate on the QTreeWidget if the image key and data fields have been found or not. :param position: The row position for the data. :param found: Whether or not the data has been found. :param path: The data path in the NeXus file. :param shape: The shape of the data/image key array. """ data_section: QTreeWidgetItem = self.tree.topLevelItem(position) self.set_found_status(data_section, found) # Nothing else to do if the data wasn't found if not found: return # Add the path and array shape information to the QTreeWidget data_section.setText(PATH_COLUMN, path) data_section.setText(SHAPE_COLUMN, str(shape))
[docs] def set_images_found(self, position: int, found: bool, shape: Tuple[int, int, int]): """ Indicate on the QTreeWidget if the projections and dark/flat before/after images were found in the data array. :param position: The row position for the image type. :param found: Whether or not the images were found. :param shape: The shape of the images array. """ section: QTreeWidgetItem = self.tree.topLevelItem(2) child = section.child(position) self.set_found_status(child, found) # Nothing else to do if the images weren't found if not found: return # Set shape information and add a "Use?" checkbox child.setText(SHAPE_COLUMN, str(shape)) checkbox = QCheckBox() checkbox.setChecked(True) if not position: checkbox.setEnabled(False) self.tree.setItemWidget(child, CHECKBOX_COLUMN, checkbox) self.checkboxes[child.text(0)] = checkbox
[docs] def set_projections_increment(self, n_proj: int): """ Set the properties of the indices spin boxes. :param n_proj: The number of projections that have been found in the NeXus file. """ self.n_proj = n_proj self.tree.topLevelItem(2).child(0).setExpanded(True) self.stop_widget.setMaximum(n_proj) self.stop_widget.setValue(n_proj) self.step_widget.setMaximum(n_proj) self.increment_widget.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def show_exception(self, msg: str, traceback): """ Show an error about an exception. :param msg: The error message. :param traceback: The traceback. """ self.parent_view.presenter.show_error(msg, traceback)
[docs] def show_data_error(self, msg: str): """ Show an error about missing required data or an unreadable file. :param msg: The error message. """ self.parent_view.show_error_dialog(msg)
[docs] def disable_ok_button(self): """ Disable the OK button when the NeXus file isn't usable. """ self.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setEnabled(False)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_found_status(tree_widget_item: QTreeWidgetItem, found: bool): """ Adds a tick or cross to the found column in the QTreeWidget to indicate if certain data could be found in the NeXus file. :param tree_widget_item: The QTreeWidgetItem that contains a found column. :param found: Whether or not the data was found. """ tree_widget_item.setText(FOUND_COLUMN, FOUND_TEXT[found]) tree_widget_item.setTextAlignment(FOUND_COLUMN, Qt.AlignHCenter)
def _set_preview_step(self): """ Set the spin boxes to load a preview of the projections. """ self.start_widget.setValue(0) self.stop_widget.setValue(self.n_proj) self.step_widget.setValue(self.n_proj // 10) def _set_all_step(self): """ Set the spin boxes to load all the projections. """ self.start_widget.setValue(0) self.stop_widget.setValue(self.n_proj) self.step_widget.setValue(1)