Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2022 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from logging import getLogger
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from import ImageStack
from mantidimaging.core.operation_history import const
from mantidimaging.core.operations.divide import DivideFilter
from mantidimaging.core.reconstruct import get_reconstructor_for
from mantidimaging.core.reconstruct.astra_recon import allowed_recon_kwargs as astra_allowed_kwargs
from mantidimaging.core.reconstruct.tomopy_recon import allowed_recon_kwargs as tomopy_allowed_kwargs
from mantidimaging.core.reconstruct.cil_recon import allowed_recon_kwargs as cil_allowed_kwargs
from mantidimaging.core.rotation.polyfit_correlation import find_center
from mantidimaging.core.utility.cuda_check import CudaChecker
from mantidimaging.core.utility.data_containers import (Degrees, ReconstructionParameters, ScalarCoR, Slope)
from mantidimaging.core.utility.progress_reporting import Progress
from import CorTiltPointQtModel

    import uuid

LOG = getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ReconstructWindowModel(object): def __init__(self, data_model: CorTiltPointQtModel): self._images: Optional[ImageStack] = None self._preview_projection_idx = 0 self._preview_slice_idx = 0 self._selected_row = 0 self.data_model = data_model self._last_result = None self._last_cor = ScalarCoR(0.0) @property def last_result(self): return self._last_result @last_result.setter def last_result(self, value): self._last_result = value @property def selected_row(self): return self._selected_row @selected_row.setter def selected_row(self, value): self._selected_row = value @property def preview_projection_idx(self): return self._preview_projection_idx @preview_projection_idx.setter def preview_projection_idx(self, value: int): self._preview_projection_idx = value @property def preview_slice_idx(self): return self._preview_slice_idx @preview_slice_idx.setter def preview_slice_idx(self, value: int): self._preview_slice_idx = value @property def last_cor(self): return self._last_cor @last_cor.setter def last_cor(self, value): self._last_cor = value @property def has_results(self): return self.data_model.has_results
[docs] def get_results(self) -> Tuple[ScalarCoR, Degrees, Slope]: return self.data_model.cor, self.data_model.angle_in_degrees, self.data_model.gradient
@property def images(self): return self._images @property def num_points(self): return self.data_model.num_points
[docs] def initial_select_data(self, images: 'ImageStack'): self._images = images self.reset_cor_model()
[docs] def reset_cor_model(self): self.data_model.clear_results() slice_idx, cor = self.find_initial_cor() self.last_cor = cor self.preview_projection_idx = 0 self.preview_slice_idx = slice_idx
[docs] def find_initial_cor(self) -> Tuple[int, ScalarCoR]: if self.images is None: return 0, ScalarCoR(0) first_slice_to_recon = self.images.height // 2 cor = ScalarCoR(self.images.h_middle) return first_slice_to_recon, cor
[docs] def do_fit(self): # Ensure we have some sample data if self.images is None: raise ValueError('No image stack is provided') self.data_model.linear_regression() self.images.record_operation(const.OPERATION_NAME_COR_TILT_FINDING, display_name="Calculated COR/Tilt", **self.data_model.stack_properties) # Cache last result self.last_result = self.data_model.stack_properties # Async task needs a non-None result of some sort return True
[docs] def run_preview_recon(self, slice_idx: int, cor: ScalarCoR, recon_params: ReconstructionParameters, progress: Progress = None) -> Optional[ImageStack]: # Ensure we have some sample data images = self.images if images is None: return None # Perform single slice reconstruction reconstructor = get_reconstructor_for(recon_params.algorithm) output_shape = (1, images.width, images.width) recon: ImageStack = ImageStack.create_empty_image_stack(output_shape, images.dtype, images.metadata)[0] = reconstructor.single_sino(images.sino(slice_idx), cor, images.projection_angles(recon_params.max_projection_angle), recon_params, progress=progress) recon = self._apply_pixel_size(recon, recon_params) return recon
[docs] def run_full_recon(self, recon_params: ReconstructionParameters, progress: Progress) -> Optional[ImageStack]: # Ensure we have some sample data images = self.images if images is None: return None reconstructor = get_reconstructor_for(recon_params.algorithm) # get the image height based on the current ROI recon = reconstructor.full(images, self.data_model.get_all_cors_from_regression(images.height), recon_params, progress) recon = self._apply_pixel_size(recon, recon_params, progress) return recon
@staticmethod def _apply_pixel_size(recon, recon_params: ReconstructionParameters, progress=None): if recon_params.pixel_size > 0.: recon = DivideFilter.filter_func(recon, value=recon_params.pixel_size, unit="micron", progress=progress) # update the reconstructed stack pixel size with the value actually used for division recon.pixel_size = recon_params.pixel_size recon.record_operation(DivideFilter.__name__, DivideFilter.filter_name, value=recon_params.pixel_size, unit="micron") return recon @property def tilt_angle(self) -> Optional[Degrees]: if self.data_model.has_results: return self.data_model.angle_in_degrees else: return None @property def cors(self): return self.data_model.cors @property def slices(self): return self.data_model.slices
[docs] @staticmethod def load_allowed_recon_kwargs(): d = tomopy_allowed_kwargs() if CudaChecker().cuda_is_present(): d.update(astra_allowed_kwargs()) d.update(cil_allowed_kwargs()) return d
[docs] @staticmethod def get_allowed_filters(alg_name: str): reconstructor = get_reconstructor_for(alg_name) return reconstructor.allowed_filters()
[docs] def get_me_a_cor(self, cor: Optional[ScalarCoR] = None): if cor is not None: # a rotation has been passed in! return cor if self.has_results: cor = self.get_cor_for_slice_from_regression() else: # otherwise just use the last cached CoR cor = self.last_cor return cor
[docs] def get_cor_for_slice_from_regression(self) -> ScalarCoR: return ScalarCoR(self.data_model.get_cor_from_regression(self.preview_slice_idx))
[docs] def reset_selected_row(self): self.selected_row = 0
[docs] def set_precalculated(self, cor: ScalarCoR, tilt: Degrees): self.data_model.set_precalculated(cor, tilt) self.last_result = self.data_model.stack_properties
[docs] def is_current_stack(self, uuid: "uuid.UUID"): return self.stack_id == uuid
[docs] def get_slice_indices(self, num_cors: int) -> Tuple[int, Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[float]]]]: # used to crop off 20% off the top and bottom, which is usually noise/empty remove_a_bit = self.images.height * 0.2 slices = np.linspace(remove_a_bit, self.images.height - remove_a_bit, num=num_cors, dtype=np.int32) return self.selected_row, slices
[docs] def auto_find_minimisation_sqsum(self, slices: List[int], recon_params: ReconstructionParameters, initial_cor: Union[float, List[float]], progress: Progress) -> List[float]: """ :param slices: Slice indices to be reconstructed :param recon_params: Reconstruction parameters :param initial_cor: Initial COR for the slices. Will be used as the start for the minimisation. If a float is passed it will be used for all slices. If a list is passed, the COR will be retrieved for each slice. :param progress: Progress reporter """ # Ensure we have some sample data if self.images is None: return [0.0] if isinstance(initial_cor, list): assert len(slices) == len(initial_cor), "A COR for each slice index being reconstructed must be provided" else: # why be efficient when you can be lazy? initial_cor = [initial_cor] * len(slices) reconstructor = get_reconstructor_for(recon_params.algorithm) progress = Progress.ensure_instance(progress, num_steps=len(slices)) progress.update(0, msg=f"Calculating COR for slice {slices[0]}") cors = [] for idx, slice in enumerate(slices): cor = reconstructor.find_cor(self.images, slice, initial_cor[idx], recon_params) cors.append(cor) progress.update(msg=f"Calculating COR for slice {slice}") return cors
[docs] def auto_find_correlation(self, progress: Progress) -> Tuple[ScalarCoR, Degrees]: return find_center(self.images, progress)
[docs] @staticmethod def proj_180_degree_shape_matches_images(images): return images.has_proj180deg() and images.height == images.proj180deg.height \ and images.width == images.proj180deg.width
[docs] def stack_contains_nans(self) -> bool: return np.any(np.isnan(
[docs] def stack_contains_zeroes(self) -> bool: return not np.all(
[docs] def stack_contains_negative_values(self) -> bool: return np.any( < 0)
@property def stack_id(self): if self.images is not None: return return None